If you died, would you further ruin your friend's lives like menma?

If you died, would you further ruin your friend's lives like menma?

I don't have any friends, so no.

All this anime had going for it was the opening and Poppo

I know far too many people who would celebrate my death.

At least you have people who would notice that you died.

I know this feeling.


Menma did nothing but help her friends. Everyone is better off after going through the whole thing.

This show really was pretty terrible, but I still cried.

>*unsheathes katana*

excluding the final episode it was great

Hell, if I died right now nobody would notice for months until my decaying corpse explodes due to a buildup of rot and gases.

Literally just got finished rewatching this. It still made me feel sad, not as much as the first time watching though.

No, but I'd troll them for a bit. Like pulling their legs when they're sleeping.

Literally watching this for the first time right now. On ep 6.

Menma dies

Here's a (You) to make you feel better.


what are you a landwhale?

If I died there's no way I'd want to come back.

>Not lodging yourself in the walls so they never identify the source of the smell

On ep 9 now. Is Yukiatsu a faggot forever?


Yukiatsu dies

My lovely landlord would give me a visit!

Yukiatsu is a faggot forever. He says his shitty ass reasons but he's still a fucking faggot

If only.

>thinking the opening was better than the ending theme


anohana had a somewhat interesting premise and potential, and it crashed and burned magnificently. what a waste.