I never played the game so can somebody explain to me why the pro-tag is such an asshole?

I never played the game so can somebody explain to me why the pro-tag is such an asshole?

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because it was made back when everyone thought that being emo was cool

Listen to this cunt.

In my canon he was kind. The movies are not canon in my opinion.

He doesn't act emo, just like a douche?

This was funny, at least.

It goes on and on. Literally unlikable.

In universe it's supposed to be cause his life was pretty shit and he didn't feel like life had value. That feeds into how/why he shuts people out with his headphones, Shinji Ikari style, which feeds into the previous reason, etc. etc.

Junpei looks thoroughly disgusted

The main characters for Persona games are mostly blank slates. The only defining features are what the current author decides to give them.

Also the theme for P3 was death, so you can expect lots of genuflection on that topic. P4 was about truth. P5, from what I've played, is about authority and rebellion.

I still never really got how you're supposed to think Junpei is MC's best friend by the end. Even their rooftop conversation towards the end of the game seemed more like "Let's put aside our differences and finish this" more than broing out.

>give lines to a silent protag
>what could go wrong?

Junpei deserved better.

MC was a boss. Other protags wouldn't have been able to handle the shitty friends or gods that he had to deal with.

>he was being in-Tartarus literal


He didn't "handle" them, they didn't seem to even exist to him. He had no friends.

Because in the game you start out with shit expressive stats

im pretty sure those are all the joke dialogue options in the game

His parents got killed in front of him and he had the manifestation of Death sealed inside him by a yandere robot for a good 10 years.

That's not being douche, that's a joke for those who played the game.

This explanation is a spoiler if you didn't watch the movies or played the game.
Basically he had a manifestation of humanity's desire for death inside of him for most of his life. It only leaves him over the course of the game. I guess having death inside you kinda makes you a gloomy asshole.


P3 MC was supposed to be a sad being that had trouble dedicing on his role in life. He could come about as someone irritating but he would never meant to. Ryuuji was supposed to be his opposite, the MC wanted to live his life like that but couldn't so instead the avatar inherited those opressed feelings and decided to life a "fullfilled" life in his place.

The movies are bad because, in them he sounded like an autist and truly apathetic guy.
He was supposed to be a apathetic guy yeah but he would still care for people in his heart.
Anime tried to depict this as well but they failed miserably.

>overly attached
>stares at you while you sleep
>wants you to physically leave your mark on her

Combine her with Yukari and she'd have murdered the entire party just to go get MC back.

People say the death had an influence on his personality and all but I disagree. I think he was a gloomy guy from the very start. After all he didn't change at all even when the death got out of him.


They made him autistic so players could more easily identify with him


Holy shit that's the best ever.
I now need to watch that shit.

he's a finn

>FM MC not canon

I'm not seeing it.

It was not an S.Link focused playthrough




MC is a mad cunt and his anime iteration the most personality between him and Brotag



Holy shit, they all look so miserable.

Reminder that this asshole got Shinji killed in the movie instead of Ken and he really only gave a shit about protecting Aigis's smile and Ryouji than any of the other characters. Kinda like how Yu would of doomed the world for Marie's sake in the Persona 4 Golden anime. I cannot wait for these fuckers to adapte Persona 5 just to see how the Joker does some retarded shit for Makoto's sake since there were no other females so aggressively forced on you as the love interest in that game as her. Did I mention the one responcible for these movies and golden anime are the same guy?

You would be too.

Because the whole theme of P3 is "death" and he had a near-death experience.
At that point in the story, he hadn't lived a year with friends he valued, so he was still all emo and "nuthin personnel".

Also a bit of

This is fucking hilarious, just a gameplay joke. And even in-character it's not that douchey, senpai.

>excited to see Futaba
>she finally appears and I get to play her dungeon
>she's actually edgy crawling in my skin type

This, the fourth movie was really good at showing how messed up they all were.Especially after all the shit that happened prior to that.


He was never really a douche aside from the few snarky remarks; more apathetic. He was indifferent to life and was emotionally distant at first because of it.
From the end of the first movie though he starts losing this, I personally think the movies did a good job in shifting his personality dynamic through his bonds. He's the physical manifestation of humanity's desire for death; and when Nyx comes down to parley for our souls and he becomes door to stop her it's symbolic of his bonds with others granting him a reason to live and fight; plus the power of the universe is only granted by friendship tm


Kino shot desu

I only saw the first movie and didn't really enjoy it. Were the others any better?

What did you expect her to be? I haven't gotten too far in her social link, but she is a real spaghetti dropper and gets pretty clingy with you.

She's actually just highly autistic due to her NEETdom, if you play a bit further she recovers from that a bit.

What did you expect in a game about a bunch of fucked up kids coming together to exact revenge on the society that's robbed them? We got the lead who was falsely arrested, the heroine who was almost raped, the bro who got crippled for life, the heriess whose constantly being used by corporate assholes, a obidient who is put under contant pressure from family and strangers alike, an artist who was more or less a prisoner golden goose, a little girl who really was more persona 3 in wishing for her death and persona 4 for not facing herself. It's bound to be like that.

P5 anime when?

>she's actually just highly autistic due to her NEETdom, if you play a bit further she recovers from that a bit
that's not how autism works m8
socially awkward =/= autistic

Did you play the game? If not, do that first.
If yes, the 4th movie is best but 2 and 3 kinda suck.

>Some of the characters don't stand up straight.

yeah, ages ago. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

Aigis is just dumb and cute. Yangere insinuates they have a mental problem.

Fuck you she is the canonest

Damn Ann is fucking tall, never noticed.

2nd is best by virtue of having the Shinji/Koro interaction.

Then don't, nobody forces you.

>superior gaijin genes

If he doesn't fuck the teacher I won't watch it.

>Chi-chans VA is dead
>She probably wont be appearing in the anime

P3 and P4 protag didn't bone anyone in the shows, what makes you think P5-kun will? Though I guess technically Marie was heavily implied.

Can't wait for the P5 anime just for the Iwai and Tae scenes. Joker should have a fair bit of personality compared to Yu and Makoto given his in game expressions.

>They play actual horror music when she does it in the game'
>They bring this up again in Persona Q where Makoto offers to sell Aegis to Yu

Reminder that Joker is on par with Makoto in that he also gets The Universe arcana where as Yu only holds The World Aegis remains the weakest wild card user

P5 protag is a slut. He will definitely fuck the teacher.

Aegis is a slut

I haven't played games of any sort in ages, what do you need to play P5?

Only reason Marie wasn't outright stated was because of how hated she is. Had they made that annoying tsundere bitch the canon girl after she was shoved into the game for the rerelease the japanese fanbase would have rioted.

and hes voiced by Lelouch

Honestly I just want them to make anime for P3-5 where the MCs go full harem route and the whole thing is them trying to keep it together.

Sure thing, mate

P5, and a PS3 or PS4.

Subarashii, Sup Forumsnon-kun.

she was probably supposed to be just Ameican
The original concept of the game was college students traveling around the world
So I'd imagine she was gonna be an American model they meet along the way
While only MC, Ryuji, and maybe Makato were gonna be from Japan
Yusuke or Haru you were probably gonna meet in Paris
and Futabu Egypt


If they get emulation working better on PC you can use that also.

Here is the P3 one

>Damn Ann is fucking
They're all fucking tiny. You can do a standing congress perfectly with Futaba with her feet dangling.

Most of the games in the franchise are pretty stand-alone besides some minor references put in for fun.

I can't imagine first time players actually going back and playing through P3/P4 if their first exposure to the series was P5 though.

Tallest P5 girl is Sae.

>Reminder that Joker is on par with Makoto in that he also gets The Universe arcana
No he didn't.
That being said, he didn't even need The World arcana to summon his ultimate Persona as he only got it after the fact.

Thanks. I should probably be able to find a cheap used PS3 out there. I can maintain and treasure technology, so in my hands it would last a couple of years more than it would've lasted in theirs.
I don't really have a computer strong enough for emulation, so it wouldn't really work.

Is there any source to confirm this or are you just making things up?

>tfw you liked P3 grinding and social links.
>tfw you had to drag yourself through P4s story and grinding. The only thing you really liked was the social links.

How is P5? Am I going to have to drag myself to finish the story and grind.

The wiki says she is exactly six feet tall, but her in game model shows her to be around MC's height.

I want to do unspeakable things to Haru's fivehead and fluffy hair.

If you do decide to get it be warned that all SMT style games start off hard but get easier as you progress.


It was literally Lupin the Third: Persona Edition
It got turned into what it is because of the Fukushima disaster in 2011 that brought a new wave of nationalism and the director decided to completely change the game.

A fuckton of shit in the game is very clearly leftover retooled pieces when it was still an international game, like the Hawaii trip, Futaba's dungeon being Egypt with no explanation and so on.

tl;dr read the source

I thought the movies were alright in that they gave him an internal Junpei-esque conflict of not wanting to end the Dark Hour because it was responsible for giving him a place to belong and all the friends that came with it.

Not that user, but Concept art had them driving around in a car and seeing the world.

That sounds pretty cool but I really like the Tokyo setting, and as someone that has traveled there I can appreciate the crazy attention to detail.

Well the story isn't as tacked on as P4, you get glimpses of the conspiracy behind the scenes from as early on as the second dungeon's end and it tries to rope you in with the "who is traitor?" question you ask yourself at the intro of the game but that ends up being painfully obvious and a red herring for the real twist.

The game also rails the fuck out of you during any day with the cutscene, constantly going from 3 minute cutscene to your room in the evening where the only thing you're allowed to do is feed a plant and go to sleep.

If you want actual attention to detail and Tokyo, play the Ryu ga Gotoku (known as Yakuza in English) game series.
Literally tourism simulator in terms of how accurate it is.

Them having a lot of detail already set up in Tokyo and the Japanese metropolis setting gives them more assets ready for SMTV and a new Devil Summoner game

>put aside our differences
That was ENTIRELY on Junpei's part. He was just butthurt that he wasn't the cool leader with all the awesome special powers like MC.