PHONES AND WI-FI RADIOWAVES = CANCER/DISEASE not causing it directly but reducing your melatotin production which regulates your sleep and cell regeneration/combat effectiveness. We are living and sleeping with microwaves close to our brains
do you sleep with your phone close to your head boi? do you live close to a phone signal tower boi?
Alexander Morales
How the fuck can non ionizing radiation cause ionization? Stop being such a retarded fuck
Ryder Morgan
ye those people are just having a laugh, the companies themselves put warnings to have the phone away from your body at the bottom of heir use instructions for fun too
Josiah Wright
I worked with cell phone manufacturers as a low level tech and we were always assured that the non-ionizing radiation wouldn't have an effect and that the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate or how much we are irradiated) was lowered since the 90s. Anecdotally speaking, my mom used a cordless phone for at least an hour or more a day, she developed a brain tumor in her left temporal lobe, right where the antenna would be. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it all was a lie to cover for a eugenics program
Sebastian Sanchez
But in a small percentages of those cases, the tumor unlocks dorment mutant potential. Professor X. Wtf I love cancer now!
Thomas Murphy
yah, the usual mutant powers one gains is dementia, hearing voices, deafness and seeing dead relatives
Owen Brooks
go to /x/
Gavin Carter
anti-sage bump
Joshua Powell
There's other ways to damage cells, such as with heat. I don't believe this is happening, but there could be some ways for RF to interact with the human body. I also wonder if there's any issue with plasticizers released from the phone, it's not like the components are FDA regulated. I just hope those tards don't take this idea and run with it.