... I feel sick, disgusted, and disturbed. I'm an HSP and get upset easily, but this was just off the charts gratuitous. I feel like I'm running a fever.
Tell me this is the worst Higurashi gets? If not, I might have to sit this one out despite it being a Sup Forums classic.
the fucks an HSP? you shouldnt watch higurashi cause its a badly adapted unfinished pile of shit that gives you none of the answers you actually want.
Nathan Murphy
Did you not watch kai?
Parker Peterson
>a Sup Forums classic
What did he mean by this?
Carson Thompson
It was pretty popular back in the day
Hudson Roberts
>Tell me this is the worst Higurashi gets? oh boy
bat scene is child's play compared to' nail scene"
that scene made me cringe, and i am a strong dude
Kevin Lewis
just keep watching. there's gonna be alot more gore but after 2 arcs you'll be thankful you stuck to it. the story progression and ending message is absolutely amazing. higurashi is easily one of the few perfect anime.
Isaac Lopez
are you going to the fiesta, Casey?
Gabriel Cox
the guy has hsp. I don't know what the means, but he types like he will be crying in a safe space after episode 3.
Charles Brooks
>2 seasons
Easton Morales
it was until kira came along
Nathan White
>the fucks an HSP? A Homosexual Sensitive Pussy, I would assume.
Joshua Powell
kira is just fanservice. and i kinda appreciated it for being the only higurashi released in HD
Brandon Taylor
Highly Sensitive Person. It's a term I came across several years ago that applies to me perfectly.
Jace Robinson
Remember everything could have been solved peacefully if they had just taken the time to resolve their differences in mahjong.
Jace Reed
Is there cheese? I'm lactose intolerant!
Elijah Richardson
Was HD less common in 2009 or something? Why wasn't Rei in HD??!!!!
Camden Scott
OP the real worry isn't the violence. It is Rika or Satoko seducing you.
Austin Ortiz
You need to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums.
Ayden Gonzalez
You're not gonna last. Onikakushi is one of the less violent arcs (but that's also what made it one of the best)
Robert Carter
Sup Forums only watched Rei because of K1's penis on screen in 1080pi.
Nathan Evans
likely a budget issue. it wasn't produced for tv afterall
Luis Turner
>watched Read the VN.
Colton Gonzalez
ITT: Secundaries
Julian Young
Uh oh I'm completely infatuated. What do I do now.
Michael Miller
Honestly the VN is shit. Nice quads though.
Aaron Jones
That's an odd way to say "faggot".
Easton Jenkins
there's a fun scene where the green girl literally tortures the blonde one. Like shoving bamboo shoots down finger nails torture, or something like that. Also a gang rape back story for the nurse. Just stop watching now.
Oliver Jones
the vn is amazing nipah~ that back
Jason Diaz
I watched this shit when I was 12 and got through it.
He can do it too, unless he's a complete faggot in which case he shouldn't even be here.
Lincoln Rogers
when we were 12, we browsed cp threads and spammed gore on Sup Forums this user hyperventilates upon seeing animated blood you're right. op should leave and go back to candy crush.
Brandon Cox
I won't call it a masterpiece but it sure as hell earned a better rating than "shit"
Henry Cooper
it's been years since I've seen this, and I'm due for a rewatch.
does he ever beat her with the cricket bat?
Brayden Sanders
In the very first arc, didnt he?
Jonathan Adams
Higurashi is a healing anime
Nolan Williams
Download more images of Rika and think lewd thoughts while looking at her.
Xavier White
In the first arc, yes. K1 snaps and takes the bat to both Rena and Mion's skulls.
Dominic Jenkins
Mion is best girl.
Luis Wood
Jaxon Gutierrez
That is crazy talk user. The girls are all just fine. They are napping.
Liam Williams
But dont you mean Shion?
Cooper Sullivan
>Over a hundred years of experience manipulating men >Still in a sexy, nubile body
I'm HSP too and I avoid overly violent things like Higurashi, Narutaru, and Elen Lied since it's not worth being sick over. It's sad since Higurashi looks interesting other than the gross murder stuff.
Julian Jenkins
Umineko doesn't work as an anime Sorry but the adaptation was as good as its going to get
Cameron Hernandez
It would if they gave it some budget and capable director. And some more time.
Parker Parker
Dammit! I wanna gamble against Rika betting our prides on the line so bad!
Jace Cooper
The anime is ok. The visual novels are better imo.
Eli Smith
Isaiah Edwards
OP here. I was 27 when Sup Forums was first created, so not exactly a fair comparison.
Logan Fisher
You're still a fag
Elijah Price
Go to work old man
Isaiah Nguyen
>Almost 40 years old Jesus find a wife or some other hobby already. What the fuck are you doing here?
Hunter Nguyen
Nah mate, Shion just straps Satoko to a cross and stabs her arms to shreds, then kills Satoko just before realising that Satoko's Nii Nii (Shion's crush) actually entrusted Satoko to her.
Shit's kind of Shakespearean in terms of irony, if you look past the gratuitous amounts of murder involved.
Josiah Taylor
What does Type Moon or Konosuba have to do with 07th Expansion VNs?
Josiah Morgan
I am married. My wife is doing missionary work in Cambodia right now. I work from home.
Jackson Ramirez
Forgive me, I didn't know you were referring to DEEN.
Also I haven't seen the other type Moon stuff but F/SN and UBW are definitely bottom of the barrel tier in terms of art, animation and atmosphere.
Makes me appreciate the UFOTable version of UBW quite alot if only for capturing the fight scenes much better as well as setting the tone appropriately for different scenes.
Colton Cox
>missionary work Lol I'm sure she is.
Ian Butler
Hope you're looking forward to raising some brown kids.
Cooper Peterson
My heart broke for everyone when this entire scene happened. Rena did go out swinging though.
Ian Hernandez
she is doing alot of missionary work
you could even say its her position
Jaxon Fisher
I thought you only went down in that area for the little girls and the ladyboys. user maybe you should discuss some things with your wife.
Juan Roberts
Dear You is now manually playing in your head
Lucas Fisher
>I'm literally 12: the post
Lucas Bell
That's not fair user, we both know you wouldn't be betting anything.
Cooper Sanchez
It's "watchable" as an edgy horror anime, but it still completely fucks up what the VN's story was supposed to be. The mystery and drama are pretty much completely ruined in the anime for the sake of more crazy laughs and faces.
Camden Murphy
I'm not 12 (I'm the exact opposite, 21), but I'm not a videophile so I don't know how common HD was in 2009.
Samuel Roberts
It's just a generic time-loop story with splatter and psychopaths added in for impact. You might as well read ever17 to get the same thing without the edge.
Brody Allen
Where is the Higurashi S1 on that list? Certainly, somewhere between UBW and Tsukihime.