Atom - The beginning

>New episode
>No thread

Did everyone drop this already?

Yes, it's shit.

More like very few people are watching because Sup Forums's general audience is now children instead of manchildren.

No subs. Unless you count amazonshit as subs.

I'm liking it but the pacing is pretty abysmal so far. I want to see more robo action. Not two gay lovers pinching each other's noses constantly in robot college.

I've done a thread but it was archived... in a day subs will be available and more people will watch it. Anyway the second episode was rather bad.

it was great

But subs are out right now.

>episode threads dying after 10 posts
Fuck, it's going to be 3-gatsu all over again, isn't it?

Is the anime going to start to deviate from the manga now?

The preview for episode 3 didn't look anything like what happens in chapter 3

I'm watching it but I feel like there's not much to talk about yet.

God I hate this robots design. The limbs are too thick some places too thin in others and the stupid fucking clown shoes.

i really like the op


I can see why Ran likes him so much.

the op is nice but what is the point in watching a fujoshi-oriented prequel of fucking astro boy

>Did everyone drop this already?
when does the batalan begin?

How did Ochanomizu suddenly shrink when he was the same height as Tenma here? Why does he look older too if they are the same age?

How did Tenma even get rich if everybody thinks he is crazy?

did you even read what you just wrote?

the answer to all of these questions are the same

Astro Boy remake coming soon? Nah probably not, probably just thought Astro Boy nostalgia could sell this steaming piece of crap.

Yeah they moe-fied Tezuka's style the hell up and made Ochanomizu and Tenma sexy tall Anime boys

Ochanomizu in particular is a piece of work

Luckily the shoes aren't his real feet. Though it makes me wonder if his bare feet are also red.

>Ochanomizu in particular is a piece of work

I think he means he's made to be a cute skinny guy. But his body proportions still don't work then.

Wasn't there that project by a foreign studio announced a while back? That one was a straight up Astro adaptation.

He would look better if they made him at least a little chubby

nah, I just haven't gotten around to watching ep2 yet

I'm not quite sure how to feel on how they moved things around this episode. I do appreciate that the exposition wasn't quite as hamfisted in the first episode compared to the first chapter, but certain things feel weird now that scenes are moved and overall the pace of the show feels a little slow since they're going chapter by chapter. It makes sense though, since the anticipated fight is pretty much at the end of volume 2.

Yeah, that could work.


I like this show, but it's no 3-gatsu.

>the pace of the show feels a little slow since they're going chapter by chapter.

They are not going to keep up with the manga all that much it seems since the preview for episode 3 shows a different story than chapter 3

Dropped it just now. Not going anywhere. Robot battle trope's been done a million times.

>been done a million times
So had your mom but you don't see me dropping that.

Tenma is the true hero of the franchise.

Is this supposed to be Atlas?