Waiting for the stream >tfw no sound
My Hero Academia
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Mineta x Momo is canon.
you shut ur mouth
Reminder: Ignore and report grapefag
Mirio was wasted goods when the principal recommended him to All Might, Deku was fresh, quirkless and had the right sense of being a hero, easy to nurture and guide, Mirio wouldn't had achieved the same shit Deku did with OFA
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
That shit doesn't end well for anyone.
Kirishima begs to differ
Literally Todoroki.
I kinda want Deku to give OfA to dying heroes only to take it and their quirks back.
That's your opinion
Well Kirishima is getting dicked by crazy and we can't all have hardening. And Bakugo has nothing on the kinda crazy that Toga has.
the lack of sound in stream makes me want to choke the life out of something
>I'm grasping because it sounds a tad bit like Tetsuo
Well fuck.
Oh well, in that case, I guess you're right.
We any closer to finding something with sound, or is this all we got?
One For All works in the way, the current user must be willing to give it up, and that the new successor needs to have a fit body in order for OFA to not make it explode, if you remember, Deku had to train in order to be an ok vessel and receive OFA
The idea is they don't use the quirk other than to add theirs to the stock pile before giving it back. So they wouldn't need a body that wouldn't explode.
I've looked, though I think I'm the only one who's even tried.
And no I haven't found anything that works. I'm just gonna go to bed, watch the Funi simulcast later, and hope for the best next week.
Is this Toga's real form or someone she loved too much?
When it comes down to it, the person giving up their quirk for the OFA user would need to agree, it would be hard to find someone dying saying "sure take my quirk I'm dying anyways"
Also not ignoring the fact of what All For One has done before, you can't just simply receive any quirk, people have died due to All For One trying to give them some sort of quirk that their bodies couldn't handle
>actually have a baseball stream this week
>no sound
Time minus 1 hour
there's an implication that the time she is transformed into someone is directly correlated to the amount of blood she has of someone, so it is very likely that's her real form.
we need one of these
I clicked on the left menu button where it said main and it turned on sound.
new link
we sound now bois
So, have the police noticed that she's gone yet?
Guess I'm waiting for HS, since the audio still ain't working.
T minus 20 minutes
This one works
It's working in this one
How long does it take after the stream?
Half to an hour
Trips of nice audio
Tired of mowing down people crossing the roads, it looks like truck-kun is going into homes now
>mfw news are featuring another case of isekai truck that just took another victim
Thanks, I thought it was a different channel and assumed it wasn't airing Bnha.
baseball news
So it took like, 120 chapters to get through a semester.
Does this mean we can expect 720~ chapters of the series?
No, we may get small time skips and then spend 300 chapters one semester or something weird like that. Depends what kind of arcs Hori planned.
not really, at around chapter 80 hori said we where around 20% done so 80x5 its around 400, so we are gonna have around 400-500 chapters
Depends on how long Jump needs to milk it, but I don't think it goes much longer than 500
it's a shame the new stream is laggier than the first one
I'm having no issues
For me it keeps giving me the Stop Script popup
Children learning to survive on the savagery of japan
Weird, mine's working fine as well
Do you guys think Hori will skip the second year and move straight into the final year ?
>That Natto comemercial
How can the nips eat that shit?
Natto looks disgusting
I was thinking the same thing, isn't natto like super nasty?
I seem to be able to watch it on my iPod with mild amount of problems. So it's not all bad.
I'll end up watching the Subs in the morning anyways
What's the point with no sound?
I get the sound just fine.
It's time.
i wonder if this ep will increase the ratings again.
>Tie between Todoroki and Bakugou
Worst taste!!
if your url ends in /main/ you should have sound
Putting words in the characters mouths.
Why would he?
It's the woz
My taste is beyond reproach, you filthy plebeian!
This opening always gets me stretching like the characters
Fuck off flashbacks
Man it's odd how good the pacing in the manga is but it's affected in the anime
Pacing is fine in the anime.
Not really flash backs
That's because they have to account for episode time. besides the pacing seems fine
They clearly are milking the flash backs any chance they get. They now put it in the beginning to remind us what happened in the last ep.
Not on the first season, this one has been fine so far.
That OST.
This may not be the best time to ask but will there be a break for the anime next week as well? or just the manga?
Yeah, bretty gud
again, not flashbacks. They're tiny recaps, as you said, to remind people what going on so far. And they're about maybe a minute at best.
This, the ratings have been rising as well, so it's working.
I wouldn't be watching this if it wasn't for All Might and the soundtrack
I was waiting for those geysers
Bunch o' qts
god ffs the stream still lags. But the soundless one works just fine
Midoriya getting all the gurls
Yandere when?
>Tfw decided to go with soundless since it does try to kill my computer like the other one.
I'll miss out on the OST for not but I can rewatch it all with subs later
>That OST.
Time for jealousy.
>no lag
>stream has sound
Heh, first half of the ep covered all of ch 27 it seems
No, it's bird time
it's been 2 chapters an ep.
She's too much of a cuck to go yandere
try this one
He even sounds like a cockhead
Endeavor is so intense.