ITT: characters that are actually autistic, like they would be literally diagnosed with it under the DSM-V
ITT: characters that are actually autistic, like they would be literally diagnosed with it under the DSM-V
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Which one changes her diapers, or her sharted-in panties?
That's like every character in every anime
damit i know shes autistic but shes also a kid and kids can be weird and quirky, like yotsuba
>not a genius with a 160+ IQ
Fuck off.
>a child acting like a child is autistic
You and your ilk should be shot
Satanic spawns of darkness can have disabilities such as the asspies, right?
Being autistic and having high IQ are not mutually exclusive.
Some if not most girls on comedy manga.
>Captcha: white board
Gotta sum my primes desu
He's one of my favorite characters
That's not how autism works.
Oh hey, I just saw another autistic girl too You-chan is a real autism hours girl
How would sex with an autistic girl would really feel like tho.
Same. I wish he was more relevant in the LNs, though.
>"measuring bullet trajectory"
Aldnoah.Zero was decent, but Inaho made me want to slit my wrists.
If you guys look up the diagnosis criteria for autism, you'll find that almost none of these characters show signs of autism, just odd personality quirks
that one from sakurasou
Excuse me, do not misdiagnose my daughter
She a legit autistic genius
He's really cute. Good luck with him.
New entry this season.
Then who does apply, Mr. Genius?
Mai-chan just loves fucking with people more than anything else
it doesn't help that Yukko is the best person to fuck with since she's so fucking stupid
Well I haven't watched every single anime in existence, but I have yet to see any characters who punch themselves in the face while having screaming temper tantrums.
That's not all autism is, you autist.
If you want reference for what to look for in your anime when you're spotting an autist, use this.
Yeah, there's degrees of severity with autism, but unusual personality traits doesn't equal autism.
Not autism. She's just unusually aloof for a child
Not autism. Just a little slow.
Not autism. Schizotypal if anything
Not autism. Obnoxious personality disorder
And I don't know the rest well enough but theyre also probably not, by any stretch of the imagination, autistic
This little shit
Anime characters frequently appear "autistic" because the people that make anime are socially isolated freaks who have no idea what real conversations or personalities are like. Especially girls, most anime/manga/LN writers have probably not talked to a female since their elementary school days. Writing about a little girl like Renge or a teenage girl like Yui, they might as well be writing about aliens living in another galaxy.
Basically all of K-On's major staff were women.
>like they would be literally diagnosed with it under the DSM-V
Isnt that like half of them? They dont act like actual people
Definitely. Literally got a chance to redo 2 years of high school and still cant talk to people even after all those years of experience
>tactile special interest in water
>not the best at socializing but very gifted [art, freestyle]
>usually speaks in a [comparatively] monotone way, facial expressions [comparatively] limited.
I'm questioning my allistic status so my knowledge of autism is still fairly limited
Not really that autistic, just chuuni as fug.
Would you care to explain why?
I don't think this is a 'who has the most autistic traits in anime' thread, more like a 'who do you think would be somewhere on the autism spectrum' sorta thread...
his mother is main villain, if this won't make him relevant nothing else will
Kotomi Ichinose
these two
Aren't all Finns autistic by default? So they can't be diagnosed with autism since it's part of their nature
I was coming here just to post her
OP said autistic characters, not autistic fanbase.
autism != intelligent you autists
Do you ever think Chris understands things we mere mortals cannot? Or is he just some retard with a sanic fetish?
It doesn't equal unintelligent either.
There are smart autists and stupid autists, it's not black and white you fucking retard. Maybe you're one of said stupid autists?
DSM-V applies to humans only user.
>tfw some madman just bought the Chris-Chan totem
He's a sociopath
This one's pretty realistic tbqh
Doesn't stop her from being best girl.
The faggot main character from Free and I genuinely mean that.
>obsessed with water
>can't handle change
>no fucking sense whatsoever of what is socially appropriate and what isn't
>basically requires constant caretaking
those dead pixels had me thinking my monitor turnt to shit
>literal assburger
That's cheating, user.
The more I read about what autism actually is, the more I feel like I have it.
Autistic girls are always best girls.
When he beat up Koichi and impales him, he took time to put Koichi's socks and shoes in proper wearing order. He can't control his urges too well.
Most autists aren't gifted at all.
Holy shit