I doubt anyone will remember maruko chan

I doubt anyone will remember maruko chan

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I do, it used to air on Animax here.

SEAfag by any chance, OP?

nope amerifag. used to air on the chinese channel on Saturdays.

>american maruko
wonder what the dub sound like.

Chibi Maruko used to give me nightmare when I was kid. I still like it thou

it was in chinese on my station. from los angeles channel 18 back in the day.

American Doraemon came out, you've seen that yet?

I only know of this show through this video youtube.com/watch?v=RvhfE5Z--bA

But it seems like a nice show.

I can't remember what I haven't watched yet

>It's a photography episode

>1041 episodes

for what purpose

Not enough.

>you will never take Sakiko's virginity

It hurts

I saw this everywhere in Taiwan


I never heard of Maruko-chan until I went to China and found out it's considered a classic across all of Asia.

It's weird to think that Maruko-chan has been running for decades and yet it's completely unknown in the West.

This is how I was introduced to it as well, in the late 90's. Watched the show all the time when I moved to Japan as well. I find it hard to believe that most anime fans could possibly not know of it.

I only watch it for Sakiko.

Fight me.

What did they mean by this?

Never forget.

Cute girl

Maruko is an annoying shit and I don't like her VA
I wish the main character of the show was her onee-san.