What's pol's stance on being in a relationship with family members? Good? Bad?
Currently in a hush hush relationship with first cousin.
What's pol's stance on being in a relationship with family members? Good? Bad?
Currently in a hush hush relationship with first cousin.
In my state, fucking your first cousin will get you LIFE in prison.
I had nieces who were almost my age (couple of years younger) and they frequently came on to me.
Since we shared common characteristics - like high intelligence, I found them attractive and it was hard for me to keep their hands off me.
Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe I Should have grabbed one and moved to Virginia, where it's legal.
Degenerate fucking retard. Kys
somewhere in New England?
You must be Jewish.
It's not legal in VA, dumbass.
Michigan. Law states 25 to life.
Nigga that's how you get crazy and diseased offspring. I have a few cute grill cousins too but I practically throw up when the thought of fucking them crosses my mind.