European Art New Thread

Might as well keep going



Thanks mate. I was the guy who started the first thread. Thanks.


>Sup Forums pretending to have an interest in Western culture

There are three groups of Sup Forums users

1. Disaffected 105 IQ capitalists who still believe in their daddy's boomer maxims (tradespeople, plumbers, general scum)
2. NEETs, pedophiles, and resentful social fuck ups
3. Virginal tech employees who come here to lash out at HR

Point being, none of you has any real interest in or knowledge of culture. This thread is the closest you'll ever get to high beauty and cultural accomplishment, and basically just a chance for deracinated amerimutts (and future euromutts) to pretend they still have something worth fighting for. When in reality, you already gave it away in exchange for cheap cheeseburgers and oversized pickup trucks several decades ago.

Be honest with yourself--you don't respect literature, artists, intelligence, and beauty. You don't know anything about these things and frankly you're kind of proud that you didn't waste your time acquiring such knowledge. You just don't have any religion or institutions or community you feel connected to.

My suggestion? Go hug your Ford and stop shitting up art


I will post my 3 favourites from Thomas Cole

