Why do republicans love one but hate the other?

Why do republicans love one but hate the other?

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...and vice versa

One is the son of god, the other a commie.

Saunders is a jew and he is against white americans...

Can you feel the heart-burn ?
I do when I look at his monkey face.

Get this shitty bait thread outta here.

>2. Jewish
lol okay fag
Mary isn't Jesus' mother


Bernie is a Satanic Tamunidist
Also Jesus was not a socialist




Since Jesus always preached the word of the Lord...the 8th commandment, Thou shall not steal, defies your claim. Jesus loathed the evil intent of taxes.

Nice try though.

Let me think.
Oh right, Jesus wasn't a Socialist, and Bernie Sanders is a rat-faced kike who objectively supported regime change in Iraq and is therefore responsible for the murder of one million children.

End of discussion. If you support Bernie Sanders you're a childkiller. Period.

>Leftists have no culture
>Leftists deny facts

Okay lol.

One is the son of God, just because a lot of Jews said it.

Came here for this

Jesus doesn't force you to do anything.


He hasn't advocated taking property away from people. Know Your Political Systems.

>money isn't property

Daily reminder that Occupy democrats is Always fake news politifact.com/personalities/occupy-democrats/

Jesus is not a socialist! He does not teach to handyour money over to a massive government so they can spend it how they want. That’s irresponsible. An individual is supposed to take it upon himself to help others, willingly. Not through a corrupt government.

>Jesus was a carpenter.

Citation needed

Stay on topic retard, you said Jesus was a socialist. I B you TFO by stating how taxes are theft....you present an image about news.

You make the case, and support the fact that lefties are much more likely to be mentally ill, than right-wingers.

You thread is over now.

>Why do republicans love one but hate the other?

Because one of those 'socialists' owns 3 mansions, including one on a lake.

>Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

>corrupt government.

yes, that is why "small govt" states like west virginia, kansas, mississipii and kentucky are doing so well in comparison to massachusetts, california and NYC.

keep at it! us yankees love having a source of cheap manual labor nearby, it's like having our own personal mexico inside US borders.

Bernie was a former carpenter? yeah right. i'd bet a dime to a dollar he's never worked a real day in his life.

It's literally at the bottom of all political discourse.


What the fuck is occupy democrats anyway? It sounds like something anti-democrat.
It's like ''Occupy Wallstreet'' posting pro-Wallstreet shit.
Are these people retarded?


Giving through charity, as in charity through the church, you morom! Not through strong-armed taxation theft.

Oh, I know how to cut prison population in the US.

>don't pray in public
How islamaphobic

How do you propose we do that?

Save black people from all this racism and hatred in the US and bring them back to their roots to be amongst themselves, free from whypipo - Africa.

sage and burn this.

Are you saying most of the crime in America is from people of color? If we ban guns than crime WILL drop

Maybe he'd be more loved if the authorities were allowed to nail him to a couple pieces of wood and leave him to rot on a hill.


>Died when he was 33 years old.
>Respected and loved by more than two billion people.

>Bernie Sanders
>Been a politician for 36 years now.
>Only fans are commies and NEETS.

It was already dropping.
And yes.

Don’t Canadians like Bernie and his socialist policies?

>3. Socialist
Sorry, there's nothing in the Bible that states, "give your wealth to Career so that he could distribute it".


Racism is wrong, all racists need to be locked up and re-educated

Bernie was never a carpenter.

After we genocide the kikes

No wonder why you people like trump

Because they're only Christian LARPers

If only..

>jesus was a socialist
>over 1800 years before the concept of socialism

what makes you think jesus wouldn't be a communist?

Yes sadly. Canada's a lost cause. If Bernie or even Hillary becomes president, you guys are going to turn into us, A FUCKIN LEAF.

For starters, he isn't anti Christian. He never said that people should give their wealth to Caesar.

What makes you think he would be? Burden of proof is on your sholders

Isn't there a smuggie for this anyways?

>being Canada

>misgendering literally a crime

Read a fucking bible. Or even a tale about talents you fucking idiot.

Thats what I was planning on pointing to if this idiot responded

read the bibli ... oh shit

One preaches charity, the other one preaches institutionalized racket.

Our Savior was no socialist. /thread

Key word here you carteli cocksucker is consent, if a person has money and gives it to the poor,he's doing it willingly with his consent. When country puts gun to your head and says give poor money or you're going to spend your life in prison it is not doing any good for anybody. Somebody had pic about 'Teaching toddlers about consent' might be useful for you.

The fact that idiots unironically think jesus would have been a communist preaching open revolution to destory the system, when he in fact was sent by God to fix it shows that serious study of scripture is dead.

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill." Matthew 5:17

saged and gay

socialism is an anti-christian gnostic heresy. there can be no salvation on earth.

>giving out of free will is the same thing as being forced to give

also Jesus chewed the rabbis out multiple times and talked shit about their holy book(talmud). he was no jew, he was a hebrew

Didn’t hitler sympathized with Islam?

Chaim, get off your VPN, everybody knows what you're up to.


Jesus was a Philistine aka Greek

>mfw something actually happened that night in Sweden

fixing the system often requires destroying the system. why do you think the romans hated him so much?


Tax cut benefited various income groups. No republican wants to kill poor ,they want them to be responsible for themselves.

>Why do republicans love one but hate the other?
One is Son of God, other is son of a bitch.

That's called charity, not socialism.
Where did Jesus say: "And take money from rich and give to the poor"?
Communism is against 7th Commandment.

>"And take money from rich and give to the poor"?

that's not communism. everyone's poor

>still not a jew

Why do liberals think charity is the same with taking your stuff by gun point?

And you, because you're a Latino, are retarded ipso facto, no further declaration necessary.

Listen to thie Leaf! Vermont is the thin wedge of Canadianism being driven into the US. Hence their maple syrup obsession.

Jews decided to free an actual murderer instead of him, what kind of love is that?

>implying everyone is poor under communism
>implying the ruling jews don't acquire all the wealth

One is eternally a ruler, the other only wished to rule.

>Sanders couldnt hold a job until politics
>Christ, being of one substance with the Father, is no more jewish than his followers
>Christ was not a socialist but a messiah with infinite mercy. There is no message in the gospels that point to use of government power to forcibly redistribute wealth in the name of equality.

Occupy Dems is fame news even by lefty standards. You should be ashamed that drivel is on your disk, ironic or not

Jesus wasn't a socialist. It's that simple.

>Christ, being of one substance with the Father, is no more jewish than his followers
This guy gets it.

>fixing the system often requires destroying the system.
Read that chunk of scripture again, in fact you can go online and find the context of that line, the fulfillment of the law. Think to yourself how that is the same as destroying the system and replacing it with a utopian pipe dream. Christ was sent to restore the law of God to the people. Yes, he was disruptive troublemaker, but he was a disruptive troublemaker because those in power had become complacent, hypocritical, and have strayed from the path. FFS Jesus even told his disciples to pay their taxes to Caesar after they asked them if they should or not.

"Then Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they marveled at Him. " Mark 12:17

Pay what you owe in this world, but don't forget to give to God what is his while fulfilling those duties.

>why do you think the romans hated him so much?
The Romans were indifferent to the problems of the Jews in the Holy Land, they were there to keep order and the taxes flowing in. Those that condemned Christ were the rabbis and jewish leaders. They manipulated the crowd to have the murderer go free, while condemning the man that healed the sick to death because he was a threat to their power.

Is it true that Rome fell because of a Jewish-invented religion?

this is only possible because of NAFTA and Canada's economic surplus

Truth. Pic is from Pope JP II

no it fell because it let in a bunch of foreigners and got stopped militarily in germany.

Jesus said to be charitable. Bernie advocates for the government stealing all the wealth and then spending it as he sees fit.
Also, "poor" at ~0 AD is not our definiton of poor. Biblical poor is literally owning next to nothing and likely to die of starvation or exposure, not having limited prospects for paying for post-secondary education

>posts min wage in CAD
>when in USD it's roughly the same as the states min wage


None of those are small government though?


its actually more since they dont have to pay 40% tax like us leafs. oh yeah, and everything is more expensive here.

if gas prices here were the same in US, muricans would be rioting for months

Hold on, canadians have to pay 40% income tax even at minimum wage? The fuck?

nah i was exaggerating.

but with the new increase minimum wage it will most likely put people over the 20k tax bracket. thus more tax. i think before if you made under 20k you get some kind of bonus. not sure im not a poorfag.