Why are template thread allowed?
Why are generals allowed?
Why are template thread allowed?
Why are generals allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Generals were banned until we got newfag mods. The new bump limit and catalog didn't help. Template threads have always been a part of Sup Forums though, as shitty as most of them are.
Stop making this meta thread over and over. It was amusing the first two times, it doesn't need to be a daily occurrence. Yes, Sup Forums is full of garbage threads, but just because other people are pissing in the pool doesn't mean you should too.
SnK threads are the new naruto threads. They're on the same level.
Because an agreement can't be made..
Is this worth watching?
Just let that cancer contained. Though I prefer it getting moved to
Stop remaking this thread.
At least SnK is a currently airing anime, when are the kememe friends generals going to get banned?
When they stop being anime and manga related
Hiromoot just needs to make a general board for generals.
It's not like the people posting in those threads even interact with the board they're posting on.
go away
Because the OP of those thread are your typical attention whore from tumblr, that's why.
>hurr durr ban generals (i.e. anime I don't like)
Neck yourselves cancer.
It needs to be made until mods solve the problem.
Hope you checked those threads first and see what's cancer.
This. Sup Forums is dead and shit but I still want to discuss some of my favorite shows anonymously. /ag/ now!
Please stop watching shitty anime.
>page 6
>new thread
This makes me the most mad honestly.
why don't make interesting threads worth posting huh
Why so user? OP needs to hurry it up before someone steals the spotlight with their own MEMES
You really hate SnK that much huh, OP?
Filter Re:Zero, Shinjeki no Kyojin/AoT, and Youjo Senki and you're good to go
Since this is a meta thread, when the FUCK will /qa/ come back?
I CAN'T BELIEVE there's no meta board anymore, there were so many things I wanted to ask but always forgot to, not to mention I got unfairly banned from Sup Forums recently and I couldn't even bitch or ask for explanation about it!
Those threads were cancerous holy shit. Full of /u/ shipping garbage and fujos.
I support him making this thread every fucking day until something is done about it. I'm sick of having 40+ threads being hidden 24/7 because they're generals and shitting up Sup Forums.
Whatever makes you believe the newfag mods and jap jew give a shit about the quality of the site?
If they're hidden, why do you care? Are you worried you're going to run out of things to read?
You should probably go to the IRC and speak with the mods personally. Making these threads over and over again is more of a detriment, than anything else. At some point these will just turn into the same template threads that just shit up the board even further.
The last two times this dumb meta thread shit happened nothing came of it, and when Hiro personally intervened on /qa/ and mandated that stupid "one meta thread per board" nonsense, none of the staff did anything to rectify any of the concerns that were raised.
Never, because it's not like they actually read it. And 90% of the threads regarding Sup Forums were people complaining about perceived "elitism" aka complaining about not getting spoonfed or having their rec threads deleted or some other nonsense that occurred because of their inability to lurk.
I fucking hate this meme so much. Nothing gets contained, it's a shitty excuse to let cancer grow alone.
he's sad he can't meme with Sup Forums any anymore like the good old days
Not /ag/, just turn /vg/ into /gg/ and throw every shitty circlejerk general in this site there. Then wait a month or two and permaban everyone there.
Would be pretty hard to contain that shit right now when their show is airing.
I just hope they'll be cleaned up at the end of the season.
>If they're hidden, why do you care?
Because there is limited amount of space, you fucking retard.
Also because it attracts people like you.
space for what? dead boring threads?
48 IPs in the filled general.
That's not how this works. Lurk more.
Hopefully never. For every good suggestion you get 300 people trying to turn this website into Facebook.
So what if there's only a limited amount? There always will be to some degree, and if these threads are banned I guarantee others will show up that encroach on your precious space.
If you don't like what you see there, make your own thread. If you're seriously finding there's so little room on the board that your threads can't survive they were probably shit to begin with.
Could save us all time if you were just honest.
I don't even use those threads you fucking mong; I just honestly don't give a shit. You're not even trying to argue now.
nice argument and projection
>go to re;zero thread by mistake because it has a cute OP pic
>They're literally discussing reddit and people unironically say they're from reddit no problem
They can't keep getting away with it!.
Before "generals" they were just constant chained threads. It's the same shit.
Re:Zero is LNshit, and LNshit threads are always full of cancerous SEAfags who can't speak proper English and are literally only on Sup Forums for those threads.
We are all from reddit, we might was well admit it for once.
There's not much point in having a place to ask questions when you never got any answers.
People will defend this.
People will actually believe this.
Will we have a thread about this every day from now on until either generals get banned or Sup Forums dies?
>everybody is exactly like me
No user, they are not.
Nah mods can just ban OP and everyone in this thread and it will stop.
Please delete yourself from Sup Forums.
Similar deal with jojo and tumblr.
Sup Forums isn't the center of Sup Forums anymore who cares
make your own website or something
That will probably happen, I got banned for a thread like this earlier, too. Sup Forums is dead
>Sup Forums is dead
>because metathreads get banned
Are you being ironic?
>I got unfairly banned from Sup Forums recently and I couldn't even bitch or ask for explanation about it!
Same here.
Does anyone know why this post got me banned? Yeah I know, Discord = normalfags reee, but I was only suggesting an easier way to communicate.
But shitty CG memes aren't anime.
for you
Which is why Ai threads get banned, yes.
So, what exactly IS a good thread?
Oh wow, they're really doing it
There's a reason we call it Reddit: Zero.
Also this.
You need to just kill yourself.
Because Sadpanda threads died for your sins.
Cancer being cancer, what else is new
A mod didn't like your post. That's pretty much it really. I've been banned a couple of times for criticizing mods. They don't need a reason.
Fuck you I was here before Reddit existed.
That actually made me throw up in my mouth.
Good, maybe it'll get their threads mass reported.
If you want the Sadpanda-thread experience just check out this faithful reconstruction by google:
>I-If I call it a m-meme enough times, th-then my argument is m-meaningful!!1!11!!!
It's probably dead. I'm not sure what made mods freeze the board at that particular time, it's possibly due to all the /mlpol/ spam that has gone out of control, but there's always been a constant barrage of global rule 15 related threads there, not to mention re-occuring spammers like asukaspammer/easter, so I wouldn't be suprised if it was due to something else.
>implying those aren't your psots
Just a quick reminder to everybody.
The sure way to force the mods to act is to report as ILLEGAL.
If you report as ILLEGAL the mods will do something. Beware that that something might likely be (perma)banning you.
Last thing this post itself doesn't break any rule (so doesn't the thread, since one metathread per board is allowed).
Thanks for reading.
I recently got warned because I told a shitposter to go back to re ddit
I also just now got warned that this very post might be spam and had to reword.
>Does anyone know why this post got me banned?
What was the ban-reason? Maybe you're an evil ban-evader that got caught!
This is the level of cancer we're dealing with here
>Kemefag shitposting like an absolute retard
What a shocking turn of events.
>Lets ban discussion of a show because there's a thread about it always up, even though it doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form ever
OP is retarded, what an unexpected twist of events.
First Sup Forums rule.
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
just make /ag/ or something
Again, it's just one fag trying to stir up shit.
this is a shitposting thread
i hope the mods auto sage this shit too like previous meta threads
Try again, user. You're projections don't meet up with reality.
The battle against general threads was lost years ago, the catalog killed any chance of that.
I wish generals were deleted. I can't discuss Jojo because the threads are cancerous shitholes. I remember the Danganronpa threads seasons ago quickly becoming shitty generals, the same happened with LWA.
I wouldn't mind daily threads of popular anime, but having a thread up 24/7 is unnecessary.
The problem with "generals" is that they attract so much newfaggotry and cancer who don't know how to interact with people on Sup Forums.
Take a look at the Yuri on Ice threads. They attracted a lot of new people who were quick to dismiss any criticism of Yuri on Ice as "baiting" or being homophobic (even when no one is saying anything homophobic) and whenever this criticism showed up you'd have people panicking and saying to ignore the trolls. These generals are echo chambers and if you don't fit into the hivemind then you just get shitposted to death. I joined the Yuri on Ice discord and there were plenty of people there talking about how "they never used Sup Forums before" and only went there for Yuri on Ice, that they weren't even anime fans (the only anime anyone wanted to talk about other than YoI was fucking Shingeki no Bahamut), and there were even underage people there.
Generals are a recipe for disaster.
DJT will have its revenge, mark my words.
>Shitposting newfag gets scared that his kin are being called out and wants the thread shut down so he can go back to ruining Sup Forums.
If it doesn't affect you, why do you even care? The threads are garbage but it can't be helped. Unless you want to stop people from talking about Shingeki no Kyojin entirely, which in that case you're actually fucking autistic if you think nobody should be able to talk about something you don't like.
>The threads are garbage but it can't be helped.
Sure it can. They can be deleted.
I missed what happened to it. It got banned?
kana captcha fucking when
nice projection
Yeah, pretty much all generals got purged some months ago.
Which makes it a bit strange that some other garbage gets tolerated.