Hinako Note

This girl eats books.

The first episode was one of the worst first episodes I've ever seen but I gave it a chance and the last two have been great. Thank you based Passione for the season's only CGDCT.

I want to procreate with this bunny

This girl also has good a good sense of fashion.

Shitty Gochiusa ripoff.

>that upscale

These are the best part of the show. Too bad they're literally at the very fucking end of it.

It's for cute.

I do not believe that cute and upscales work that way.

I'm going to edit the shorts off of this girl and there's nothing she can do about it

Among other things.

NotKonata is pretty kawaii desu.

ko cha

Would you drink her tea?

Would you drink her vampire tea?

I'd spread her book wide open if you know what I mean.

Not-Cocoa has a thick butt.

I'd sip on it for atleast 55 minutes to make it last.

I'll drink her urine too

A thicc everything you mean.

She needs to eat more of them. Look at that tummy its almost concave. Can she even have periods with that low body fat?

She should be the main character.

No twitterspeak, user.

I don't think she is going to be able to get over her shyness in only 12 episodes.

Someone has a gif/webm of her opening her pajamas?
That was one unexpected boner


This show really knows it's audience

who was that again?

I need to pick this back up.

Ignore the name.

What is the condition these girls suffer from besides impacted skulls crushing their already pea-sized brains? Why the fuck is this Konata ripoff chewing novels for sustenance and why does the MC operate in such a fashion that she actively endeavors to lower the overall quality of this show? The tsundere from this episode ran through her gimmick faster than it took for these lazy Japs to think up this series and we have the rest of the season of these incompetent shits. The only bearable characters are unfortunately sidelined so we can be tackled by the incredible discussions these idiots have about curing autism which unfortunately amounts to nothing. I would know, because then I wouldn't have autism either. I am more than happy to destroy my dick with doujins and images but these little fuckers need to perform a play where they pretend to not be completely retarded.

Where can I find some decent porn of this stuff

don't be shy

Nice pasta.

Go search the archive if you want to defend your cast of mental invalids.


this is actually quite sufficient

thank you, very much!

I'm not looking to defend anything. I'm just here to have fun and talk aobut the show. If you dislike it so much maybe you shouldn't be here.

A discussion about a show is more than you shiteaters discussing how much you want to fuck children.

By all means then keep shitposting, see where it takes you.



This is where the books go.

>This girl eats dicks.
ftfy m8



Was there a scene in episode 3 with this one? I felt trolled to see there was none.

Read the image title.



I knew its on episode 2 at the preview part, I was hoping to see a whole scene with it in episode 3

That whole part with the tanuki was adorable.

For all her weird paper eating shtick, she was a bro the whole episode.

>that book
somebody stop her

What did Hina write in her notebook, Sup Forums?

Take this scarecrow arms.Might be useful.


This show would actually be pretty nice if the main character wasn't yet another shy stuttering shit who wastes valuable minutes forcing out her boring lines.

How do I trick all the hinakos into fucking me?


>Unbuttoned shorts
My fuckin dick.

Her pajamas looks so cozy. I want to wear it.

She's actually quite the busty little thing, isn't she?

sauce ?

That lewd body

It's the hip girth and vagina bones that really make it all work.

Finding a good quality of that might be a challenge.

Do you want to Note this Hinako?

Yes I know she's actually Kuu.

CGDCT shows should not be sexual. But I'm happy this one is.

Is Kuu the most sexual?

Doing terrible in pre-order rankings though.

Hinako so far, but landlady is up there.


Loli voice is shit, it's like she's trying hard to sound the way she does.

Why did they stop subbing the notebook?

It's CR being lazy again

Man I fucking hope we get a doujin with decent art of this scene because I need it so damn bad.

Can someone make a webm of the ED dance?


>eats books
sounds like a violation

Rules were made to be broken.

Is this enough?

Perfect, shame it doesn't smoothly loop.