Stop wanting to cum in Hisu.
Shingeki no Kyojin
BRYH a best.
>I was a Titan the whole time
this show is fucking shit
Holy shit, this tranny is ugly as fuck.
This desu
I think the main reason why the anime is really good at keeping you on the edge of your seat even when you know what happens is the new layer of emotion that voice acting gives.
For instance, we can clearly understand that Ymir was joking around with Reiner when she calls him gay.
i want to be amazon pressed by ymir to be honest
Wait, you didn't knew that before?
>Yer a fegget
>ner yer a fagged
Good first post
EMA is good, everyone in last thread is retarded.
>Ymir was joking around with Reiner when she calls him gay
ye and how he wasn't joking around when he said "yea."
Armin a cute.
Endgame right here, brothers.
Dunglr out
I want to cum inside the queen and no lesbian goblin will stop me
No, I always thought that was the case, but I was never 100% sure.
The voice acting really cues you in though.
Read the manga, retard faggot
She really looks like Reby from Black Lagoon.
Why couldnt Ymir be the main female character?
What episode will the armored/colossal reveal be?
never trust japs
>amazon pressed by a man
Yeah, you should go there.
Because Ymir is disgusting shit and nothing like Revy
Because it's not a
or a
So we could have one dimensional Mankasa instead
What would happen if a guy ate Annie for her Titan Power?
fuck off Mud
He would have titties.
Is there ever a good reason the military doesn't equip their soldiers with a suicide vest? It would add hardly any weight and given the fact we've seen people use ODM gear to lift another person and users that size of Hulk Hogan their obviously have the ability to carry the extra equipment.
Having a vest would empower the soldiers. Knowing they had a way to ensure a quick death and that even if they got grabbed they could at the very least take down the titan that killed them. There are cowards and people that would panic but there are many many soldiers with a zealot like hatred for the Titans that would love to go out with a bang.
Simply have a delayed fuse set to go off 15 seconds after pulling. That way the soldier would be sliding right along the nape and would blow out their weak spot. Even if they missed it would still severely fuck up the Titan and make it easy prey for the remaining soldiers.
They have the technology and am ample amount of gun powder and throw thousands of people's live away at the slimmest glimmer of victory. There is zero good reason this was not thought of and implemented against an enemy like the Titans.
> Didn't know about Ymir
> Doesn't know who the Colossal and armored are
> 2017
Srlsy bro?
"Ymir" is for rotting inside Peak's cute titan belly
Reiner is Ymir's lover. Remember this.
Who the fuck besides a few contrarians would rather see that lesbian over Mikasa?
Because we can't have nice things
Can't be a lesbian when you're a biological male bro
he wants to marry historia
who's the father?
>Biological male
Thank god, now Ymir and historia can get married and it won't be a sin!
read the the fucking manga you holy pleb
Ewww such shitty taste. Reiner and Krista is where it's at
>interspecies marriage
You have great tastes.
What are the common favorite pairs? I know Eren/Mikasa and Ymir/Christa apparently, who else?
Ymir a shit, always a shit.
>and Ymir/Christa apparently
Muddy are you seriously roleplaying like this
delet this immediately
delete this
Is there any moment whatsoever left in the Clash of the Titans arc that could top Ymir's reveal? I knew it was gonna happen but I still got chills as fucking bad as those I got when I first read the scene, so fucking good
The only acceptable pairing here is AM.
my nigga
Reiner is the fucking madman, saving his comrades countless of times throughout the series.
He is the best male character of the 104 squad along with Jean
Are you forgetting Erwin's "ADVANCE!!!!!" ?
>People are calling hisu "krista"
Get out of /snk/, newfags
What's it like being a subhuman?
>Is there any moment whatsoever left in the Clash of the Titans arc that could top Ymir's reveal?
I really wonder.
What? It's been a few years since the last episodes, I didn't remember them very well.
That just makes no sense.
everyone accepts these ships as going to happen, whether they like them (YH) or hate them (EM):
Armin No one
>did you hear that, Christa?
>that prancing homo boy thinks I'm shit!
each other
the miracle of science
Guessing EM is Eren and Mikasa, not sure who any of the rest are?
That's her fucking name
Animeonlyfags get out.
no wonder muddy stopped posting on ymirlaughswithsalad, he has to go full retard here nowadays
How can BR happen if Bert is dead?
Yeah, four years ago
Sup Forums is for anime, fuck off to /m/
In the fucking anime
Historia has such a skinny legs, suck there was no ass shot.
You seem a bit creepy.
AM a cute.
I was actually just shitposting because I hate you and AM.
Good night, plot-armored titan. We knew thee well
>BR reveal
>Eren screaming "YOU FUCKING TRAITORS"
>SNK vs AT
>Erwin losing his arm
>Bert losing his shit
>Mikasa "confessing"
>cordinate reveal
>this valid logical plot hole will be ignored by literal autistic faggots will post over each other a dozen more time about which pairing is superior
I love you too.
How come Mikasa couldn't think of a memory of her and Armin that didn't have Eren in it?
One by one they all fall.
>ye and how he wasn't joking around when he said "yea."
Stay mad forever.
Because Arminfags have brain damage.
She isn't looking at Eren.
Do you think Reiner enjoyed grabbing his ass?
I love you, Ymir.
there's no way a person would be able to lift a titan that big like that. it must weight at least 350 lb.
Are you saying Mikasa is an Arminfag? I guess you're right.
This gave me autism and the flu.
Neo Sup Forums doesn't understand this reference.
It's not a plot hole though, it's arguably just a difference in mentality. In a world where you believe everyone outside of the walls is destroyed and there's a never ending flow of titans, why would you throw away your life? You won't ever make a dent because the flow never stops and your suicide won't scare or stop the titans. It's unthinkable to willingly kill yourself
Titans are actually very light, as explained by Hanji.
> Has to force himself to marry a girl because he's a fag.
No, I just don't enjoy watching naked men rub their oiled up bodies against one other.
oh, I forgot about that.
Yeah, second to being an Erenfag.
Calm down, Hisu.