Why do people think this is amazing?
Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed it, the animation was good, it was exciting and the visuals and action were interesting. But I don't get why the story is suppose to be so great.
Why do people think this is amazing?
It's 2deep4u, don't worry about it kiddo
Most people like what they're told they're supposed to like, and this is a western-friendly and generally well regarded show. You do the math.
it's because pseudo nerd culture eats up anything they're told is good
It's average cyberpunk at best, with hit or miss psychological elements that take the right taste to like
Much like Evangelion, you have to think about the culture and time period at when the movie came out to appreciate the impact
So what do you like then?
Probably it is just childhood thing for me, I remember, when I saw poster for GitS in my local book/comic store and it took me nearly a three months to obtain VHS copy of copy of copy with German voice-over (only one female voice monotonously reading translation over dialogue) and having printed out translation in my language so I can follow the story.
It was gateway to more serious science fiction, cyberpunk culture and whole symbolism of soul, machine and trans-humanism/existential questions. Also it was great source for my designs and idea harvesting of gritty industrial visual (like Blade Runner)
I still cherish the GitS, like that one book from my childhood, that was mediocre at best, but because I didn't knew anything better, I loved it.
I like a lot of things, but nothing to the point of finding it amazing.
So what you're saying is that you have no taste then? Glad we got that out of the way.
I thought it was pretty boring.
Fuck you nigger I saw that shit was new and it was faggoty technobabble even then.
Oshii's has a bad tendency to be too heavy handed with his philosophical shit, when you combine it with it super slow pacing and lack of character development (really, the characters in his movies always feels so emotioneless they're barely characters) it ends being boring.
When I watched it, it felt like the movie was building up to internal fighting between the divisions but then went off track with the philosophical stuff with the Major.
It was enjoyable, but it just didn't really feel conclusive enough to me.
>GITS is loved almost universally on Sup Forums
>Scarjo GITS movie comes out
>suddenly every GITS thread is full of people saying GITS was never good
Sasuga, Sup Forums.
It's not a bad tendency at all, Oshii is just trying to make an art film, which has no need to be "entertaining".
I was 2deep in yo mom
>you're not supposed to enjoy it
Truly an art house film
>an art film, which has no need to be "entertaining"
Something tells me that your definition of entertaining is different than mine.
>the animation was good, it was exciting and the visuals and action were interesting.
You don't even need anything more than that for a great anime. Even then, the story's not unique, but it's well told.
nigger fuck you GiTS is post-cyberpunk kino
wtf delete this
ok dad
It's a story about transhumanism that doesn't give you answers. It presents a possible example of how humanity might move beyond our flesh and blood bodies into a new type of existance, and it doesn't suggest to the viewer if it's a good or a bad thing. It's more like, "this is happening and you can't stop it."
What's your definition, then?
yeah, that's the general opinion although it fails to provide immersive qualities that emphasize setting and situation to be a defining work of the cyberpunk genre for me
tl;dr muh opiniens
This is the man who made Angel's Egg. Are you implying that's wrong?
In what way is GitS post-cyberpunk?
that's a pretty glorified answer to justify a lack of good development but if that's what gets you to enjoy it, go right ahead.
I liked it too but only after I have immersed myself in cyberpunk as a genre and could understand immediately the angles that the plot was coming from. It would be a poor choice for an introduction into cyberpunk imo
Other then the score and the visuals, I didn't really care for the first film all that much. I loved Stand Alone Complex though.
>A movie, shown in theaters, has no need to be entertaining.
I mean you're right, it doesn't need anything. It doesn't need dialogues, voices, backgrounds. The movie could even have been a REAL art film where it's just an animation made by engraving the film tape by using a fork.
But at the end of the day, GitS was NOT an experimental piece. It was a movie shown to a large audience. Thus it has to entertain that audience in order to be successful. And in fact it entertained quite a lot of people.
GitS was good though, and it did entertain me. Just that I think that it already bears marks of what made other Oshii movies (Innocence and Sky Crawlers) mediocre.
>to justify a lack of good development
That's just Oshii's style. The message and setting is more important than the characters, so his shit comes off as detached and static. I agree that it's not exactly a good intro because people are generally more interested in other people than concepts and ramifications.
That's clearly the entire tone of how it's presented though. If a conclusion is "missing", it was left out on purpose.
You could tell me that the lack of "emotional" elements during the climax is simply a result of Oshii's style, and you'd be right; Patlabor and Angel's Egg do the same thing. But that style is used for a reason, and it's to present a view of the events that is unfiltered as possible. They didn't just forget the music. Even if it was intended this way (and I don't believe that) it creates an environment where the viewer has to decide how they feel based purely on the facts of what's being presented. Furthermore, the Major and Puppetmaster don't discuss the goods and evils of their merger, they simply discuss the facts of it, with no one but Batou--who is removed from the conversation--reacting at all.
I'll take off my beret and turtleneck for a moment and also say that it's also significant just for it's animation, and that would be enough if it didn't have more to offer.
Weird, I saw it when it first came out and loved it, and nobody even told me to. Even sought out the superior manga version go figure.
^even if it [wasn't] intended this way
At the time it was made it had nearly as much of an impact on the "Near time" Sci-fi genre as Bladerunner once did.
It isnt a masterpiece. What it did was portray a really interesting world and reality for a society that was just on the verge of the digital and internet age.
I mean, it was the main influence for The Matrix, which was also seen as groundbreaking in its time.
I watched it as well before seeing the live action
It was fine.
Better than the manga, but inferior to SAC. Defitney better than the live action.
These are interesting points that I have started to understand and appreciate now that they've been explained. I guess I'm just not used to unconventional stylistic choices in animation as I am in writing.
Anyone feel a large disconnect between the original movie's style and SAC?
Is there a reason for this? I assume it's mainly because they needed more concrete material to make a longer running show but it feels weird watching it
There was a significant difference in tone between them. SAC with the same animation as GitS would not have fit the tone of the show.
Given that GiTS is an Oshii piece, I think it's safe to say that he cared very little about conventionally "entertaining" the audience. Perhaps its success can be attributed to its action scenes, or maybe how exotic it was for its time, but there is no way Oshii did not deliberately intend the movie to be as slow and "boring" as it is.
SAC feels cheaper to me desu
cyberpunk characters are always outside the law/society etc and in GiTS all the main characters are the law.
I see. All the plot elements felt more concrete in the show. The addition of music with lyrics also threw me off.
Maybe you feel its cheaper because as far as I remember it's a fragmented set of non interconnected storylines. You're not left hanging on to any single plot line
Damn son. Fucking toasted.
film is a visual medium
You'd be surprised how many directors in both animation and live action forget this.
Trips are wasted on you Zack
Major and Batou are still oppressed by the law and their situation, hence their conversation on the boat about how they can't really leave and still survive without the high-level maintinence they require and how Major wouldn't be the same person without being comnected to thw network.
The world's pretty crapsack still, too, and the transhumanism elements are still seen as a dangerous idea. It's hard for me to call this post-cyberpunk
Oshii understands this, always focuses on the visuals first.
That doesn't mean HEY MAKE IT FLASHY, SUBSTANCE COMES LATER, but he uses the visuals as substance.
It's shit. Just like blade runner
>Major and Batou are still oppressed by the law and their situation
take you never seen SAC or the other movies correct
the world in GITS is very very bright what with dealing with WWIII and WIV one of which was full on nuclear
it's not great
it's never really on any top 5 list of great anime movies or even top 10
people only remember it because the show
Yeah, I've only ever seen '95
But that's what we're discussing, isn't it?
>people only remember it because the show
Nigga if this isn't bait
>people only remember it because the show
>It's an "i'm gonna tell people why they like something" post
The second movie called innocence was way better
But nobody know that it exist or cares
And its so underrated
Also the anime wasn't that good it only had
They pulled the same story 2 times
Where the bad guy was actually the good guy
the story isn't anything special, just like the story from 2001 space odyssey isn't good .
it's just fucking well directed science fiction!
Mostly the visuals and action, it was amazing for it's time because it was much rarer in for animation to have that type of story.
This is why nobody loves you Sup Forums. sage.
But honestly that's what cyberpunk is. Nothing more.
Innocence is better if you know your philosophy.
t. never read good Cyberpunk literature.
basically the major is the one who made/is in charge of section 9 aramaki is nothing more then a well connected public servant
section 9 gives them the freedom to do what they are great at and love
aramaki is a bit more than that, he handles all the justistic and political shit.
i hope the new anime will be good
>GITS is loved almost universally on Sup Forums
>m00t dies and a chink takes over the place
>suddenly we have a bunch of contrarian kids in an already contrarian board
thats what a public servant is
and ya we're all praying the new anime will be great arise wasn't terrible but the art was pretty bad motoko was just flat out terrible fuck even the derptarded leotard looked better
there is? I don't think so
new anime? nani?
Show me the good shit or you're just a bunch of shitposters
Philosophical themes of identity, sexuality, artificial intelligence, "what it means to be?" etc
I don't know why you don't like it. Pretty fucking good anime movie imo.
A lot of what makes a great film "great"- like truly great, as opposed to just a synonym for good, is its lasting cultural impact. That's why GitS is a great film, in spite of the interesting philosophical dialogue being delivered in rather dry and unwieldy monologues.
Shit, misuse of dialogue when talking about monologues. Philosophical content I guess instead of philosophical dialogue?
Eh, I only cared about the part where she shows off her tits to become invisible. And the part where that older dude's hand split up so he can type faster manually.
I don't know if it's "amazing" there are a lot of badass scenes:
>And the part where that older dude's hand split up so he can type faster manually.
>pfff fucking pleb you can only type 160 wpm check this out
Basically it's cool to go against the flow and some fags do it to get a rise out of people. Some do it out of pure ignorance like this fag Saying the story is not unique, yet he fails to realize the time this movie came out at a time when even the matrix didn't exist yet.
Sup Forums is begging to fill with faggots who weren't even alive in the early '90s to watch anime. Fuck these people, all they have going for them is Pokemon and naruto, which is not even entry level anime
The only good thing about the terrible live action movie, the free PR was probably an additional factor that got them to fund this. No third SAC season but it can still be good.
Oh, like Cowboy Bebop?
SAC was better desu, but the 1995 film is still better than Solid State Society
>SAC was better
When will this meme die? SAC was an above average detective series.
with cyberpunk aesthetics. That's all i want. Where the fuck is my third season?
What the hell is going on in this scene?
Did she mind control him? Or did he do it of his own free will? And if so, why?
'95 did everything SAC did but had better characters, better direction, and better art style (among others)
Its far more than that desu
she has his ghost infiltration key. She hacked into his prosthetic body. She shuts his vision down multiple times too.
no. We saw much less character developement and section 9 at work. That's not a bad thing, you can't fit all that into a movie, but it was nice to see it nontheless. SAC had what, almost 20 hours of content? And it almost never felt like a drag.
same reason people praise lain,ergoproxy,paranoia agent. muh 2deep
Obviously a series with 20 hours of content will have more to show regarding character development and backstory. That doesn't mean that it has better characters though, but I'll concede that point. Regardless, '95 was a groundbreaking film and really elevated the medium from simply being mindless otaku shit.
No it isn't. SAC was great but the film was simply another level.
oh so that's what you're arguing. Yes i liked the film more than SAC too, it simply was/is on another level. But you can't really compare a movie with a series anyways. The time SAC gave the characters for developement and just watching section 9 do its thing was pretty awesome too, and something that a movie just can't do.
GitS is a masterwork but it's ignorant to imply that it was the first thing to reach beyond basic entertainment.
i like cyberpunk,shadow run, blade runner and shit. I saw it when i was a kid and it is a nostalgic /k/ movie for me.
Only normalfags think that GITS is amazing.
Does this thing on her head also looks like a vr-head set?
Say what?
>Why do people think this is amazing?
Why do people make threads calling out movies for being overrated 22 years after the movie came out?
By todays standards, GitS does nothing special. But that's because 22 years ago it did something unique, and that uniqueness inspired 22 years worth of anime (and manga, video games, books, and other media).
So when you look at classics you have to look at them differently than other media. Because it's not that they are middle-of the road by todays standards. It's that they were cutting edge 22 years and it just took everyone else a long time to catch up.
I'm not sure if "cutting edge" really works as such when it comes to movies.
>I'm not sure if "cutting edge" really works as such when it comes to movies.
why can't a movie be cutting edge?
There are lots of different technology and techniques that go into developing a movie. GitS had a lot of things it did first. And they had to develop a pipeline to figure out those things and execute them in a financially reasonable manner. That is absolutely cutting edge