i read way more manga than i watch anime, was wondering what people thought
Is manga or anime more pleb
I also care a lot about what people on an anonymous imageboard think of me, OP.
90% of anime are just advertisements for the manga they're adapted from
Anime is more pleb because it's all about "muh animation" while manga uses next-level narrative styles.
i don't care what people think about me lol i was just wondering which medium is preferred by this board
It depends on the contents more than on the medium.
That's a cute art style, I would like to read it.
Manga are for plebs. I knew more normalfags read more manga than watch anime. And they thought they are reading comics.
it's called 'I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow'
pretty depressing but funny at the same time, would recommend
is this even scanlated?
I'd honestly read LNs if I had more than an elementary understanding of Japanese
Mangafags who don't watch anime and think they're special are easily the most pleb.
Anime is obviously the pleb one.
yea, i bought it off VIZ a few years ago, but idk if there's any online
Doing either activity is pleb. Read a book you mongoloid.
Thank you.
Anime has pretty flashing colors and bright lights, so of course it attracts the lowest common denominator. There's a reason if you go any thread that discusses a popular manga, about half the population of the thread is terrified of the idea of an anime.
You are exactly the kind of pleb faggot
This was referring to. Pull your head out of your ass.
Pretty sure he means that he just wants to discuss a manga without half of the thread being "I want to sniff X's farts" and other posts of that nature
And I want to discuss anime without a dozen posts of "Ugh, fucking secondaries. I can't believe they aren't looking at pictures of Korean raws and complaining that a different medium took artistic liberties with an adaptation."
Webcomics are superior to both.