What got you into anime?
What got you into anime?
My grandfather left me a box of laserdiscs containing his entire collection of early Kyoani works
My first anime was Madoka Magica. Still the best anime I've seen.
A combination of Toonami anime like DBZ and my friend introducing me to Ghost In The Shell and Ranma 1/2 when I was a kid.
I started cosplaying as naruto in my local con.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums was a mistake.
Since I was a little kid I always liked anime's art style. I think it was the eyes.
an overweight 14 year old with glasses and a USB stick with death note on it
That video of smug anime girls you sometimes see on /wsg/. Got me into collecting smug pictures and then ended up watching anime
Lucky Star episodes off of YouTube divided into three parts.
I didn't get any of the references.
bro madoka was six years ago
Growing up watching obscure anime rented from Blockbuster and Toonami, Digimon, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Gundam, etc etc.
Its been downhill ever since.
Gundam Wing on Toonami.
Animated Hentai
Then non-animated hentai
Then I decided to check out what inspired the artist
And so I started watching anime
Trigun and Inuyasha on Adult Swim.
My cousins showing me Inuyasha.
gundam wing and dbz on toonami.
sailor moon and cardcaptor sakura as well
You people will call me a pleb, but back when I was in high school, I played World of Tanks nearly four hours a day, and people in the in-game-chat always said "Panzer Vor!" and I always wondered what they meant. Then one day my favorite e-celeb who published World of Tanks videos on YouTube, The Mighty Jingles was taking about Girls und Panzer and so I watched it subtited on Hulu out of curiosity, and that's the first anime I ever watched. Since then I've seen about a hundred twenty anime titles
Muh nigga. Misao was my first 2D crush.
Well i always watched naruto when i was a kid but never actually got into anime at the time. When i was in middle school i saw the manga for parasyte at a boom store, ended up reading it all online then branched to other manga then anime
Watch more
That's what you should watch in about half a year
I'm peruvian, anime run in our veins, the biggest normalfags of this country have seen at least 100 anime.
t. pidgeon eater
This thread makes me feel old.
Hell girl
I watched a lot of anime growing up, but as I got older I stopped watching it. Throughout the years I tried watching things here and there, but never watched more than a few episodes. The show that finally got me hooked was Tsuritama
Came for the cool shonen heroes, stayed for the fanservice.
>tfw parents didn't let me watch Akira with them
Why the fuck do you have kids if you won't watch anime with them?
Did anyone else watch Hare+Guu on Youtube, or was I the only one?
I am mexican
Jesus Christ
green green
DBZ, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors and Pokemon.
The first time I thought "I really like these Jap cartoons" was after a friend gave me a USB with every ep of Samurai Champloo on it. Shortly after that I was watching Death Note and Code Geass with Sup Forums.
I think you were. I watched Dokuro-chan and Bleach on youtube though.
i don't see the problem
we were all middle schoolers once
Good taste, user.
New friends I made in my senior year at university (stereotypically) in the computer science club.
I've been playing an MMO game, Ragnarok Online, and most people on my private server MOTRonline were into anime in one way or another. So I got it from them.
I lived in Russia and a lot of people in Russia were on dial up at the time, and so was I, so I had to get it IRL. I went ahead and copied what I could from a little internet cafe called Parus, and joined a little sharing group of people that would copy anime by lending each other their hard drives. I have even been once sent Serial Experiments Lain on CD-R over mail.
That was life.
Dennis the Menace drawn in manga style in a book I found in my library so I went and researched what manga was and became a fan. I don't know anyone else who got introduced to manga through Dennis the Menace.
My first anime that I actually thought of as "a Japanese cartoon" was Gundam Wing, but what really started me down the dark path was a friend suggesting that I watch some anime when I professed to be bored while playing WoW with him one day.
Ultimately, a picture of Misty "riding" her Starmie - by Tareme Paradise I think, that I found on some shitty website featuring galleries of hentai pics (that they had to rotate through on a weekly basis because their hosting space was limited), the address of which I had found in some special booklet (on internet erotica) from a cheap softcore porn magazine a buddy of mine had nabbed from the gas station when we were like 11 or 12.
Eventually, I became interested in all the characters I was fapping to.
Yes I've been around awhile...
It started as basic tonnami shows as a child
>Sailor Moon
>Cyborg 009
about a year or so later I started watching some of the anime shows on Adult Swim
>Lupin III
>Case Closed/Detective Conan
>Shin Chan
then I had nothing to do with anime until after I graduated high school and during one summer I started to check out all the anime shows that were on Netflix
>Heavens Lost Property
>Samurai Champloo
just to name a few. As a kid I mostly watched battle shounens so this was the first time I had watched shows that were about other things. I fell in love with it.
Saint Seiya was the hypest shit in the 90s
I watched Cartoon Network when I was a kid and after school they'd have the Toonami programming block so I'd just watch what whatever they had on. DBZ and Sailor Moon were the first two anime I watched regularly though I'd never admit to my friends that I watched Sailor Moon. Inuyasha on Adult Swim sealed the day.
I saw a picture of Sucy on /c/ and I loved her character design, so I watched LWA and ended up watching a bunch of other shit after that.
My parents discovered anime around the time I was born. They let me watch 3x3 eyes, Devilman and Cutey Honey when I was really little. It turned me into the desensitized pervert I am today.
sealed the deal*
>Devilman and Cutey Honey
the ones from the 70's? Are you a spic and also an oldfag because that seems pretty odd?
Back in the day, the showed Sailor Moon on TV every morning on the USA ACTION EXTREME TEAM. They also showed Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, but those were on after I had to go to school. I watched it every single day.
Since I liked Sailor Moon so much my mom bought me a subscription to Mixxzine, and there I learned about Gundam and Magic Knight Rayearth. After that I kept an eye out and watched any anime that I could get on basic cable, which was mostly the stuff Fox Kids showed (Escaflowne, Digimon, etc.). I also saved up my allowance to buy anime on VHS tape at my local Suncoast for the low price of $20 for 2 episodes.
I meant the OVAs from the late 80' and early 90s. I'm white and 27 if we consider that old.
I watched various stuff like pokemon and DBZ as a kid, then never touched anime for like a decade and a half.
Started watching stuff frequently fairly recently mostly due to how I find it nice to have shows to watch, and there's an absolute fuckton of content of all kinds that I know nothing about for me to dig into, making it all the more interesting.
Sword art online
Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, and one or two random DBZ episodes as a kid. Bleach on Toonami was my first anime where I was aware of what it was. I didn't start actively looking for shows until I saw Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged.
Toonami. DBZ, Outlaw Star, Big O, and Gundam Wing. After that, I didn't really watch it until high school. I started with mecha shows Code Geass and Gundam 00, plus some others like Death Note and Gurren Lagaan. After that, I just started watching whatever looked interesting to me on Sup Forums.
Being south American, pretty much everyone here knows about anime and follow at least one weekly show or they simply watch classic shows on TV
>mecha shows
shit taste. You might be too late, user.
>Death Note
>Gurren Lagaan
yep definitely too late.
My uncle bought me a Pokemon Stadium 64 bundle the year it came out. My mother was a housewife at the time so she would often watch me play it. One time she started talking about how she liked the cartoon style and it reminded her of some shows she used to watch as a child. One of the ones she mentioned was pic related. I wanted to download it for her so we could watch it together but I couldn't find any DLs at the time. While looking I did run into some other stuff that looked interesting which I ended up checking out, and that's how I got started.
In high school I was one of those idiots who was convinced the entire medium was trash because all I ever saw of it/all the "anime kids" that I saw bullied around school fixated on was Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, so on and so forth.
Then a few friends of mine talked me into watching a Ghibli film with them including the girl I liked at the time so I gave it a shot. After that, I kind of realized that judging an entire medium on its terrible popular titles is like judging western television on Keeping up with the Kardashians or whatever shit else, and started looking for what was actually considered good.
Used to watch DBZ, Pokemon, Shaman King and Hell Girl. I then watched Needless and Panty and Stocking on Youtube since I saw
videos on them due to to my curiousity and well.. it was a steep slope to fall from.
>mecha shows
>patrician taste
Not that user, but ftfy, you filthy pleb.
Kinnikuman and Sailor Moon
Whats the source of that image?
I was playing stepmania on a computer and found a carameldansen song with the hare hare yukai dance going on in the background. I eventually found out which anime it was from and watched it.
Words Worth OVA in English and catgirls
the path of degeneracy started almost two decades ago and I never looked back
DBZ and Tenchi
mech shows are shit, user. Deal with it.
>muh gundam
>muh mazinger z
>muh giant robo
>muh code gayass
God it's fucking boring. Nothing worst then people battling inside of giant robots. Watch good anime instead.
the dub of tenchi muyo doesn't hold up. In factm it's horrible.
Back when I was a lonely shut in I watched Haruhi and got hooked
Now I've normied out a bit but still like anime, which is a huge mistake
SnK and Death Note
how the fuck did you watch 8 of the same episodes and get hooked? Never understood this.
>mech shows are based, user. Deal with it.
First season was really good. Plus I started to really like the anime art style
Watching endless eight was a mistake though I admit
>After school
>toonami lineup
>Yuyu Hakusho
>Rurouni Kenshin
>G Gundam
Miss those times.
I simply grew up watching anime. I think it's so weird when people are able to say when and why they started watching anime. Specially if their first anime was something from 2010 onwards.
Anime CGI scenes from a 3D game about flying things, I still don't quite like anime though.
My first anime was Kill la Kill. Man, those were the days.
I am from Mexico where everyone is obsessed with anime
We are getting a second screening of SAO: Ordinal Scale, Yu-Gi-Oh The Darkside of Dimensions and Koe no Katachi and Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry next month.
>Kill la kill was four years ago
Holy fuck where does the time go?
Ima kara Atashi
Sailor Moon as a small child.
Technically DBZ on Toonami, but I never registered that as anime and still don't really. It wasn't until I discovered Adult Swim that I started actually seeking out actual anime.
Growing up I watched Toonami and WB so I watched a lot of the 4kids! essentials and etc. after that I started watching shows on youtube or whatever i could find them uploaded on when I realized there was way better shows out there they were just in Japanese. Eventually I found tokyotosho, nyaa and etc and have been following anime by season for nearly a decade now.
Yu Yu Hakush, Ranma 1/2, UFO Baby and Inuyasha
Slam Dunk, DBZ, Yuyu Hakusho
Im a flip
>UFO Baby
wtf is this and is it any good?
I was watching Zoids every morning before going to kindergarten.
I watch like 3-4 shows per season, and that's already more than enough than I can allocate time to.
Shoujo stuff. I'm a filthy old fujo
starblazers broadcasts on a UHF channel at 4 am in the united states. the first time it was shown in the USA.