Wait, what?
I asked myself the same. Did I miss something?
Finally got the first FAVAROO
They'll probably explain it, a decade has been since the first season.
Maybe it was just a mistranslation?
Shitty official translation that's what. It's supposed to be ONLY GODS CAN BESTOW ON YE THE REAL BOUNTY BRACER. Remember how it's used in s1? It's a magical pokemon bracelet used to card the monsters.
So... Am I the only one severely underwhelmed by this new shit so far? I just want more or Amira, Kaisar and Fava... Time skips almost always ruin shit. If they just picked up directly after S1 I feel like it would have been a better choice. I really enjoyed S1 so I'll give this a shot but I suppose one really need to lower their standards.
I finally caught up and watched the new OP and why am I reminded of the second Psycho Pass OP? Who is Kogami?
Translator missed that he used the passive form of 付く
Bad translation.
You can tell the translator doesn't give a shit and most likely didn't watch the 1st show.
It's 2-cour so I'm at least a bit more forgiving especially since its trying to fill in years worth of time skipped.
But yes. I really like Nina but Azazel so far has been very generic.
Whoever has the best nips
Only a god can put one on someone. Bad trans many such cases
I also think that the whole human vs angels thing is kinda a stupid way to go. I mean, they may have not been on the BEST of terms but they had a bit of mutualism there and the angles seemed to be at least a little more benevolent than the demons, why make a potentially powerful ally into an enemy...
Also Nina is just an shitty Amira clone
>why make a potentially powerful ally
>good for anything but dying
>Amira clone
They have very few similarities.
she's literally female favaro.
I like it. Charioce is a cold blooded smug motherfucker and I feel like no side in Bahamut universe is "white". No one is "black" either. Everybody is gray.
>Also Nina is just an shitty Amira clone
Really? She never gave that impression to me.
Is Charoice also that painter dude that goes around?
>tfw Favaro will still win the Kaisarbowl
>tfw Favaro will still win the Kaisarbowl
Memes aside I wonder why they got such a high profile voice actor for that painter.
Yes. Same eyebrows
Haven't checked the voices but I thought he was the glasses guy that did decent against Nina in arm wrestling. Who's not the same as the painter from the first episode.
Virgin Soul has a completely different head writer.
Well they're both childish, headstrong/stubborn and gluttons.
But I was talking visually, same colored hair, same mouth and eyes. It may just be the style of the show but they have very similar faces IMO.
I dare you to find a non-smug cap of Charoice in the OP
What did he mean by this?
I think I'm on to something
Anyone have a webm of Rocky doing his little dance on Rita's backpack?
*teleports behind you*
>Also Nina is just an shitty Amira clone
Nina is MUCH, MUCH better than Amira. Amira was handled terribly, she lost all of her agency midway into the show, her personality fluctuated from episode to episode, she was retarded, literally brain damaged and she wasn't even funny. Her singular goal (muh Helheim, muh mommy) made her into a very dull character, almost a mcguffin very fast. She and Nina have very little in common beside the few most superficial characteristics.
THIS. Amira is as bland as MC of CGDCT series.
They should use demon Amira as her standard character though.
Do you think Rita pleasures herself with Kaiser's severed hand? I kinda shipped them first season.
Rocky is the true Virgin Soul
Rita call Kaizer as Rocky's father. So, Rocky is basically Kaizer x Rita child.
Not a fan of Azeral or whatever his name is, which is a shame considering all the talk about the director or writer having a hard on for him.
I also don't care to much about the demons plights when they were attacking the humans in the first season.
What's up with the weird reproduction in this series?
>Rita and Kaiser still keep in touch
>They're not married yet
You had one job, Kaiser. What a failure.
>he utterly failed the Amriabowl
>he left the Favarobowl for knight shit
>can't even get the Ritabowl when she has his child
Kaisar is bad at this.
But where did his horse go
Not really. Favy wouldn't get all shy and stuff around wet pussy, he'd ram it like it was the last pussy in the world. She's gung ho like him, but much more innocent.
Which only proves that none of those were simply meant to be. But don't you worry, Kaisar's true destiny still ahead of him.
Hell no. Nina's just genki, while Afro guy is more of a trickster type of genki.
But it's just not the same if he goes "AZAZERUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
Fava will be back for him.
This whole shouting business was just a kiddy phase anyway. He's gotta move on from it eventually and settle down with someone who actually has a mutual hard on for him for once.
These are both compelling arguments. Okay, what about a threesome?
Why are bahamut threads so gay.
It is a mystery.
Because if it's got at least 2 guys, it's fujoshit
If it's got at least 2 girls, it's yurishit
If it's got at least 2 girls but 1 guy, it's haremshit
If it's got a cast of girls, it's moeshit
If it's got fighting, it's shounenshit
If it's got romance, it's shoujoshit
If it's got emotional conflict, it's forced drama
If it's got people dying, it's edgy tryhard shit
If it's got allusions and/or imagery to other works of literature, it's pretentious shit
If it's got's parodies of other shows and/or pop cultural references, it's LOL SO RANDOM XD
If there's plot twists, then it's a trainwreck
If it's not anime, then it's 500+ posts and 242 images omitted, click reply to view.
Nothing to talk about before new episode or preview pics, so fujos shippings take over.
Why be a king when you can be a god?
I'll just dump screenshots proving King and the guy Nina arm-wrestled with is the same person in case someone still has doubts.
Look at rings and bracelet.
Same rings on the same fingers.
Oh my god, someone robbed the king.
Here you can see bracelet and his right hand. On his right hand there are two rings with purple and yellow stones.
Picture taken after he took of the purple stone ring. Yellow stone ring still on his finger.
I put it in spoiler since scene is of questionable morality.
>I put it in spoiler since scene is of questionable morality.
... or I didn't, fuck.
Counterbalance to all the Nina slutposting alternated with I-want-to-pound-zombie-pussy-posting.
I haven't been in these threads but are those legit
Nina is a fucking slut, tho,
if you're being honest. I'm surprised fallic objects don't threaten to have her transform
>avoids men
neck yourself
Imagine all that pent up sexual frustration in Nina. She can't even masturbate properly because to get herself into mood she would need to think about all these handsome men around her.
Favaro's not bishie enough to trigger Nina's horny genes. Rip
We shouldn't consider thinking about lewd hand holding equal to being an actual slut. It's literally thought crime tier.
Not even his mom thinks that Favaro is attractive, though.
Okay wait how about this idea?
Nina/Jeanne mine cart ride of love
Please explain further.
I thought the painter dude was the angel they wrecked in the first episode, because both were voiced by Miyano and you don't just kill off a character voiced by Mamoru Miyano in ep 1.
Tbh it's pretty convincing he died like a little bitch.
Also he already appeared in S1 so why would it be strange for them to use the same VA, even if he was to die in first few minutes of first episode?
Because the show is turning people gay in the most effective way possible.
By being good in quality?
No wonder moe fags are everywhere.
>used to be Holy Maiden with god's favor
>doing 25 to life
>had to shank a bitch in shower
>the toilet wine is awful
>ate so much pussy she'll never look at fish tacos the same way again
So, I watched the first season and it wasn't as good as people hyped it to be. Favaro and Kaisar are god-tier MC but the rest of the show aren't as exciting.
>yfw Nina is actually Amira
>dead again at last ep
My destinyyyyyy
S1 season pacing was mad as fuck and it seems S2 won't be different in that matter. I have hard time understanding how people were able to watch it during it's airing, so much stuff happens it really makes you want more.
>So, I watched the first season and it wasn't as good as people hyped it to be
Whatever dude. You had no reason to expect anything half as good as it actually is.
I loved the first part but when the scale opened up and turned into a massive conflict it became incredibly boring. Season 2 is pretty low scale again now but I doubt that'll keep up forever.
S1 was too short. The best bits of S1 were the ones were it's just the characters mucking about.
As long as you fujos don't force your shipping just because others want to talk about girls. No need to start keeping score about who says what.
Remove all Angels and Demons.
Humanity strong!
>Long haired Jeanne (See )
They're jail breaking together in PV3
Why is this so cute? I seriously hope we will get whole episode dedicated to Nina/Rita/Jeanne antics.
>Nina asks Jeanne about her relationship with Kaisar and about her previous men
>Jeanne starts to panic
I still don't understand why a lot of people hate Jeanne. But for me, her stupidity is cute & moe.
>Girl is so thirsty she'll go for nearly any slightly good-looking man near her.
>Can't act on it because she'd turn into a dragon.
Would you risk it?
Cheerios & Azazel will.
>any slightly good-looking man
Looks like I'm good to go.
Azazel is gay as fuck.
Kaisar has Rita and Jeanne.
Fava is too ugly for Nina.
King is the only option left.
A dragon is fine too...
She's naive and idealistic just like Kaisar is, however Kaisar understands its his weakness. Jeanne seems to be stubborn type who acts according not to what she believes is right but to what she KNOWS is right any doesn't accept any other possibility.
>Kaisar has Azazel
So he has Rita, Jeanne and Azazel. Azazel might be gay for him but Kaisar is only into women.
And Favaro
>Kaisar is only into women.
I'm not so sure about that. Aside from Amira who he treated more like a chaste and distant object of adoration, he seems more to gravitate toward obsessing over men.
Nothing gay about being obsessed with killing the man responsible for your father's death.
Seriously, you guys make this series look much more gay than it really is.
Shingeki no Bahamut is an underrated show. Also three episodes in and where the fuck is Favaro?
Even the characters want to know where he is.
You're just gonna have to get used to them. Every time two males interact they'll go crazy, and we're only at ep 3.