Shingeki no Kyojin

Thread for those who like lesbians

Best pair

LAME is garbage.

EH will be canon soon enough.

YH a canon and cute.


>the anime retconned Ymir's mindless titan design so its pointy claws and teeth don't appear until after Marcel is eaten
What did they mean by this?

theres a whole board for you fags

>Historia is pronounced "History-ah"
What the fuck. What a dumb name. Krista should just go and kill herself.

Manga is a rough draft. Anime is canon.

EH Buthurt

Ymir inherited the power of the spiky titan

They meant that it's a power to go along with the agility.

All those titan short jokes and Ymir transforms into a fucking troll.

You know what the story needs? For the enemy to become even more faceless of course, so all the warriors should switch sides! Who needs good antagonists when you can just have a thousand nameless blobs to fight instead? Annie, Reiner, Zeke, Gabi, Falco, all of them should go help the saints in the SL to destroy their home

>mfw I was at the edge of my seat even though I knew what was going to happen
It was a great episode and I'm glad they didn't put any filler in it

She was already fast as a mindless titan, which is why she was able to surprise attack BRM

Isayama had creative input on the making of the anime. He probably clarified his art style in the anime. Marcel probably had a Titan that had the claws and teeth power that Ymir inherited when she ate him. I'm guessing that's the Jaw Titan power given their forms are almost identical and both give emphasis to their claws and teeth. If so, Galliard is the one who ate Ymir.

Props to Wit Studio for trying to make Titan Ymir prettier than in the manga.


>Jaw Titan power
His power is being half armored. It looks similar to Reiner's armor.

Would anyone care to refresh my memory?
If I recall correctly, it wasn't until the Uprising arc that it was revealed Levi was an Ackerman, right? Or had it been mentioned before that? Only thing I can remember is Levi telling Mikasa about the ebin powers they have for being Ackermans


This episode did well to portray the horror and the bleak hopelessness they must have felt in there seeing the Titans crawl up the stairs slowly. The deaths of the veteran scouts didn't help things either. I wouldn't want to be one of the poor souls stuck in Utgard during that attack.


Endgame right here, brothers.

>No LAME filler
This episode was fantastic

I agree, but that would also mean that beast titan's claws and eyes don't change until after Ymir disappears. So I'm betting this means Ymir ate Marcel and took those abilities, then Zeke ate Ymir and did the same.

I know that he found out about Kenny being Ackerman in Uprising but I think he knew that he himself was Ackerman way before.

Well, you do know you can inherit the armor by drinking from a bottle.
Ymir is dead.

Could be that he drank the Armor serum like Eren did and gained the armor part of his Titan form. He looks almost identical to Ymir's Titan form in both how he looks and how he fights and the claws/teeth aspect of his Titan too. We know that Ymir was most likely fed to someone for her shifter powers and right now, Galliard fits the bill the most.

Unless it's part of a mindless titan changing after eating someone. Frieda got boobs, Eren grew in size and Ymir got sharp teeths and claws. Jaw's power also seems to be half-armor

I think someone needs their diapers changed

LAME a shit, BRYHC a best

So braindead animeonlyfags don't think she was a shifter back then.


Armin based

Eren's armor looks different from Reiner's

More plausible than given how the only ones there were Zeke/Pieck/Reiner/Bert. And seeing how Pieck didn't demonstrate any of Ymir's Titan traits and neither did Reiner or Bert, Zeke is probably the one that ate her. Unless they shipped her back to Marley for someone else to eat.

RH soon.

Literally everyone here read manga. If they haven't they were spoiled to shit in their first /snk/ you can relax with spoilers.

So? The armored titan is Reiner, not Jaws. It's obvious by now he ate Ymir. Please, accept it already.

wtf is this?

Yeah, plus the Eldian Cadets seem to know that only the Beast and Armored Titans are up for grabs. If Ymir was still alive and held captive, surely Marley would want to give her power away to one of the Cadets as well.

Not him but it's not that obvious right now. Zeke or Pieck could have done the same. Galliard is just the likeliest candidate of the currently introduced characters to have eaten Ymir.

>Unless they shipped her back to Marley for someone else to eat.
When she was writing the letter, they were probably on a ship. They also gave her new clothing.

>Literally everyone here read manga.
Didn't you see the shitload of animeonlyfags last thread?

RZ Soon.

I mean, I know he must've known all along, but we didn't up until then, did we?
I just remember there being a reveal of someone being an Ackerman during a conversation Kenny was having with someone else or something like that, I guess I should just go ahead and reread the stuff, don't even remember when was it that Levi told Mikasa they were related or if she already knew

Who has the jaws and claws, user?

Then again we only saw 4 out of 5 shifters.

I don't think so. Unless they shipped Ymir back to Marley with Reiner on the boat as well and Reiner came back to Paradis just in time to fight the SL in Shiganshina. I think they were probably writing that letter in one of Shiganshina's abandoned houses. Then either Zeke/Pieck ate her or they shipped her back to Marley with some escorts to feed her to someone back there.

For being someone who was about to be executed, she looks pretty fine. Maybe Ymir lied about her fate so Historia wouldn't try to go rescue her.

Yeah and now they've already been spoiled so it doesn't matter either way.

From his brief interaction with Eren, Zeke already comes off as a bit of an overprotective onii-chan. If he gets to really know Eren personally, I bet he'll go full brocon for Eren.


Ymir is very nonchalant about death

Nah even if Zeke and co. accepted her, the Marleyan authorities sure as hell wouldn't want a former cult goddess named Ymir of all things to be one of their warriors. They'll probably immediately order one of their more loyal warriors to eat her.

>I don't think so.
It looks like she is wearing clothing from marley, since her pants look more modern.

If he gets to really know Eren personally, he'll send him the same way he send Grisha. They are exactly the same.


Yeah but the difference is he knows Eren went through the exact same thing he did in his childhood, being brainwashed by Grisha. But unlike him Eren didn't have Marley to tell him the truth (in his eyes), so he'll likely be more understanding of Eren than Grisha and maybe try to bring him over to their side gently.

Next week guys.

Jaw is partially armored and Ymir's titan wasn't. It's highly unlikely they're the same.

There's no way animefags could see the Ymir twist coming

What do you mean "yeah"?

Well she saved two of their warriors. Apparently AT is their biggest asset in their mission to get the coordinate.

Eren was faced with truth countless times, he still insists and will until his last full of denial day. Like Grisha.

It's not that, she is wearing new clothes and doesn't look like she's being mistreated or restrained in any way.
She still has her powers too, she could probably run away or kill as many Marleyans as she could before getting killed so her power won't fall in their hands, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Also Ymir is a huge liar and I wouldn't be surprised if her letter contained a bunch of lies to put Historia's mind at peace.

If they watched the OVA they might have had an idea. I remember being floored by the reveal when I read the manga though.

Webm of Krista showing her legs to Reiner?

Jaw has no claws.

>bert about to fucking blow sperg

they better not miss this little detail


>Ymir can read those old letters (possibly a spy from another country?)
>Bertolt says "lets live and return to our homeland"

Now that Ymir's reveal was finally animated I thought I could get a laugh from Reddit animeonlyfags' theories from last episode
>Not a single person ever suspected Ymir
>Niggers thought Zeke was throwing titans inside the walls from the outside and that's why there was no breach
>Some others thought the Dancing Titan was Connie because of his mom being turned into one
I should've known better lads, Ymir's reveal in the manga was way fucking better since we hadn't seen her Titan form before and the anime's trailer kind of ruined that





Kek. I remember this.

I want it too.

That's what we know, Zeke doesn't know that. From his point of view, Eren is just a poor brainwashed victim of Grisha who didn't have anyone to tell him the truth. So I'm guessing he'll try and be the good big bro and try and help Eren but of course this being Eren things won't go well. I'm still fully expecting Zeke to finally betray Marley in the end due to his love for Eren and maybe die protecting him or something.

>Niggers thought Zeke was throwing titans inside the walls from the outside and that's why there was no breach
>Some others thought the Dancing Titan was Connie because of his mom being turned into one
Sausage niggerddit.

Remember when people thought there was more than one MT?

Is this some meme? Do you faggots really believe Marley is actually in the right or something?

>Zeke doesn't know that.
He will, as soon as he gets to know Eren.
>Zeke to finally betray Marley in the end.
He won't. Not for someone exactly like Grisha.

Canon pairing coming through

Is princess Ymir, you pleb.

She was sneaky.
Agility is the main power of that titan.


>I already have everything planned out till the very end, but I shouldn’t say much. I try not to use the words “good and evil” and “justice” much. I plan on taking the story while not deciding just who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. I plan on still deceiving the fans, but…if you read without putting too high of expectations, I think you’ll be able to enjoy it a lot more!


>Zeke was throwing titans inside the walls from the outside

To be fair that also sounded like a possibility. We saw from Mike's death that the Beast Titan can throw shit great distances at incredible speeds not to mention he's been shown scaling the wall too. People who don't immediately think that the serum/Zeke's scream must have titanized the villagers and haven't connected the dots yet would assume that it's just Zeke throwing Titans over the wall.

Why is Reiner so based? I lost account of the amount of times he risked his life to save his comrades, he is more likeable than Eren and Armin.

>jaw titan
There aren't two titans with the same power at once. We've seen all 9 now.
Jaw has a reinforced jaw that can easily crunch through metal and shit.
Ymir's has sharper claws and teeth that can slice through flesh and wood without issue.

I don't think she said all of this in the manga, that made it even worse jesus

>I plan on still deceiving the fans
Not anymore.

thanks for this

Neither of them is in the right, both parties act like retards. But of course it's hard to try a reasonable route if that cold get you killed as long as even a tiny fraction of the 'enemy' decides to keep acting retarded because of the same reason.

>and haven't connected the dots

Literally everyone thinks that, even the characters.