From right to left;
Daughter, Mom, Dad, Son, and __________
From right to left;
Daughter, Mom, Dad, Son, and __________
Other urls found in this thread:
>Daughter, Mom, Son, Daughter's beta orbiter, Daughter's friend
>Daughter, Mom, Dad, some kid, and Daughter
>hurr durr I call every girl waifu
Fuck off retard.
Son's gf
wew lad
>Hello darling, this is our daughter
>let's put all the interesting parts of the episode in the first minute and last 10 seconds
this illustrator is cute
So the consensus is that this episode was shit, right?
Last 10 seconds with Hime were interesting too.
>Meguca didn't get slamdunked
Sota is Hime's widowed father.
Also, Hime confirmed kid looking.
No. I liked it.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said.
>Suicide-chan created hime
>MCfag was suicide-chan's only friend
Nice hairline m8
They tried to write her some powers in like we all talked about last week, so it's okay in my book.
Yeah and that sub is flat-out wrong
smart rem
I liked it
It started explaining what creators can actually do
Meteora and Hime are by far the best girls
Whoops, read first 10 seconds.
Reminds me of when DBZ ROMS and sega emulators were a thing in school and the whole class crowds around the kid who got to the computer early play.
I liked it. Some may be bored because they watched the stream first and there was no intense action, so rewatching could feel tedious.
Red has such criminal body
Don't you get tired of spouting the same shit in every thread?
The pace of this show is weird and anti-climatic. Honestly I don't get what they're trying to convey with this because the story seems to be quite interesting.
Except she literally says he is god.
>babby's first existential crisis
Probably should have spent more time introducing all the players before setting the rules for the world.
E.g. they could have shown a flashback for the fight between Yuuya and Big Boss.
Show, don't tell.
>I don't get what they're trying to convey with this
That the pace of the show is weird and anti-climatic.
>Get excited for Personaman to lay the smackdown on Meguca
>Stupid-looking lancer comes flying in on her magical horse motorcycle and flies off with Meguca
she looks like that shop of yoda spazzing out holding a knife
Remove spats.
so could it be that the loli died and the old man wants his creator to revise his story?
Every episode was shit. This series is shit.
So maybe the reason hime knew MC was because she's been hanging around setsuna for a while (if she is his sister)
If you're in a hurry, maybe. I was expecting from episode 1 a SoL series with some occasionally action events until the drama climaxes, since the only villain is very easy going and implied a good person.
This one covered the "author is going to write her mecha back in the world" we recurrently had in this thread, not to mention the conditions for a world to be created (not some random guy writing a doujin for himself), plus that Selesia is really the anime version not LN version.
Plus any second of Hime makes the episode good.
I tried
But why? Are they short-handed in source material or something?
She said he's one of many gods in this world, which means he's just one of many creators making fictional shows; an implication quite different from 'the god of this world'
So, what would it take for Red to be given new powers?
Does it have to be in anime? Or can LN author do it himself?
Does it have to be at end of current development or can it be out-of-order OVA?
Is it necessary for it to be seen by viewers/readers, or is authors just making it enough?
Thank you, based Lancer onee-sama, for saving Mamika from that flaming homosexual.
Troyca is a shit studio.
wait until she comes back and starts bitching about muh honor. I can see it coming
Yuuya was a pretty cool guy. Unexpected.
"Best Girl" would probably be more fitting.
I don't really get why people like Hime.
The story is interesting but this episode was nonsense, They could have wrapped the info up in 10 minutes but it's 22 episodes long so I guess it doesn't matter.
I'm assuming MC either worked on directly or at least influenced Setsuna's work indirectly enough that it left an impression on Hime.
MC stopped drawing, so there's a thing going on there.
It has to be recognized and accepted by the masses so I think posting the drawing on NotPixiv so it spreads all over the internet would work.
She's cool
the way she picked her up was cute
Actually was pretty good.
>an implication quite different from 'the god of this world'
You should stop commenting on subs if you're dumb ESLfag or too retarded to understand the fucking context.
My theory is Setsuna found out how to isekai herself
It isn't just getting hit by a train
there is probably some other condition
but that's how she met Hime
maybe she created Hime as well, but then isekai'd herself into the world she made
>Lelouch, tripfag lord of shit taste hated the episode
Episode confirmed to be good, guys. You wouldn't want to agree with a retarded tripfag, right?
Oh god, Lancer is totally going to die, rigth?
The show has literally just started, calm yourself.
We don't even have any major reveals or confirmed explanations to anything yet
>but it's 22 episodes long so I guess it doesn't matter.
It is?
Fucking nice
The director and writer are responsible for the pacing, not the animation studio.
Any show has slow comfy or world-building episodes and action=packed episode, it's called pacing. What you see here is too-much-hype syndrome.
What was it's name again?
>they glossed over the destruction again
A broken clock is right twice a day.
ppsh 41 used as a violin, military uniform, chunni power and weird eyes. everything checks out for me
Troyca is the director's retarded child.
>My theory is Setsuna found out how to isekai herself
So she's basically the most based otaku.
There were ambulances and police vehicles.
Kawasaki Ninja
>generic boobs from trash LN in pain after getting wrecked by best girl Mamika
If she had listened to what she wanted to say, she could've healed her afterwards. Suffer bitch.
>this talkathon
Fuck even a/z had a better 3rd episode. AfuckingZ.
Vroom vroom
Gas the kikes race war now
Biggest problem with this show right now. They want the viewer to believe that fictional characters enter a real world setting but then if they blow up buildings not even a security guard shows up. It's really fucking bad. They couls simply show someone cast a spell or something, instead they simply walk to the next restaurant with no one bothering them. Goddamn retarded.
they have to mention it eventually
huge explosions in the middle of a city
hopefully next episode we will see some online episodes while narrator-kun browses 2ch
>でかい画像 is 正義。
The designer is cute.
First cour of A/Z was good.
>***,365位/***,511位 (***,215 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/06/21 Re:CREATORS 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
It's dead Jim
And then what exactly makes you the right person to defend that subs?
>Making a fuss of some small explosions that hurted no one
Just another proof Mamika did nothing wrong
>***,418位/***,527位 (***,691 pt) [*,**6予約] 2017/06/28 エロマンガ先生 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
Why does Hime sound like a possessive lesbian angry that some man butted in on her relationship with her creator?
What the fuck is the police doing? Why isn't "MAGICAL TERRORISTS EXPLODED BUILDING AND KILLED/ALMOST KILLED MULTIPLE PEOPLE" stamped on every single news site?
First three eps of AZ were good, four through six were bad, seven was good, eight was Boku no Pico, nine and ten were bad, eleven and twelve were good until everything good about twelve got asspulled in the second season.