What are some poor writing decisions?
What are some poor writing decisions?
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Definitely not that
Seiken no black smith...we all know what I'm talking about.
fuck you this was awesome
Definitely not that. Worst mistake in hxh was this.
>Higuchi arc
>Mello and Near Arc
Not this
Gurren Lagann
Kill La Kill
Rick and Morty
One Piece
Eureka Seven Ao
Sword Art Online
>spend 10 chapters hyping up the old geezers power level 'I trained 20 hours a day for 50 years hue'
>he dies without even scratching the insect faggot
>Gon gets angry and, literally, goes super saiyan out of the blue without a satisfying explanation, hurr durr he used all his mana/chakra/energy/juice at once because he's a special snowflake
>Insect faggot, whose been the antagonist for the past 40 chapters and has been displayed as nothing but completely invincible and beyond anything a human could ever hope to defeat (survived a tactical nuke at point-blank range), dies
>His death isn't shown, only mentioned in a text bubble as a footnote
This is the part where I dropped Hunter x Hunter.
I could bear all the power level bullshit in the dragon ball manga because it was entertaining and well paced (unlike in the anime adaption), but this kinda ass-pull is just unpleasant to read.
user, that scene was Scary and epic as fuck, and it is not that the manga had not set it up before. Gon was literally a bomb ready to explode.
Evangelion, episode 21.
Continuing Death Note after L's death was a poor writing decision.
I think Misa is a memorable character so shes fine.
>goes super saiyan out of the blue without a satisfying explanation
>It's an user doesn't pay attention and blames the manga for his own stupidity episode
>Insect faggot, whose been the antagonist for the past 40 chapters and has been displayed as nothing but completely invincible and beyond anything a human could ever hope to defeat (survived a tactical nuke at point-blank range), dies
>His death isn't shown, only mentioned in a text bubble as a footnote
>He didn't understand the point of the whole fucking arc
Pick your poison
Why do people like to nitpick HxH when nearly every other series in its genre does worst shit all the time?
ey yo nen ma nigga squeeze mah lungs n shieeet
What series?
You can't even name one.
Haki in One Piece comes to mind.
More or less moved the focus from the fruit to haki.
Haki is needed to deal with Logias or Logia would be too OP. Not all people have access to seastone.
You mean to tell me that you thought everything written in Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, DBZ, etc. was well thought out and never came close to be being asspulling? Are you biased or just an idiot?
the only poor writing decision was letting killua make wishes with no consequences
All of these. Why did Togashi start to go full retard after Greed Island arc? Is the old age getting to him?
Are you serious? If those are asspulls then HxH nen bullshit is asspull too.
>He didn't understand the point of the whole fucking arc
Oh, dis gon be gud.
Please enlighten me then, wise faggot. I'm burning to know what kind of retarded and obscure fairy tail you manage to weave from this steaming pile of feces that calls itself a story.
I'm waiting.
But we constantly get threads like these that only nitpick HxH. Why? At least it's better than the majority of the shit in its genre.
Because you HxHfags keeps saying HxH is different with other shonen when it's just the same shit and formula.
>Spoonfeed me
Yeah, like that other shonen where the bioengineered villain learns the value of the human soul and the purpose of strength and refuses to fight the "good" guy, who after genociding 99% of his race forces him to fight because of political pressure on him, fails to win, nukes himself, causes the villain to lose his memory and humanity, only to regain it and decide to spend the remainder of his time with a little girl as he and the remainder of his race dies from radiation.
Or the trope where the main character spends the climax of the story having a staring contest before sacrificing all of his potential to commit murder and then becoming irrelevant to the plot.
Or the trope where the characters introduced in the beginning as the secondary characters are irrelevant for 70% of the story.
Basically every shonen.
The difference lies with how much better it is than other shounen series, that's all.
>I don't have an answer so I'll just deflect like a 3rd grader
If you don't understand how arguments work, just get a rope, you manchild
at which point during the arc did he learn the value of the human soul? I mean between having his henchmen murder thousands upon thousands of humans that were obviously no threat to him or any of his people and planning to eradicate all of them in the near future.
These are all poor writing decisions. There's a reason "tropes" exist, they just work story-telling wise contrary to that garbage.
you are a poor writing decision