I get wanting national pride, but holy shit this is a blatant fucking lie.
I get wanting national pride, but holy shit this is a blatant fucking lie
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They keep lying like this, and we're gonna see how many nukes the samurai can actually cut mid-air.
Let's make sure to not forget to send a second one just because we can just like last time.
The japanese are some of the whiniest and most asshurt nations on earth when it comes to WW2. Feel lucky that you can't read japanese or else you'd be subjected to 24 hour non-stop asspain.
Are you that buttblasted by fiction, burger?
Then better don't read any European fiction based on modern fantasy.
They shit on you even more than nips ever will.
Everything will be okay as long as we can enjoy anime and manga in peace together.
If japan had won WW2 they would have committed so many atrocities, you faggots lucked out on WW2.
Remember all those girls saving their virginity, lost them to American soldiers gathering war brides. Probably had sex for a ration bar of chocolate.
>European fiction based on modern fantasy
Why are muricans so oversensitive about everything?
>this is a blatant fucking lie
That's called fiction dumb burger.
What's next? Making a thread on Sup Forums about how "The man in the high castle" is a fucking blatant lie?
Not as blatant as making America the good guys in every Western movie.
The truth is the truth.
>japs lie and manipulate facts
>calls everyone else oversensitive and burgerlard
>even though Sup Forums is 90% latin american
Only Americans/Korean/chinks would be butthurt about that and dumb enough to not understand what fiction is.
fucking this japs are the worse.
>America and Japan best friends, we will never betray each other
>Admiral Perry allowed us to undergo technological advancements
>Perry could have subjugated the whole island, but just wanted a port
>decades later
>Bomb pearl harbor for no reason except to obtain hegemony in Asia
>Gets BTFO by America
>Cry foul.
>Napoleon never conquered Britain
>the British never fled to America
>British-America never conquered Japan and Europe and the Middle East
Holy fuck, Code Geass was lying all along.
Wasn't this a meme translation? I thought it he ALMOST led Japan to a WWII victory. Regardless it is a pretty silly revision of history by any standards. I'm no expert how far Japan went in this universe but if spirit was important in warfare than chinks would've won through pure despair. They went through some hard shit in decades of war with Japan AND themselves.
Also this is a typical high school battle manga so the only thing that should be taken seriously is the ass and titties.
>look it up
>it's a fiction fantasy manga
Comparing fucking ancient events to something concurrently. This would be like saying hitler didn't specifically targeted 6 millions jews, they were rebels working with the bolsheviks and other radicals to undermine germany sovereignty.
WW2 just happened 70 years ago, this is case of being butt mad.
I think some people are just jealous that they would never be able to get away with this kind of thing in their own country.
>This would be like saying hitler didn't specifically targeted 6 millions jews
You know it didn't happen, right?
None of that is relevant. Alternate histories in fucking fiction about people with magic powers simply cannot be lies, and you're retarded for calling them such.
>This would be like saying hitler didn't specifically targeted 6 millions jews
Really toggles those brain synapses
God I love the classic setting of
>Quiet boy has secret amazing background and is underestimated by everyone forever
>WHAT? He is related to the guy with THAT POWER?
>No one knows this despite family fame
>Somehow intertwined (Living with immediately) with beautiful Royalty/Rich Girl/Foreigner (in this case all three at once)
It is relevant you dolt.
Napolean wars were centuries ago, no one alive can relate to that shit. WW2 happenes 70 years ago, people still have sentiments about it, ripples still exist, children who lost their dads in the war, people who grew up during the cold war. If this was 50 years down the line no one would give a shit.
Japan would be so fucking mad, if someone made a comic of them being blatent villians and deserve getting nuked. Or making fun of the japanese tsunami.
>Or making fun of the japanese tsunami.
Oh yeah, about that.
Americans are literal children, forever buttmad at everything screaming "No I won!!!".
So? Who cares? Some of the people depicted as lewd children in Strike Witches were still alive when it aired and nobody gives a shit? Nobody is forcing you to read this manga.
Isn't Japan winning the war literally that one page and it's never mentioned again?
Take it to Sup Forums you huge faggots.
>Japan winning WWII in fiction.
Why do Nips want this in their fiction. WWII Japan was a fucking nightmare and treated the rest of Asia like dog shit.
Russo-Japan/WWI Imperial Japan expanding its influence in Asia would make more sense, since it wasn't as bat shit and evil as its WWII variant.
Why are you acting as if this is generalized over all Japanese media?
Because literally 7/10 times it is when some form of media involves alternate timeline, Japan won the Pacific War during WWII.
Is this a problem?
Everything is a problem for a redneck.
Russia never wanted anything to do with Japan.
Oops, this is going to start an offtopic debate, right?
>this thread
Absolutely embarassing
Only when it doesn't involve literal magic
You're two years late to the party. Fuck off.
Even if it didn't why does somebody else's fiction being put to paper bother you so much? Are people not allowed to think these things? Are you from some 3rd world country where your government tells you what you can and can't think or something?
Are you sure you're not looking at a mirror, amerilard?
See: And the fact WWII Imperial Japan was terrible and not the version of Japan that should be the one to win an alternate WWII for the Japs. It should be WWI/Russo-Jap Imperial Japan which wasn't a big shit.
I think I heard that the alternate Japan from this manga wasn't fucking insane and genocidal.
>Use real life history for the back bone of your book and doesn't involve magic.
>Doesn't apply real life reason why X happened or how it occurred.
>Never being a historian.
I still don't get why this bothers you so much. How is this different from any other type of lazy writing, like let's say a generic harem?
because murka, fuck yeah! same reason it's always the fucking yanks getting all asshurt about gate
>all these hues and leafs in this thread
fuck off
Fuck off frogposter.
Generic harem will atleast give you a proper reason: The girls just like the boy. Or he's kind.
The funny part is most them pretend not to be burgers when being called out despite their own writing damned them as one.
Yep, it's only said for the sake of saying it. Completely irrelevant to the plot in any way.
fucking yanks
God forbid that cultural works should be subject to any judgement whatsoever
While one need not agree with critics, one would have to be a philistine of the highest order to scrap them entirely.
Pls go back Sup Forums
We'll just send Washington after them.
>getting mad because someone wrote an alternate history in a fictional fantasy story
For what purpose?
The turner diaries were just alt history
They got nuked twice and castrated after the war so they have a complex about it. As long as they don't start that WWII shit again just let them be.
>burgers actually believe this
US was so scared of the jap force they had to drop nukes and even then they didn't do a full invasion and pussied out on killing the emperor.
>we have these bombs we wanted to hit germany with to freak out russia
>shit germany is kill
>fuck it japan is still there use it on them
>kill emperor
>entire nation commits sudoku
Is this what you wanted?
That's a funny way to say America got bored and decided to end things before the Japanese banzai'd themselves into extinction.
>Fiction doesn't always follow reality
Color me impressed
holy shit, is this american education?
so much wrong with it
US didn't need to do a full invasion. It literally could've just sat in the water and kept fire bombing Japan and millions would die from starvation (Which was already projected).
The nukes were a test and quicker way to get the war to end.
The emperor part is on the fault of MacArthur being a dumb ass.
The Germans already lost to the Russians, the Allies delivered a crucial blow but Russia was the big guy that the Germans feared.
Japan was getting destroyed by Russia as well and lost several important naval battles, they where so fucking desperate they where trying to shame people into driving manned torpedoes because they lacked the economy to sustain a full war vs the incoming Russians and the Americans.
The japanese refused to give up and tried a bail out with the Russians, Murica drops the freedom bomb, Japan is still trying to hold on to its pride, Russia makes another advance and the japanese start to fear for themselves, Murica drops the second freedom charge.
Japan BTFO in an epic fashion.
Japan tried to hold up its traditions in the most coward way possible, they where willing to sacrifice their citizens to preserve their fucking emperor and their stupid traditions.
As a result they became the perfect testing ground for the nukes since Murica preferred to avoid sending more soldiers to their deaths, did I also mention that they wanted to show their new toy to the Russians?
It's a shame for the civilians, but you can blame "Muh emperor" for this shit, they didn't want to give up after the first nuke, remember that.
Shitbook is really full of retarded people.
I don't care about it but I agree it reeks of insecurity and pretty cringeworthy.
Thats 'murrica for you, believing that globalization is a good thing simply because you're on top. Thing is, colonialism screwed over every country which wasn't european by subjecting them to a culture and development they weren't ready for. Japan did the right thing back then by isolating themselves. They had the right to do it instead of some random faggots coming out of nowhere and deciding they had to play by their rules.
To make a comparison Japan was Sup Forums and 'murrica were the reddit shitposters who came to spam Naruto threads back in the day.
The bombs were dropped to prevent Russia from going gibs me dat on Japan like they did with Germany. It was a show of power. If Japan surrendered to US they would become their subject nation, meaning if Russia tried anything they would be entering war with the united states and would've given them a justification to use the bombs on Russia. Europe wouldn't object, either. Britain was already planning to start world war 3.
It was by far the single strongest move the united states could make and was hugely beneficial to Japan as well.
>Russia was the big guy the Germans feared.
>80% of Russian supplies was American.
>General of the Soviet Army and Stalin both admit without the US, Russia would be buttfucked to all hell.
>Germany didn't want the US to enter into the war and made plans to try and delay it at all costs.
Russia had no naval projection power to take Japan, user. Russia was borrowing ships from the US at the time.
You mean to tell me Russia would literally fight the US Navy to invade Japan, the nation the US has encircled?
Relax. Lies made czechs fight for independence from Austria
>waaah globalization is bad
It's natural process, which has started back in the late XIX century and you can't stop it
Americans seem so retarded because their education system is designed that way. It teaches them no critical thinking skills what so ever
and their mainstream media is a 24/7 blast of propaganda and politically motivated misinformatiion.
Of course they come across as stupid, they're raised to be.
There would be no fighting, at least not openly. Russia was still allied with the united states. It would've been a repeat of Germany where all the allies tried to rush in to take land before the end and result in a split of Japan just like East and West Germany which destabilized Germany until 1990.
By them surrendering to the US before any sort of invasion they were able to salvage some of the government, such as the emperor, which greatly aided in preventing further destabilization and sped up the recovery which led to their sovereignty as early as 1952.
He thinks that Varg is representative for European fiction writers these days.
They bombed the Eastern Islandmonkeys because they didn't want to waste resources on a land invasion.
And Japs are lucky they only got nuked by the USA.
The Soviets were preparing to Nanking them full force since the European front was closed.
>>Don't drop the nukes and invade us by land so we can send our troops on baneling charges against you
>>In return we won't call you pussies 70 years later on the internet
Yeah, that's a nice trade you're offering there.
But Walken was the good guy. America weren't perfect but they were still the biggest pillar for humanity.
>thinking the emperor had any control over the military at all
>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
>>The japanese are some of the whiniest and most asshurt nations on earth
>proceeds to whine and be asshurt about a fictional fantasy manga
Two nukes weren't enough.
user, the invasion of Japan would have no Russian involvement what so ever.
The US would not allow Russian forces to take part or join in/set foot in Japan. MacArthur himself even stated it.
By law of the Constitution of Imperial Japan he does.
This is like saying:
>Thinking the President of the US has any control over the military at all.
>your ass itches because someone's telling lies in a work of fiction
It's not even good, what's the point of making a thread like this honestly?
History revisionism is dangerous
Are you scared alternate history in media is out to change history books or something? People who read this manga are going to start burning history books and make the US admit that they lost to Japan in WW2?
These threads must be like a magnet for all of the autists on Sup Forums
Half of them are trolling mean while the other half are jerking off their history grades. Top kek thanks for making my 4/22
>but holy shit this is a blatant fucking lie.
Of all the things I can call bullshit on in Rakudai, Japan winning WWII doesn't register anywhere near the top of my list. How about a family that is so deadset on carrying out a grudge against their own child that even after he bests one of the top students in single combat they still go out of there way to try and squash any hopes he has of being knighted.
If my kid who had less spirit juju than a toddler beat one of the best I would wear a T-shirt with their face on it and brag to everyone. Shit is downright retarded.
>Britain was already planning to start world war 3.
And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids.
That would be the kikes. They still have a victim complex and still try to fake news the world with nonsense such as gas chambers and muh ovens.
Hell, the Prime Minister of Israel said that Hitler wasn't trying to genocide the kikes.
That's not how you hold figures, stupid grandpas.
Russia had actually declared war and started invading Japanese controlled territory outside of Japan itself on august 9th, later that day the second bomb was dropped. On august 14th Japan surrendered to the allies but the soviet invasion continued until September 2nd when Japan formally signed the agreement on the Missouri.
Short of actual hostilities between the US and Russia, which the formal surrender would entail because Russia would be attacking US occupied territory, they wouldn't have stopped.
Yeah kinda
In places like China and N. Korea the populace HATE westerners, because they've been taught that whitie is actively trying to invade them and that they commit atrocities against their own people. And because of their strict censorship and propaganda, they'll never find out just how badly their governments are treating them
That's some primo manipulation, but at least they don't have an anti-culture destabilization element like the West does, with 'turn a blind eye to immigrant rapists' type shenanigans
People don't have a problem.
The Man in the High Castle is one of the most viewed shows on Amazon Prime and it deals with what if Hitler had won.
Then do we agree that OP is a faggot and that this thread has in fact very little to do with Sup Forums?
What's wrong with that? America could just then claim Japan as it is own. The winner goes the spoils.