Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall have eternal life

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall have eternal life

yes but only after you die lol

I don't want eternal life though

You don’t die, only your corrupted physical body does.

To believe in him is not simply saying, yeah dude I believe. I

It takes so much more
>fist you say yes he was the son of god and symbolizes everything good a man can be
>therefore your entire moral compass will be formed by having Jesús as the ABSOULUTE good at the top and all your actions will be judged in comparison to him

Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. -- Proverbs 16:3

Good explanation. Even demons believe in Christ, the question becomes what do you do with that belief?

But I wanna die OP

>Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall have eternal life

>believe in kike fairytales.
how about no?

i like jesus anyway, hes a swell guy he doesnt need to give stuff to people. he just needs better friends