
Why is Captain Aizen so dreamy?

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Is it the eyes? Or the glasses? Or the lips perhaps?

Can't Fear Your Own World - By Narita Ryohgo
is the supposed title of the new novel. April 28th the release date.

It's the barely hidden smug smirk he keeps sporting like he wants to spill the beans on the great inside joke he's in every time he talks to someone.



Because he has mastered the Edo Tensei

Source or fuck off m8

What's your favorite version?

CT Smith aka Zombie Powder Aizen

I wonder how his hair feels like.

Final arc Aizen.

Can someone please post the episode reaction image with the guys on sofa?
I had a version that went to half of the blood arc before I stopped coming here, and now I've lost that one as well.

Please post the most updated one, it's one of my favorite images.

You all should wake up from Kyouka Suigetsu's illusion. Don't be fooled by that fake smiling bastard's lies.

Reminder that Aizen did nothing wrong

I don't want to.

Whose idea was it to make a villain so handsome?
How am I supposed to root for the heroes?

It's the chin.

Bleach is over and gone but I'll never get over Aizen

The seyuu.

t. Momo.

Nay. It's his brain. Nothing beats carefully tended plans that creates mass hysteria at their revelation.

Would totally suck him off. No momo.

>implying he would let someone like you slobber on his dick when he can have literally any man or woman he wants using his charm alone.

Let me dream, man.

It's ok user, I got your back.
I'll just use my Sakasama no Sekai and reverse his sense of taste.
That'll make him love you!

>he can have literally any man or woman
>falls for ichigo and orihime instead

Will kubo ever work again in the manga industry?

He'll work for the fashion industry instead like Tokyo Ghoul's Sui Ishida.

Hopefully not. He was too good for it anyway.

Why is this a bad thing?

I remember some user writefagging about user sucking Aizens dick
If someone has it pls post

Ew. Aizen is for sensual lovemaking.

Bleach lasted for 15 whole years so it wouldn't be surprising if he wanted to lay low from now on; he should definitely have anough money to live a comfortable life especially since he has no children. Maybe he'll design characters for anime or games, but I don't see him starting another series. Pic-related are character designs he did in the past.

It's not, but they fell for each other instead and left him heartbroken.

>not wanting to go down on Aizen trying your hardest to please him
What are you, a fag

Those look like Sode no Shirayuki and primal Isshin.

Someone what? And you still remember that event? Dude.

user, s-stop my mouth is watering

Nah, she's prettier than Sode no Shirayuki.

This my favorite headcanon.

My favorite headcanon is that Aizen has the most unremarkable dick in existence. It's not even small or thin, it's just forgettably average.

>you will never read a doujin where Bambietta sexually tortures Rukia by sitting on her face and "exploding" in her mouth.


No shame user. Aizen taichou turns me on

He is so beautiful, even when he's bleeding.

Ah, yes. This one too.

I remember this thread. Fun times.

If anyone cares, the Narita novel will release the first chapter on the JUMP app on April 28th.

threesome fanart never

i'd like it if he did illustration or design work for a video game actually

Kubo draws him manlier as a taicho. With broader shoulders.

That's Kenpachi in the center lmao.

Aoi Bungaku was a fun project


Literally Grimmjow.

I wanted Ichigo to call him Souske just once.
Only Kyoraku and Shinji used his first name ;_;

Urahara was better.

Still no news of "Bleach:Next Gen"?

Kubo's taking a lot of time to plan it all out carefully.

Shut up Kisuke.


Shinji is best boy.

>Best looks
>Best Shikai
>/fa/ AS FUCK
>Dude is so cool he walks upside down
>A smile to die for

>best looks

not with that smile

Such a bummer we never saw his bankai.
Always loved his shikai.

Any headcannon theories on it?

Shikai reverses the opponent's senses so that he perceives Shinji's actions as if they were reversed
The Bankai might actually reverse them so that he becomes impossible to counter (eg. Shinji strikes from the front, opponent counters, Bankai reverses the attack to Shinji actually strikes the opponent's back)

Actually I think it would be something like Lancer's Noble Phantasm.

It reverses Cause and Effect.
So the effect first happens, then time and space bend to somehow create a cause.

So the effect is that the enemy will be pierced, meaning the they are pierced before Shinji even takes any action.
Then they see a rationalization of how it happened, even tho it's not real.

Would go with the Zanpakuto's name "Counter Strike".

But that's broken as fuck.

imagine if Shinji had had to fight Nianzol, The Wind

Yeah, it's a legendary curse and a surefire one hit kill.
In fate it's kinda balanced by requiring a shit ton of mana, and the fact that it can be actually dodged by having a high Luck stat and Curse Resistance.

>requiring a shit ton of mana
Gae Bolg is actually pretty cost efficient. You're thinking about the Anti-army function it has.

"Counter Strike" isn't even a remotely approximate translation. The kanji are for "Reverse/Opposite/Inverse/Converse" and "Brush/Stroke/Pat/Caress/Comb." Besides that it's its own term, though that term's pretty literal anyhow.
>Noun, Suru verb
>1. rubbing the wrong way (e.g. a cat); irritating
as in...
>"Everything he says rubs me the wrong way."

I thought it was reverse someone powering themselves up. Like. The more spiritual pressure charged up, You're actually weakening yourself

Basically. In order to power up, you have to power down. And in order to power down, you have to power up. It would have been the perfect way to counter Thor's ability since the more they killed him, the the weaker he would get instead of stronger On top of that, it would fit Shinji's theme while being powerful

How bad are the Bleach translations?

Is there a way to make causality manipulation non-broken?

Niggerstream tier bad.

>final arc
>still missing tons of bankai

What a hack, I'm up for bleach 2 but I don't want someone else to draw it like that boruto thing.

He is writing some manga with some shoujoshit artist but he said he will never draw again

here you go, user

not just missing bankai but we got all those last minute rehashes of old ones that we didn't want wsating time and space, and ther weren't even particularly good

I can't believe shinji's bankai was so strong. We all knew it would be that but to see it in action was great.

I feel like the art was the most impressive part even though the ability is outstanding.


Shinji's bankai being mentioned in spoilers was a sure sign that they were fake.

>sexy time is all the time
If only.

we never saw hisagi's fucking bankai

and kubo fucking knows it

I miss Aizen-sama. He's like Bleach's Hisoka but better.

>explains exactly what his shikai does every single fight

Maybe he added this scene because the Hisagi novel was already planned.

Were there even any characters in this series who didn't fight like complete retards?
I can only think of Gin, who was actually smart and didn't reveal what his power did, and maybe Shunsui

way more than the missing bankais is the fact we didnt get proper defeats for all of the broken sternritter powers

>guy who gets stronger everytime he is defeated
>guy who reverses everything thats done to him back to you without exception and then some
>guy who cant be harmed by anything at all

>none of these were truly defeated. Just had their powers returned to the source for plot purposes of ending the manga

Ichigo calling him Sousuke would be intimate

a final trolling worth of Kubo sensei

Where's their spinoff?

Aizen "explained" it, but you could not tell if what you were seeing was real of fake either way

If Aizen actually wanted to fight smart he could've just slaughtered the entire Gotei 13 without difficulty.

If you had a Fullbring, how would it materialize as?

Aizen was always the intellectual type, he liked mindfucking his victims more than killing them, as Momo showed

>quincy decorations on his phone
Quincy pride world wide

>Bambietta will never sit on your face

>Bambietta will never shit down your throat while laughing

That's why I wanted it to happen.

Gin, Shunsui, Ukitake, Starrk, the guy Gremmy created.