Hidden Figures

Can someone 'redpill' me on this movie? Is it complete leftist, revisionist history? I have a hard time believing three black females were responsible for the success of any astronauts getting into space. Where is the movie about Wernher Von Braun?

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>black woman does her job well
>news because typically blacks do not do their jobs well
>news because women typically do not do their jobs well

Strange how they celebrating diversity is more racist than simply celebrating achievement.

They did simple math any monkey could do.

The last time a non-white contributed to NASA:

Or maybe it's because both black people and women have traditionally been discriminated against in fields like science?

For example Marie Curie discovered DNA yet 2 men stole the credit for it

Discard that shitte my nigga this is the only acceptable alternative


>unironically an excellent person at math that did great work at NASA when NASA was actually going great stuff.

Did you not know that the first person on the moon was a black woman?
And cancer was actually cured by a woman but they covered it up.
Oh and world hunger, women solved that years ago.

Exactly. Von Braun had a tremendous influence in traveling to space. In the space industry he is a household name.
Holywood is trying to cash in on the asspain of blacks by making some sweeping drama about how some black women were instrumental in the success of space flight. How some black woman at the eleventh hour suddenly saves NASA by figuring out what hundreds of scientists and engineers could not with all of their education and practice. This film was made so black mothers can bring their black daughters to the theater and tell them "see? you are important, you have history".
Meanwhile Von Braun rolls over in his grave.

Nice strawman.

Do you ever look in the mirror and think about how pathetic you are?