Someone is unarmed, compliant and lies on the floor

>someone is unarmed, compliant and lies on the floor
>act like a swat-cat and kill him
>someone else is armed, prepared and gives 0 shits about your "authoratay"
>get fucked, scream like a little girl, run like a bitch

i dont hate the pigs, i cherish every "off duty cop" video from brasil, but those fuckers got what was coming their way.

stay the fuck out of America if you value your life and have self-respect eurobro. our police are the worst in the world.

Yeah I noticed.

Only if youre a nigger that doesnt know how to listen.

I don't really get what happens here.

Christopher Dorner did nothing wrong

we have empirical evidence to the contrary you circumcised cuck.

>be a criminal
>get treated as a criminal
>muh authority is evil tho, fuck da poleez
slavs = white niggers, shame Hitler didn't finish the job

Now grabbing up your pants because you dont want to fall is considered trying to reach a weapon. two full clips. look it up.

How? you little pussy fag.

You still call the cops for help dont you?

Haha. Fake little bitch.