'Villains' that did nothing wrong.
'Villains' that did nothing wrong
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>enslaving people is fine
Aside from the moral implications of such an act, badly regulated slavery markets tend to create unbeatable competition with the regularly paid working classes that also exist in such a society, which creates political and social unrest which then leads to the destabilisation of an empire, in turn creating an economy that benefits nobody except a minority of wealth elites.
Don't do slavery, kids.
>dirty evil demons
>tells the gods to fuck off and takes their powers
>makes the demons his literal bitches
How can one man be so based ?
> Limited labor demand meme
The emperor can always use more statues, user.
Slavery has existed for the longest time. You just dedicate some professions and basic labors to slaves and let some others stay in the hands of free people
>tfw after years you're still become not a griffith apologist
He only wanted to live a quiet life.
>race of evil spawns that just so recently was trying to destroy both humans and the gods by using Amira to unleash Bahamut
i bet you're also a shiki apologist
>shiki apologists
Do such people even exist? Bishi faggot priests and tumblr Twilight fangirls aside aside
Agreed, they should have exterminated the demons.
Aside from the last 200 years, slavery has been commonplace in civilization for 6000 years. It's clearly not the unstable policy you think it is
You can't judge the many for the actions of the few. Humans are filfth in the sequel and deserve everything they'll get.
Toshio wanted to let the pathetic thralled traitors live.
>did nothing wrong
those filthy demons and gods still exist. not finishing the job is a pretty fucking huge misstep.
>Aside from the last 200 years, slavery has been commonplace in civilization for 6000 years
ironically the one SPECIFIC demon who is responsible for all that is now running around in potato rags crying "RAPE RAPE RAPEEEEEE"
it's quite amusing really
>Aside from the last 200 years, slavery has been commonplace in civilization for 6000 years
Except that actually civilized societies abolished slavery over a 1000 years ago by now. Serfs aren't slaves.
Of course they exist, they make my blood boil.
who are you really talking about?
because yasu did a lot of wrong
Historically speaking, many serfs owned foreign slaves
>the gods/angels are petulant assholes who expect you to worship them even though they don't actually do anything for your race
>the demons are assholes who have tormented humans because it's fun
>the God-Emperor of Mankind put his boot down and subjugated both groups of motherfuckers who have tormented humanity using DRAGONFORCE
He's done nothing wrong. Except maybe throwing JEANNU in prison, but then again the Knights of Orleans might've done that themselves. Consider they're a crooked order who served a corrupt king and one of their masters was a serial killer lunatic.
I can't believe that the show is trying to make me feel sorry for the demons after what they've done in the first season. They deserves everything they're getting and more. I hope Azazel dies horribly too, he tried to exterminate humanity and now he's running around crying about how evil human are.
He killed Favaro father and Kaisar father for fun. And he killed many other humans. And now we should feel sorry for demons. Nah
Shouldn't have kill then
Slavery has covered labouring, military, educated professions, servants, advisers.
A highly positioned slave could be higher than a poor freedman
>slavery has been commonplace in civilization for 6000 years
Where are those civilisations now?
Destroyed by the same patterns.
This, slaves did almost all jobs. Have fun being a soldier (not even this in some cultures).
Whatever faggots
sunako is a double loli
she and traitor monk are still alive and will still be hot long after Dr vivisection is nothing but dust and you need to stop being butthurt and and just deal with it.
Literally every single standing society right now either used or uses slaves and you're out of your fucking mind if you think slavery had anything to do with the downfall of any ancient civilizations
The only thing Toshio did wrong was not meet the Shiki leader in person and fuck her right in the pussy.
No seriously, fuck Toshio not ever encountering the Shiki leader.
Not anime, but still.
I can't judge her, because all crimes she did was my doings which scripted in plot.
Then don't post it. Fucking crossboarders.
Spiders. When they are learn?
Surely there's a better piece of drawing for them. And technically, none of them are the real villain since they're all manipulated or influenced by Terumi in some way.
Name ONE thing that this little girl did wrong. She was in the right the whole time.
Terumi was the most obvious villain, but if you played xBlaze, then Relius AKA "One" is the person responsible for fucking everything.
I get that Sup Forums is mostly populated my young teens but serfdom is a form of slavery you uneducated fuck.
Real villain.
the white haired guy from psycho pass
Makishima didn't deserve what happened to him.
The current king wasn't the one who threw John in prison. This based motherfucker is a descendant of the king from the first series.
>found out the big secret behind the country that the main cast spent episodes trying to figure out
>tried to do what the main cast spent majority of the series doing
>gets killed and forgotten
I know he was a filler character, but damn. If he appeared later on he could have easily been a protagonist.