You need to look at least like this to get with monster girls

You need to look at least like this to get with monster girls.

Other urls found in this thread:

5 foot 6''?

I'm too busy being fat.


If you're a manlet it doesn't matter how fit you are, you always look ridiculous.

You don't have to be THAT fit.

if this show had taken place in the US this nigger would have been fired on the second day.
>hugging students
>getting kisses from them
>spending time alone with them in his office
>going to their houses
>spending all day with one of their heads
>"sleeping" in the same room as them


>ywn hug a dumbpire
Please kill me senpai.

Shop a jojo face onto him

but does he row for UC Davis?

I want to get with him instead.

>sucked dry by dumpire
>soul eaten by sucky
>dimensional throated by dullgirl
>he somehow survives it all and is saved by the only girl that seemed normal
>only to end up in a basement because she went full ice cold yandere

I already do, user. fitfag that actually follows being fit to the letter.

No, it doesn't magically give you good social skills.

He's like 6'5

Isn't it impossible to get a body like this if you're already fat as fuck? especially if you're tall since tall people have looser skin?

Well you have to take the face into account too, and not much can be done about that

Not entirely true.

>hugging students
>spending time alone with them in his office
>going to their houses
>spending all day with one of them (they're head is obviously contextual here)

Are very common actions by teachers and professors here (at least in the Northeast where I'm from)

Kissing and sleeping in rooms is a little much though. Those would get him fired.

Only the kissing and falling asleep with a student nearby would get him fired.

Everything else is perfectly normal in nip land.

It's almost like you've never bonded with a teacher before fuckboi.

was expecting the bulge

sounds like you got groomed a little bit there user

>be tall
>everybody telling me why I don't have a gf if I am tall

I hate that.

Sorry for blog.

>not telling them that 3d is shit and 2d is the patrician choice
reveal your power level. show them who's boss

>spend all that time training and refining your body
>can't spend 5 minutes looking through a catalogue to find a half decent haircut

let me guess, you believe that an undercut is a decent haircut, right?

No that shit's terrible as well

Fucking hot.

why would you want to hug a dumpire when you could hug a head

everyone knows dullahan is much more cute and best than dumbpire

I'm getting there man. just need to add like 50kg to my bench and I'll be there in no time

DULLahan is literally worst girl.

Sweet. I've lost 40 lbs. since last year, go to the gym 3 days a week and run between 5 and 10 miles the other three. On top of that, I just joined a climbing gym and I spend about 3 hours on average every time I go because that's how long it takes me to where myself out. About another 15 lbs. to go and I should have a body like that by midsummer.

Where do I apply for my monster girl?


she and sakie are the only two where their being demi is actually relevant to their characters and to the plot
the other two are just generic cgdct girls that could fit into any other non-monstergirl anime pretty much unchanted

>Anime only fag

oh well since im a cute loli i will never look like that ever


His creaseless face looks funny in contrast with his bulging muscular body.

I want to headpat this dumbpire.

He'll still never get the succ.


And has an IQ of 195.

God that expression makes me hnnng. Embarrassment with a hint of pleading.

The dumbpire is for hug, not for fug.

Nice blog. How do I unsubscribe?

Dumpires are for messing up their hair and bullying.

The vampire is for rape with impregnation.

It's a horrible realization that even in a world filled with lustful monster girls, you know that they wouldn't like you and would actively avoid you.