Murenase Chapter 25

Thanks based Rapeman. Rip tomgirl for dyke.

Here I was, waiting for a story time.

I mean, I could do it, but I am a fucker and work tomorrow.

God, I wish I could die on command, I am too tired for suicide.

Are you me? I'd love to be dead, but dying's such a hassle.

Following the usual pattern.

you forgot
PandaXFaceless fat men

Same reaction as me. I mean it was obvious there was going to be a lesson about how it was okay for her to act manly but i didn't expect her to revert to full on dyke again. Fuuuuu

Fuck Hitomi.
At this point Im almost wishing the monkeys had raped her for good.



irl futa

>not liking full man Yena

Male monkeys did nothing wrong.
They didn't want to hurt anyone, and Hitomi deserved it.


They changed best girl to worst girl who is now full lesbian. I hope her breasts go big do she regrets going lez

Is it still lesbian if she's canon futa?

So this series has been 100% sidelined by Kemono Friends now right?

is it gay if it's feminine penis?

Yeah, especially since her whole species has dicks, even the super cute hyena girls in the background.

When even the women have dicks, it doesn't make it any less lez

Yena better be careful, Hitomi could be carrying a Seal at anytime.

Hitomi was a mistake.


that makes it extra gay

>Are your eyes fake as well!!!?

murenase is a treat, I sincerely hope it doesn't get axed.
kemono friends crossover WHEN?

Fuck the human girl.
Post panda.

Panda a shit, post Jin
Nice death trips

Yena is a man (male). It's weird how she's now looks more like the usual male best friend (rip Ayeaye-kun)

Who's best girl?

Well technically it's not actually a dick.



I've never seen a female character nosedive down the best girl rankings as fast and as hard as hitomi.

Jin pls
Hitomi was already below shit tier in the powerchart.

same with yena, both are bottom rung now

She was infected by Hitomi I blame her entirely.

After this shit, I hope it gets axed next week.

The author hates her, I swear. I kinda got hints of that in the first several chapters, though I thought it was my imagination. But after the rejected confession and this bullshit it's obvious the author absolutely loathes the poor girl. Maybe she's modeled after some chick who broke his heart in real life.

Where is Koala now, is she still the consensus worst? I never hated her.

Way above hitomi.

Can't even put her in the girl rankings, she's a man now

Not if you strip her.

I'd like to tear the bindings, at the risk of being punched into the stratosphere

I'd be sucking her dick before she could punch me.

You're a faggot if you dislike reverse traps/tomboys.

Hitomi did nothing wrong!

When monkey appeared she took Koala's place as worst girl.
Now shes sitting above Hitomi, but still low in the rankings.

>I kinda got hints of that in the first several chapters
What hints? The worst thing that i remember was the apes using chloroform.

Their smiles and optimism: Gone

This isn't right. Why did she change back?


Because she feels more comfortable being masculine?

Because of Hitomi. I bet Hitomi is the reason why there's so few human around.

What could have she done? She's obviously weak and dosn't seem to be particulary smart.

I don't know, but it's obviously her fault.

Pandas M-power is increasing every chapter.

Panda is only for mating with Jin

Well, if other humans started shit that got them near extinction because her existence made them do stupid shit like Jin almost did then you would be right.

Panda can't mate with Jin, she can only watch while Jin mate with Lanka infront of her.

First kiss confirmed

Panda=awooo>Sloth>nobody cares about the others

Racial segregation never felt this good

I yearn to learn this as well.

gee..the quality of plot drops like hell

Fucking furry pedophiles.

Oh yeah, Sloth was a thing, why did the mangaka basically sideline her? She used to be the third most prominent girl, but now Koala seems to be the default supporting character.

I love Sloth but she is a very gimmicky character, it's kinda hard to include her more without outright changing her personality.

Speaking of that does he even remember that zebra and cat exist?

Mangaka is too busy brainstorming more ways he can shit all over Hitomi and masturbating to pandas to care.

I agree, unfortunately the "oh she died again" girl leaves little leeway for a big character arc or for anything more than some scant fanservice.

>How to turn best girl into worst girl in one chapter.
Sloth reigns supreme now I guess...

Koala and sloth are both pretty goddamn one dimensional characters and I don't know why he insists on using them so much.

Actually no, sloth is one dimensional. You can make multiple jokes out of "she's really weak and tired", but koala is a zero dimensional character. Her character is "I eat shit" and literally nothing else.

It should be mentioned that there is no chapter next week.

Pandagirl's still super-cute

wasn't it mostly Yena's decision, with a little advice from Panda, that made her go back to tomboy mode?

Hitomi's intervention in recent chapters have deteriorated her already weak image on anons minds so anything negative that relates to her directly or not it's in the end her fault.
The best moment for her was during the confession mini arc and that was probaly just a very vocal minority that said she was good.

she is australian
she cant help it

>Pandas are carnivores that dislike eating meat


>but koala is a zero dimensional character. Her character is "I eat shit" and literally nothing else
you would have to be pretty dumb to actually believe this

>people hating on Hitomi

MasoPanda still great

She's disproportionately strong.
She can actually cook.
She's known to travel the world.

Big Fat Hyena Cock(female)!

She's outspoken, and often goes against Jun

The author want to turn Hitomi into this.


as always Jin is the best

yena did nothing wrong

Panda = Lanka > zebra > mole > sloth > Lanka's oneesan > koala
Hitomi = shit > hyena

>fuck the human girl
yena will NTR the jin

They all want the Hyena D (female).

>So this series has been 100% sidelined by Kemono Friends now right?
Seriously look at this shit But maybe that means animal girls are the new fad after gyaru, and so there's a chance of an anime for this too?

1. Jin
2. Zebra
3. Sloth
4. Cat
n: Hitomi

Is fucking Yena while jacking off her pseudo dick gay?
How about fucking her in the ass while jacking off her pseudo dick?

if its a literal girl(female(female)) with a dick and if you were to take said dick,
would it be gay?

Except for panda.

Hyena is not S enough.

Funny enough, Yena's decision was mostly because of Panda. Hitomi was the trigger though.

>humans hating humans
Sounds like your everyday Sup Forums to me.

No, Panda wants it, too. Sloth might have wanted it, but probably died from excitement in her bag or whatever she was stuffed in this time. Or maybe she's the only non-slut left. I wonder how Cat would have reacted. Or even Ass.

Jin is the one that truly carries this series.

> Hyena a dike


The whole confession arc ruined him.
>goes to confess to a girl he likes
>while doing that he starts ranting about how this other girl is great
>the girl is obviously weirded out and says no
>"ahh bloo bloo woe is me"
Didn't think he would turn out to be such a faggot.

Fuck it I'll try dumping.