Is K-On a masterpiece?

Is K-On a masterpiece?

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Without a doubt




Of course


Is that even a question?


a masterpiece of shit.

Is it bad that I want to fug Ms. Yamanaka?

Kyoani think they're slick

Why is Ritsu so perfect lads?


post forehead.

All k-ons are perfect.

Because all Keions are perfect goddesses

There's only 4 real K-On's.
Anyone who says otherwise is a poser.
ANd Mugi's the biggest and THE STRONKEST

All keions are perfect but some are more perfect than others


No. In fact, it is very good.

Love Live is better


You're right. Ritsu, Mio, Mugi and Ton-chan are the real keions.

Say that again, I dare you.

I'd Love if you ended your Live.


There's still hope for Sup Forums.

Not when there are retards like you around.


>greatest cute girls anime ever
>directed by a cute girl
its like poetry

It was okay

because hse's my wife.


I think it'll be looked back upon as a classic for sure.

A masterpiece of shit perhaps

I can't no more. this makes no sense



No, but Oreimo is.

My wife Mugi is so cute.

Hi Tyrone.

Are you saying I'm Irish?

Nah. Ireland is Mio territory with some Ritsu fags making up a sizable minority. Mugi is more popular in Africa and other places with similar genetics.



Factually yes


Anyone else get genuinely pissed off when they blatantly avoid animating any of them actually playing their instruments?

Hard to say they avoided it when the whole show is rather lavishly well-animated. More of a directorial choice.

the fuck are you talking about?

It's really obvious at certain points. I'm only ten episodes in but nearly every time they've started playing thus far it cuts to either a character watching, a shot of them from behind, or a pillow shot of the school or something similar.
I should've clarified that I'm only ten episodes in and this is my impression thus far.

Side business?

No, but the Les Paul is.

masterpiece sequence

According to my vast expérience of Littérature Française I can tell k-on is a masterpiece.

Right, it's not so much that they're avoiding animating it, rather choosing to make those sequences more meaningful. Like, seeing animated performances is cool and all (and they DO exist in the show), but the emotional connection they build with the environment instead has greater payoff, I feel.

>Audience: Girls 6-12 years
When I watch K-On, I truly feel that I have finally become the little girl.

Keion is dabes

>missing the joke

I mean, it's a seinen but there's almost nothing that would be objectionable for an elementary school girl to see.

Azusa is my wife!

Yeah, I mean it would take a massive amount of effort to animate them playing every time. It's especially obvious in the first season before the show became a hit, they do a bit more in the second season, I assume they had a bigger staff/budget

The production values have obvious jumps, between the first and second halves of Season 1, then another with the bonus winter episode of Season 1.

K-On is a solid 6/10.

>K-ON! thread without ERPing
Come on now

You got your 9 upside down

umm no sweetie

Our wives are such good friends!

>I should've clarified that I'm only ten episodes in and this is my impression thus far.
Don't worry, my dude. The second season has much better production value and is more charming and funny too

Explain to me why K-on is so great

ThereThere are cute girls
They do cute things

My dick is da real masterpiece

How long can you last? I closed it immediately after hearing his voice. I don't want this juden to taint my view of K-on.

Is he really jew or? Because I like a lot his video. As a nazi it would disgust me.

>umm no sweetie
what the fuck is this some kind of meme?

The only off-putting part is how much he sucks as Kirby.


No? It was kinda boring desu.

There was a video with the k-on images but it was deleted, and yeah, he sucks at kirby.

I hope you get hit by a bus.

It just does everything a show can do, really well. It's smartly written, funny, the characters are well-developed and it's as satisfying as it is emotionally moving. The level of animation is astounding for a TV show and production quality is through the roof. It's a landmark series in a lot of ways, in the same way that something like Heidi was in the 70s.

>That Sawako

Is Tamako Market a masterpiece?

As much as I hate that faggot's voice, I agree with a lot of what he has to say



>Good visuals
>Simple but charming story line ( and plausible )
>Subtle but real character development
>Loved by people who don't even like anime

People who hate K-ON are disgusting, sweaty, tasteless, functional retards weebs

K-ON is the best anime of the century, we will be fucking blessed to have a new anime in our lifetime to surpass the greatness of K-ON

Azusa is lurebait for brainless lolicons

Core 4 is God tier

Am I the only one who doesn't get the appeal in Ritsu? I know taste is subjective and all that shit but still

Budget Mugi will always be my girl anyways

Azusa is the best k-on. people who dislike Azusa, are braindead neanderthals with no conceivable taste

why are they fat

How much of a manlet are you, for these girls be ''2big4u''

They avoid animating them playing their instruments because for the most part, the girls avoid practicing and just fuck around instead. The animation really shines through in their performances though, especially in the second season.

S3 when

Don't cry Mio

>budget Mugi
>Mio leaves the band
Would you really want it?

They don't get boyfriends.

>following the manga
KyoAni's own choices and decisions made K-on great

>Budget Mugi
Shes a fusion between MioxMugi, the best possible girl science can make

Male characters sufffer from shitty writing, because most of them are just self-insertion garbage but they don't have good looks to compesate

Yan from Love Lab is the boyfriend of Maki, and Yan is fucking god tier

Mio, Ritsu and Mugi seem like bi at least

>Mio leaves the band
Why? the whole concept would be the core 4 going to college together, so the band/friendship could live on

I am one of those people ''don't touch masterpieces'' but if anything we would just ignore if it were shit