They lost the logic and empirical debate in the 1990s when their utopian empire collapsed. So now they use Saul Alinsky (legit devil worshipper) ad-hominem and name calling techniques (Islamophobe, anti-semite, racist, misogynist) whenever you try to talk about any issue. The left doesn’t even show up to the debates anymore, knowing they will get BTFO, to the point where Stefan Molyneux has to have mock debates with other “right wingers” who play a leftist.
The most powerful weapon of the right is logic, reason and evidence. The most powerful weapon of the left is redefining words, name calling and appeals to feelings. A leftist, especially on the internet, will just ignore you when you prove them wrong and revert back to Saul Alinski’s rules of radicals (once again legit devil worshipper)
Also stop using "their" words Its not >welfare But handouts >refugees invaders >alimony extortion
Daniel Parker
>The most powerful weapon of the right is logic, reason and evidence. >Stop arguing with the left >Actually, it's the left who's avoiding the debate MmOk. >They lost the logic and empirical debate in the 1990s when their utopian empire collapsed. So, Liberalism ceased to exist when Napoleon lost Waterloo, if one to follow your line of reasoning?
>where Stefan Molyneux has to have mock debates with other “right wingers” who play a leftist. It's called "a strawman", and he has to have mock debates to make good show that he won't fuck up for fools like you. Bernie Sanders debates everyone non-stop. Politicians, not youtube hosts with superiority complex and cult following.
Carson Robinson
Fuck off! The time for talk is over.
In the information age, no man may claim ignorance. Only consequences will make you see the light.
Adrian Lewis
>Fuck off! The time for talk is over. Such Lol! What else are you going to do if not talk? What are you even doing at the moment? >Only consequences will make you see the light. Says who? You are nothing, and the only consequences you can produce is fierce LARPing.
Alexander Brown
>putting on commie flag >LARPshaming Aren't you a fucking idiot
Carson Watson
>b-but leftists are the ones who cant debate
Levi Anderson
Lincoln Hernandez
Commies always have blank, soulless, stroke face... Is blank, stroke face the mark of Cain?
Henry Kelly
They are, you can debate them for as long as you want,in the end it all comes to 'but it wasn't real communism'.