Brit/pol/ - OWNED Edition

>25 Pakistani Dishes Everyone Should Learn To Cook

>Justine Greening quits in shambolic Tory cabinet reshuffle

>New Tory chaiman says party is 'not quite' in a mess after reshuffle

>What I learned from finally meeting with Michel Barnier: The EU is happy to play for time and see Britain sweat -Nigel Farage

>Why I’m resigning from the Office for Students -Toby Young

>H&M apologises over 'racist' image of black boy in hoodie

>Health tourist racks up Britain's biggest ever unpaid NHS bill after saddling hospital with £530,000 debt

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first for year abroad next year
won't want to come back to Prison Britain tbqhwyfamily

this spring*
forgot it was 2018 already



I visited an old Blood Refinery today.

Would you have guessed that before the invention of the Centrifugal Shredder the workers at the refineries had to crush them with their feet above a great bladed grate and iron gauze into barrels below? Absolutely fascinating. We all got to participate in the event at 1:30 where we did it the old fashioned way! Seeing those ARYANS squirm beneath my giant spiked boots was amazing and drinking the fresh unpasteurised stuff was a life changing experience.

I loved seeing the old Blood Barges that would bring in fresh ARYANS from the mainland - they were amazing. One had transported over sixty thousand ARYANS in 1402. Then we went to the ARYAN Shy and got to throw giant ball bearings at their big blonde faces.

All in all, a 10/10 day. Make sure you visit the gift shop.

He's a principled man and him stepping down for his religious beliefs was an honourable act.

I fucking hated this. It's a theological argument. At no point did he say that he thought that gays should be treated differently under the law. Sin is something defined in the bible and I don't think you'd be wrong to say that homosexuality falls into that category.
Ask Sadiq Khan whether he thinks homosexuality is sinful.

>The where getting replaced by Pakis so let's just replace ourselves with Germans instead meme

>Ask Sadiq Khan whether he thinks homosexuality is sinful.
What are you, some kind of racist?