I thought Japan hated foreigners?
I thought Japan hated foreigners?
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They love Hawaii.
So they bombs it hard?
I think they lake Hawaii/Pacific Islands (some used to be Japanese territory until after WWII)
They probably know they're not supposed to, like most civilized cultures. They seem to like the look of non-japenese well enough
But Japan has never held territory in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
If the US didn't had annexed Hawaii in the late 19th century it was likely that Japan would have done it.
I think one Hawaiian princess wanted to marry into the Japanese Royal family.
Kiawe is the first black guy in anime that actually looks hot.
Normal people with a life/job do but anime is filled with multiculturalist propaganda. Otaku are brainwashed but since they don't leave their basement and won't have children the damage is lessened.
Again, completely wrong. They were trying to marry into English aristocracy.
All the territory Japan had in the Pacific were former German colonies that they scooped up in the aftermath of WW1 due to being part of the League of Nations.
>Ash gets BBC and a loli harem
>Serena gets nothing
The general understanding on Sup Forums is that Japan is the #1 most hyper-racist country in the world where just walking around as a white person is a death sentence, and you can forget about getting a job there because that's IMPOSSIBLE. And no other country in the world has ANY xenophobia or racism whatsoever, just Japan. Boy, two nukes just weren't enough were they.
Her anime version didn't even get the best figure
The girls have exactly zero interest in him.
It's a chance for white people to feel like they are discriminated for once. God knows why you would want to though.
Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders aren't black user, not even the Melanesians are.
BBC is a shitty network.
Canning Clarkson was a mistake.
they are racist but when the bbc appears, there is only love
I thought Ash was the black guy
what? I thought they love white people since it brings them business. or I could be wrong it was something i heard while watching a video about eating fake food in asia, japan or whatever.
They love Brazil.
that can't be. look at street fighter.
Japaneese people like everyone except Americans and sand niggers.
They only bombed American military stations and ships Michael.
Japan doesn't hate foreigners, they hate Americans and non-whites.
Japan has a huge fucking hard on for Europe.
White people is the enemy of mankind.
>more like they have a huge fucking hard on for germany and france
The rest get ignored.
White people IS mankind. It's everyone else that are aberrations or obsoletes left over from pity after being dominated.
>They love Brazil.
You mean Hawaii, not Monkeyzil
>and on that bombshell,
Wut, the Japs love England, Italy and Scandinavia too.
>more like they have a huge fucking hard on for germany and france
only germany, france not too much
and probably England. They love England so fucking much
I've yet to meet a fucking nip that doesn't have a hard on for the SS uniforms.
The Japanese love France so much that having a freakout after being disappointed by visiting Paris is a real condition.
Brazil literally has the biggest community of japanese of all countries that are not japan and brazil is a major travel destination for nips.
They like bossa nova and a few of our beaches, but that's it. They absolutely hate br dekasseguis.
>Gains a black BF
>Still has not won a Pokémon League
If I were gay, I would not date losers.
>NO the japanese love MY country just like everyone does and I'm gonna go there and they're gonna love me and my life will be just like anime
It's understandable though. God tier fashion and they were allies.
user, I hate Japan and Japanese people.
who are you quoting?
People just don't understand that racism isn't a set in stone thing, but a term that gets applied to a varied set of beliefs and behaviors that happens to tick enough boxes to for people to recognize it as "racism."
Japan's not lynching foreigners in the streets or even treating them that badly aside from the weird people protesting at airports like some kind of nip Westboro Baptist Church. You'll probably get treated with requisite politeness and some curiosity, but unless you're in a Japanese anime highschool that's probably about it. The racism comes from the lack of caring about other people and their situations at all, which can lead to amusingly tone deaf stories and opinions that are not malicious, merely completely ignorant of anything but stereotypes. This folds into a general willingness to not give two shits about how this appears to other people.
It's less "hue hue inferior subhumans" and more "I didn't think non-Japanese would get this story." There's a lack of maliciousness that defines racism in places with a lot of ethnic friction primarily because there's little opportunity for that friction to occur. They'll just seem kind of stupid about it because it's outside their usual sphere of knowledge. It's only noticeable because Japan's media culture is disproportionately consumed globally compared to the rest of their interaction with the world. If you want more familiar racism, you'd need to look at how the Ainu and their Untouchables got treated. And maybe descendants of other people living there, like Koreans, but I honestly couldn't say there and it's probably not anything unusual. It's more how much Japanese culture gets viewed by outsiders compared to how little of a fuck they give about those outsiders.
Me pretty much.
I should be asking you guys that. Where are you getting this information of who and what japanese people apparently all love and hate?
I mean, the prevalence of these countries in Japanese media and the amount of Japanese tourists and exchange students and businesses as pretty good analogs desu.
>brazil is a major travel destination for nips.
I don't think so. Brazil is a pretty violent country.
I was actually halfway through typing "surly none of you would be dumb enough to base this off of how often characters from a country show up in anime", but decided to delete that because I figured nobody could be that dumb. And yet there you go.
I mean, am I wrong? Why would they include countries they don't give a shit about?
>Introduce 5 new friend characters
>The only half decent one is the black dude
What did they mean by this?
>Why would they include countries they don't give a shit about?
To insult them.
Ever seen Read or Die?
England was the bad guy all along.
The USA president pisses himself on live TV for the whole world to see.
Have you considered the possibility that the writing choices of a few creators in the anime industry don't represent the opinions of the nearly 130 million japanese people out there?
Or how about that they sometimes include foreign characters either as good friendly heroes or as bad villains. And sometimes a character is only foreign for variety and not really focused on being good or evil.
Nobody hates BBC.
See the 13th page. Japan loves Hawaii. And Hawaii accommodates the Japanese.
I have a friend who once went on an exchange program to Okinawa. They hated all the American students (because of the military, etc.) except for her since she's from Hawaii.
Japanese tourists usually make a trip to Pearl Harbor out of guilt. My high school has a sister school in Kanazawa. One year, the Japanese wanted to visit Pearl Harbor and the students here all whined about how hot and boring it would be.
>Japans love europe
Thats why Japanese who work in european firms are excluded from working back in Japan
Fuck off Wapanese, Japan is racist towards europeans and european values as well
what about Eastern Europe/Balkan?
asking for a friend.
No one likes Eastern Europe let alone racist nips, so there's your answer. Lativas cool though.
I don't think they even know about Eastern Europe/Balkans... sorry lad :(
I like them.
>do not reply to slav posters.jpg
Tone deaf is probably a good description, though in some cases it's just that they haven't been indoctrinated with the western flavor of political correctness and say things that are true but would get you in trouble in the west. The fact is that most stereotypes have some basis in truth, but we've been trained to pretend they don't.
When I lived in Japan, the only overtly racist thing I encountered was real estate agents having to get landlord approval to rent to me. There was no problem once they found out I was white, spoke Japanese, and was not an English teacher, but presumably a Korean wouldn't have had it so easy.
Other than that it was mostly minor annoyances at being treated like a stereotype. There aren't many western-looking foreign residents in Japan, so businesses tend to assume you're a tourist and treat you rudely until they find out you speak Japanese. Also strangely ignorant stuff like assuming all white people speak English, or that all black people are rappers from New York, or thinking foreigners will somehow be confused by the fact that Japan has four seasons (which isn't really even true). It's hard to call any of that racism, more just lack of awareness.
>assume you're a tourist and treat you rudely
But why? Wouldn't that Japanese sense of courtesy be personified with tourists, or are they really that much of an annoyance to Japanese Business owners.
they like foreigners if they are cool. ask me how I know...
>t. Engrish teacheru
>hate americans
dude they all are fucking westaboos
I should have defined "rudely". They're still generally polite, but they treat you differently. Things like clerks quietly arguing over who has to talk to you, or pulling out a calculator to show you the price, or convenience store clerks not asking if you want a bag or want your food heated. It's not a big deal if you're a tourist, but it's grating when it happens every day for years. It also depends a lot on where you are. I was treated completely normally in my suburban Tokyo neighborhood because there are no tourists out there. And even the less-touristy areas of central Tokyo usually aren't too bad because there are far more resident foreigners there than anywhere else in Japan. But Kyoto has gotten really bad in the last few years, and last time I was there I got really annoyed after the fourth or fifth time a clerk averted his eyes and just pointed at the cash register display instead of speaking to me, so some unfortunate Yodobashi employee ended up getting a lecture.
Of course nobody considered that, where do you think you are?
n-no bully please
I do, they've fallen from their former glory. Feels like watching American TV now. Remembering that they used to stand for something always makes me rage.
please stop using this word
That poor bear. His fur could use a good brushing.
Close that fucking Zoo for god sake.
>Japanese who work in european firms are excluded from working back in Japan
Japanese corporate culture is pretty dysfunctional though
People can find a culture interesting without liking it's people. Happens all the time, I dunno why everyone suddenly forgets that when it comes to Japan.
I dont believe you
Is this the second ever black character in Pokemon?
the shitposting on /vp/ when this episode came out was great. Kiawe surprise best girl of the season
Why do you faggots give a shit about what a bunch tiny dick/titlet/ lined eye gooks think about you?
Go for the culture and media. Not for the people
they fucking love brazil
Gooks are Koreans.
no one fucking cares, monkey
Are we in 2004 again? My time machine worked! No but seriously, Japan have been "open" for years already, hell, the current biggest national hero is a black dude.
you cared enough to reply
how dare
>they fucking love brazil
Brazil will be 60-70% white, 3-5% japanese in a decade or 2 and enter their golden age while america becomes Latina Africa, invest while you can.
For some weird reason, Japan loves Mexico and Perú. Or at least they don't hate them that much
Jap girls love italians and spaniards
Japan have a crush on Peru man, it's so weird, I really hope Japan sinks already so they come live next to us. I mean it in a good way.
They may not like foreigners going to live to their lands but that doesn't means they hate foreigners enough as to no despict them in a positive light in media.
I mean there are probably more indian characters in anime than in most american tv shows.
To be fair, one person doesn't equal an entire nation, but I agree they don't really give a shit about hueland. They mostly don't even like japanese-brazilians.
It's called the Uncanny Valley. Gaijin are close enough to looking like actual humans that Japanese feel uncomfortable around them. But when you have actual inhuman creatures, then the Japanese feel less insecure.
Well, they had a japanese president in Perú.
>Superpower by 2030
India and Brazil have so much in common...
>asking for a friend.
I've seen this everyhwere lately, is it a new meme?
>It's a "Let's pretend we know everything about Japan because we watch anime" episode.
>Falling for the "Japanese people are racist against everyone who isn't white" meme.
>Falling for the "Japanese people love everything about white people" meme
>Japanese people love my race and hate everyone else's! I'm gonna move to Japan and be a mangaka and game developer!!1
This thread is embarrassing and resembles something from Gaia Online.