Just how degenerate was the Weimar Republic?
Weimar Republic Redpill Thread
>this image again
That speech was in response to the hundreds of murders and dozens of rapes by Antifa on the NSDAP paramilitary,police and family members(I believe it was over 800 in all). It's also badly translated or should I say (((mistranslated))).
He attacks the leftist establishment media for defending the communists and essentially says the NSDAP's time of patience is running out with the media and Antifa.
Just like "art" today.
(((They))) also pushed picture related.
Yeah, here's a comparison.
>when he says Nazis taking over all the radio stations was basically the same as the Jews doing it
Fucking kek, kikes btfo
I would like to get sources, I cant find much of Weimar Germany.
Anyone have the info about the roving gangs of psycho faggots?
where is this from?
It's sourced in the image dude
fuck sorry. I didnt pay attention. Its late here. Thanks user.
FFS, that's one of a solid redpill here
>Hitler really became Hitler because of an art school
>in response to the hundreds of murders and dozens of rapes by Antifa on the NSDAP paramilitary
Quick rundown ?
No worries.
pretty damn bad..... almost as bad as jewyork or commieforia
>give it time
weimar america is here
Just like university today.
funny how they also had short fat ugly obnoxious whores rallying up degeneracy in the population through media.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>Just how degenerate was the Weimar Republic?
Go to: YouTube
Search for: Babylon Before Hitler Dennis Wise
Watch: Babylon Before Hitler
There's a (((reason))) for that.
Jesus Christ
Moreover that the type of art shown was very prevalent, as was moral and sexual degeneracy
Hitler became Hitler because degenerates made Germany a degenerate utopia