100 French women led by actress Deneuve slam post-Weinstein 'witch-hunt'

>The letter in Le Monde signed by around 100 French women writers, performers and academics deplored the wave of "denunciations" that has followed claims that producer Weinstein raped and sexually assaulted women over decades.
>"Rape is a crime but insistent or clumsy flirting is not, nor is gallantry a macho aggression,"
>While they admit that the Weinstein affair had its uses, calling it "necessary" in exposing how some men abuse their power, their letter goes on to say that the allegations have gone too far.
>"Men have been punished summarily, forced out of their jobs when all they did was touch someone's knee or try to steal a kiss."


I want that slut.

bump for old school white french sluts

Learning French so I can come over there and breed her myself.

In French, to say "merci", we say : "enculade".
Now go and get her !

She's a coal burner and her father is a jew.

>enculade :: asshole
You snake. You won't stop me, Pierre!

>She's a coal burner
Been debunked here for months, shill retard.