How can other dudes even compete?
How can other dudes even compete?
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He's the full package.
Is anyone else keeping up with Twin Heads? Kaisar is very nice looking in that as well.
I need him.
Why is he so pretty?
He is absolutely gorgeous. I didn't think it were possible but he looks better this season than he did last season. I hope we get to see his hair out, because it's much longer now.
Gosh user, I'm attempting to go on knowing I will never be able to run my fingers through his silky mane while leaving tender kisses along his jawline. Every day it hurts to live.
I'm just sad we'll never get merchandise so I can never pat his little pomp.
>you will never go to the outdoor hotsprings with Kaisar
Sad this mangaka doesn't draw his chest hair but he sure is lovely.
He'd make me swell to many times my current size and breathe fire, if you know what I mean.
The artist doesn't seem much for body hair but seems to like them muscles.
A fair trade, as that one shirtless design of Kaisar from the artbook is pretty underwhelming.
That's true.
Well, hopefully we will luck out and Kaisar will get as naked this season as Favaro did last.
>favaro's back
I miss him already.
We need more Fava
Is the new king literally our Hitler?
>kill the vermin (devils, angels[jews,slavs])
>bring his subjects to superior status
>no mercy to potential threats making the society safer for his subjects
>make the country and his people super rich when greatest economic disaster hit
>have utmost trust from the people
Will he also kill himself?
Where are these from?
I like these illustrations.
Wew user I hope so. Pile on the fanservice.
So were the God-Emperor's royal jewels suppressing her supernatural strength while they held hands, or is he himself physically a match for a retarded dragon girl?
Rita's face.
She missed that dick.
I think it was more likely that his family jewels were suppressing her strength, rather than the royal ones.
It's evident from the OP that he's not a normal human. He can go toe-to-toe with Azazel at the least.
It's the Twin Heads manga.
My god I really feel like an homo watching this. Not even mad.
I want them to be happy together forever.
Nothing gay about this. Do you not have a sibling, nephew, or cared about anyone other than yourself in a nonsexual way?
The title pages are one of the best parts.
Look, that town in episode 1 survived Bahamut and the thieves have turned over a new leaf and re-entered society!
Ikemen everywhere
he's horribly outclassed by his own son, honestly i don't know why anyone would pick kaiser over Rocky.
Kaisar is such a virgin that he reproduced by budding.
Pretty goddamn heart warming.
Rocky is so lewd.
Do you think Rocky caresses her?
Shut up. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.
He's just saving himself for marriage, I'm sure.
I like how Rocky got excited at seeing Kaisar.
On one hand, I feel like his life is surprisingly shit, so I think it'd be nice if he's married to some girl. I want him to have happiness, it looks like he sort of hates what his job had become and doesn't really have anyone to confide in.
On the other hand, Kaisar is my waifu and I feel physically ill at the thought of him being married. Despite logic I can't stomach anyone else having him.
Come on now, user, you're better than that.
I too have husbandofag feelings for Kaisar but I want him to be happy in the arms of FAVAROOOO
I was never crazy for him and Favaro, but I quickly became onboard with him and Azazel.
Azazel wouldn't a shota so it's not gay. Azazel is only for bondage and bullying.
>Not handholding
Kaiser is pure.
Azazel would not GOOSH!
Charioce will be the one to find out next week.
what happened to Lucifer?
If Kaiser is Rocky's father, does that mean Rita is Rocky's mother?
He became Charioce
Think about how weird that is for a second, assuming Kaiser isn't left handed to start with, everyone has tried a lefty wank at least once. And now that hand is vaguely sentient and gets excited when it sees him. That's fuckin' weird.