Does he have the beetle balls to kill someone important in the story?
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As long as dad doesn't find out.
Fuck that shit OP.
Everyone, cast an actor to play Gyro
tony danza
Koichi is for _______
Because she knew I'd grow up to ask tough questions about manga
A lot of time passes in-world between when Valentine first sends out stand users to fight Johnny and Valentine meets them himself. Also if he was able to find alternate Diego while he was stuck in the infinite spin I imagine he'd be more than capable of finding other stand users when he isn't spinning.
Post Taste
You've got good but unconventional tastes.
I want Jobin's jacket
>Favourite Death
I mean we all know it will happen, but how can you know if you like it before it does?
Do you see the future?
where can I find english subtitles for season 1 of the anime?
pls thanks
Everyday until you like it
>he doesn't want to see Yukako simmer with jealousy as you take her precious Koich-kun's purity
I hope to see you here tomorrow reminding me as well.
Anons i was gone, what did the davidfag do the 18th?
part 8's main villain is the plant appraiser
If Araki had stuck to just the tarot card Stands for Part 3 like he originally intended, how would things be different?
Ryan Gosling and Narancia summoned God's cock to murder doc
What about when Koichi went to Italy? She'd have been lonely.
Is this, dare I say, a general thread?
She could fuck herself and other people with her hair
Gentle homosexual loving.
Fruit Papa will die and Jobin is the Main Villain.
I remember when I was like you. Koichi is for fugs too!
Diavolo is MADE for bullying.
I like this idea.
Which Stand is for violent facefucking
So what was the deal on the localization of Pic Related? I remember seeing the english cover on a thread not too long ago
Heaven's Door.
Thats what makes the sexuals so good.
>yfw you found out P5 was confirmed
You know I'm right.
Sup Forums this is why nobody likes you
We've settled for Tony Danza user, who should be Johnny?
but what if gappy and joubin withdraw themselves and they find a better way to profit, leaving part 8 without a main villian
S h u t
stephen hawking
>favorite fight
Is that The Lovers? Really?
I really like Lovers, but having it your absolute favorite is definitely kind of weird.
Why is SBR your least favorite?
>johnny copying gyro's pose
Sometimes I wonder what the thumbnail for hair.webm actually looks like
>That VA hate
they sure are taking their time with this part 5 anime
In this scene, did Dio get shot twice?
I-I drew a picture for you.
I hope you like it.
No. Jonathan's gun isn't smoking, see?
No only Speedwagon fired. The first panel with Dio had the bullet entering his head and the second has him getting blown back, one bullet.
It's very cute, well done user!
It's not like it's unwarranted
Do you want another rushed job like Part 4?
what stand is that for Fav Stand Part 7?
im retarded and can't recognize it.
Is buying the physical manga worth it?
o shit, thanks
Beetles don't have balls.
gonna need those templates
Get your tumblr shit out of here
>cover not final
It's probably ripped off from some fashion magazine.
>Sperging out over tumblr-filenames from three-hour-old posts
It's not necessarily said only by women and doesn't necessarily make one sound feminine, but yeah, my guess is that Araki tried to make him sound "femininely (or androginously) rude".
Yes, you're overstimating them. I thought this was Sup Forums - Anime and manga, full of otaku elitists; one would guess the majority of them would have some basic knowledge of Japanese and know interesting stuff like the different ways to refer to someone, but I've seldom seen posts discussing the usage of language in a series' context in recent times. It's either the whole board or just the JoJo threads. For shame, /jojo/. For shame.
It's not the filename, it's the drawing.
If you love JoJo and like buying stuff in physical then yes
jessie mccartney
real answer: tobias forrest
By the way, you can ask the people over at /jp/'s Daily Japanese Thread to get better opinions on that.
i dig your taste but Gappy least? why
color is better
Make a pretty one.
He would either have to go to the Minor Arcana or we'd have variations of the same Tarot like Star Plutonium or The Hanged Man II
>Minor Arcana
すごい, I didn't know about that
Which one of you faggots is this
I don't get why Araki wrote it out so quickly. Scan was the shit.
Johnny keep his stand even after losing the corpse parts, why couldn't Gyro?
It was me
part 5 is the best
only special people understand jojo like I do
and that is that prt 5 is best and the rest is shit
brb crying while I listen to this
Here's mine: (
In brackets because every time I link it forchin tries to upload it, and it's too large of a file.
Do you want anything changed for the adaptation of part 5?
I want Araki to start taking drugs and become manic depressive when he makes the anime so he can really make his original themes shine
So, what do you guys think of my list? Some people would say it's garbage, whilst others would say it's average. So what does Sup Forums think?
Fugo wears a shirt and pants underneath his suit
Enyaba approaches you tomorrow and says in 1 months time she will mail you a single item from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
But she will also give DIO whatever she gives you and he will come to kill you next year using that same item.
What do you ask for and how do you use it to overcome DIO in a years time?
Come on guys, please give me feedback!
you wasted your time
I hope Part 5 is made in absolute disgust of its own anime watching audience.
I want them to literally show all the drug addicts but instead of being on drugs they're retarded JoJo fans endlessly spouting memes
On my choices, not the design.
Polpo eating his fingers has to go
The Requiem arrow, both me and DIO will have to see who gets the most bullshit stand
>experto de JoJo y el anime
Yeah because he's a fucking animeonly.
I was hoping that this had been discussed here today or even over at Sup Forums. By the way, how did you find out? Do you follow that massive faggot JoJofacts kun or something?
But wasn't depression literally the reason he couldn't write part 5's themes better?