Prison School Chapter 251

With all pages.















I love Hana.

>Why do not you hang out with me?

No chapter next week.

raw when


Now someone revive korean bro.


she def asked him to hang out

I want to hold Hana and tell her everything is going to be alright

gotta admit that they both are having a nice development

Why is this bitch so dramatic?

because it means that she recoginzes that she likes kyoshit

Because she really likes him, a lot?

Also, this is Prison School.

Dramatic doki doki.

Kiyoshi is CUTE

Bottom left panel, top bobble:
누나 같은느낌?
"Feeling like your sister?"

inb4 Kiyoshi says he likes Hana like a sister

I wonder what she's thinking about here

This kills the ship.

Sure she must be pissed.

>it's not gonna go anywhere because status quo is king in these kind of stories and the author's not gonna have the balls to make them a couple
feels bad man

that's a low punch

Probably will gonna be something like Nisekoi.

MC loves the pure girl, tsundere (and best girl) loves MC, and in the end MC realizes that he really love the tsundere.

The way things seem to be going, probably not

>mfw no pairings happen in the end
>mfw the series ends with time-skip college kiyoshi and his bros attending a wet-shirt contest during vacation

Just accept it already.

I hope it won't be like that.
The MC must win his love interest's heart, same as the tsundere girl must win her love interest's heart (MC), like how RL is.
Also, a tsundere best girl? Please, hypocrites are the worst kind of person

I would laugh so damn hard with this, shipfags will get utterly mad

It's the ending the boys deserve after being put through so much; they'll finally get away from these carnivorous and deranged girls. I don't get why people want either Hana or Chiyo to win since the former is bat-shit and the latter is probably just as bat-shit but better at hiding it.

Only ending that is worth it

Hope we get a Hanafag Hall of Anal Devastation

Like this sister?

Kiyoshi is not only trash but now a siscon too would Hana make a good imouto?

Sisterzone reminds me on Jericho

>tried her best to keep a neutral/relaxed after Kiyoshi's response


I don't know, man. For me it feels right the other way, chiyo is far in the bottom of even secondary characters, Hana us way on the top, we can even read her feelings. I think kiyohana is going to be real in the final arc.

Kiyoshi best girl.

Your point is stronk

You forgot
>Kiyoshi mentions a girlfriend but not who it is.
>Shipwars for all eternity.

But Hiramoto's already broken status quo by having the other boys have girls. Usually, it's just the MC.

If this is true it's nice to see them developing a way more friendly relationship than before.

I mean to quote:

>>Kiyoshi mentions a girlfriend but not who it is.
>>Shipwars for all eternity.

Love this, taste so good. I would leave you a tip if I could user.

>far in the bottom
>way on the top
Hanafags shouldn't speak for the rest of the fanbase

I need it in english nooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww

I just love this manga

Alright I got the perfect ending

>timeskip kiyoshi and the lads are on spring break during their first year of university
>kiyoshi and gakuto are both in relationships but we don't know with who
>we're given no info on the formers girlfriend, but gakuto and his enjoy the three kingdoms which means it could be either slut or mitsuki since slut was getting into it for him and mitsuki already likes it
>first pages are the lads making a promise to keep the wet t-shirt contest a secret from their girlfriends
>final page is the lads drinking, kicking back, and finally enjoying said wet t-shirt contest in some bar on the beach

Hanafags/Chiyofags will argue till the end of time along with the few Slutfags/Mitsukifags. Screencap this.


>trying to predict Prison School

Some anons just never lean.

I don't see pairings happening. That normalfag bullshit doesn't fit in with the narrative.

Where is Mari and the question of whether she is lesbian or not in this?

>B-b-but he has to be with Hana-san, or else I'm gonna off myself!
You're probably right about the pairings.
Every relationship in this series is fucked in some way. It's almost like the manga mocks the very idea of a "relationship".

>if kiyoshi ends up with hana then chiyo will still be in his life since hana is close friends with mari and chiyo is her sister
>if kiyoshi ends up with chiyo then hana is still in his life since mari will be his sister-in-law and hana is her close friend

my guy will either end up alone or with some new girl that came into his life off-screen.

You're all faggots. Kiyoshi will obviously end up with Keito.

probably thinking Kyoshi is an idiot for believing whatever bullshit reason Hana gave him for the kiss


Ultimate Friendzone is the Sisterzone
Sry Hana :-/

Maybe. Is she older or younger than Kiyoshi?

Two years older.

How do you know?

Not that guy, but the USC are all seniors, and Kiyoshi is a freshman. She's 2 years older.

Do you honestly believe Kiyoshi would want to kiss a girl he views as a sister on the lips? Or drink her piss? Come on, use your head. He's not that fucked.

She's 1-2 years older

HALLO let's take a break from shipposting and speculate on a more important matter:

Who will be the next girl (as in has not been seen already) to be depicted pissing?

So she would have to be the big sister, then? I suppose the NBR-loving onee-san fans would be all for such a development.

Slut-chan, obviously

>Do you honestly believe
Well, she's not actually his sister, she's older than him, and he doesn't have feelings for her, so yes.

But Kiyoshi would also kiss his sister

>Or drink her piss?
He doesn't want to do that with anyone, shitposter-kun.

There is no development, it's speculative shit posting.


The only one in this manga who wants to drink piss is Meiko as was "subtly implied" in that "subtle" ebin water fountain cutaway back when Hana got pissed on through her own stupidity. Tbh Meiko thinking Hana went in a bathroom stall and sprayed piss all over her own face is almost as good as if Hana actually had.

>I see you like a siter.

How will Hanafags ever recover?

A "sister" he imagined having the greatest sexual experience of his life with.

Covering your eyes so much. Buddy, it's sealed now. Chiyo is the only girl he sees romantically.

One of you weebs tell me what character-set this is in so I can get a table of common characters, and I'll start doing grunt work to get you the very most ghetto translation ever.

I've never thought fictional characters can cause such emotions

It's you creeps making mountains out of molehills from a crude translation just because you read the word sister.

How about you want for the full translation or wait for the Korean bro before you foam at the mouth.

Seriously if someone just tells me what these moonrunes are I'll get you guys the gist.

>Chiyo is the only girl he sees romantically
He still does see Hana sexually, and sisterly apparently

O wow yes, Hana is a huge hateful bitch just like Kirino after all. Good catch there, user.

how the hell do you not recognise Korean Hangul?
[captcha: select mountains]


Apparently, consering her his sister is not enough. I admire your resilience, Hanafags. We will need the confession to Chiyo to put you guys properly down.

I don't get it, why she got down from the train? Aren't they going to the same place?

Because I almost never bother with raws and I'm not from Korea. Thanks.

Still not romantically

Well, was.

The sexual attraction is still very much present.

The confession that's gonna bomb because Chiyo won't reciprocate his feelings?

Better have the noose ready when Chiyo says he likes him as a friend.

Can I be disappointed further after TLR:D?

Yes I can. But thankfully the cavalry arc already damaged this series irreparably for me.