Why is lipstick in anime so rare?

Why is lipstick in anime so rare?

because it's for literal whores

It's due to purity. If women wear lipstick, they're actively looking for sex.
At least that's what I think it's like.

Why are lips so rare in anime?

because they make them look like ducks
see: tanya


Because having anime girls wear makeup breaks the illusion that they're cosmetically flawless with no effort. This makes stupid otaku/weeaboos immediately say they're whores (see ) just because they are doing something to improve their appearance.

Yet for some reason, all the weird haute and otaku tryhard fashion doesn't cause the batting of an eyelash. People being obsessed with zero makeup should also be obsessed with zero fashion sense for the same damned reason.

Everything that makes more work for animators is rare. They try to simplify character designs as much as they can for a reason.

>People being obsessed with zero makeup should also be obsessed with zero fashion sense for the same damned reason.

Not being obsessed with zero fashion sense, obsessed with nudity.

I hate it when a character wears lipstick, but it's only shown on the bottom lip.

That's the fucking point. Also smearing dead bugs on your face is nasty

Lipstick is designed to mimic the fullness and color of the lips due to increased bloodflow to that area during sexual arousal.

Who is this brazen hussy?

Most studios draw mouths as a single line. It would look terrible with the typical anime art style.

Because anime is not for whores.

The only fashion makeup can be compared to is nigger fashion, because they're both concerned with worsening yourself in order to APPEAR that you are better.

Tanya redeemed duckface for me.

Lipstick makes girls uglier don't know why it's a thing



The more lines you put on a girl, the uglier they get.

Drawing sexy lips is hard. The closest you get are the girls with glossy highlights on their lips

Not if its done well and sensible

Unfortunately this


Major has best lips

she is not a prostitute. she is merely soiled for marriage.

Purityfags go ballistic and it's more work for animators.

Carmine is also a food additive. You've probably eaten it at some point.


What do you think of these lips?

the fuck is wrong with you? I feel like you were beaten enough as a child.

Lips are one of the most sexual parts of humans, more so than nipples but nips cant draw lips because budgets are so low and need to have them sidemouths.

Not really a fan of lipstick to be honest, even back when I liked 3DPD I thought it was a shame that girls ruined their natural beauty with lipstick. Piercings, hair dye, and the like are alright depending of the placement, but lipstick just looks wrong to me.

Lipstick is used to make womens lips look more like vaginas, if you dont like lipstic you dont like vagines due to unknown reasons.

I catually adore lipstick, it makes girls look much hotter.
Physically speaking, lipstick implies that girl is ready to breed.


Machi is NOT ready to breed!

I like lip gloss, that much more accurately imitates a vaginas natural appearance. But, uh, if all the vaginas you've seen are blood red, something ain't right.

She literally manifestates a goddess of fertility here. Are you fuckin kiddin me?



Cosmetics are only for covering 3DPD ugliness.

Makes sense since 12y old is the most fertile time of a womens life.

It's not even remotely rare. Why do anime experts with 20 anime watched make these threads all the time?

Animu girls look perfect already. Lipstick really does nothing unless you want them to look like a slut/evil.

Because anime girls already look perfect and don't need to cake themselves up like 3DPD.

So you are saying that my 8 years old niece is looking for sex? I always thought it was just a cute girls thing.

Is different in japan

I'm more than sure than every highschool girl(and upper) use lipstick but is too hard to draw, like with everything else in anime, artists just don't bother to draw it..



because lots of girls abuse make up, there is no need to use makeup everyday.

and if you're accostumed to see someone on make up, it will make them look shittier than they're when they are not using it.

>tfw right side looks more cute than left side, just apply a tiny bit of make up and its good to go

I would love to know how is this post related to the OP, but i'm tired.

Makeup in general isn't used that much. Especially when the character is a joke character like some gyaru. I was honestly surprised at characters in Magical Girl Raising Project having eyeshadow and stuff.


Because makeup is 3D pig disgusting and animu is 2D pure and beautiful.

>improve their appearance.
Fuck off back to reddshit, landwhale, no amount of chemicals smeared on your skin will hide the greasy pores and puss filled pimples. Makeup is shit tier, it's better not to hide anything and it makes your skin worse. If people actually looked after their fitness and diet their skin would be fine and they wouldn't feel the need to whore it up with, well, that and the disgusting beauty culture than has degenerates fucking their eyebrows up and drawing them back on.

3D is retardo.

Her mother is dressing her up as a whore to attract a cheating partner as mother daughter combo.
Unconsciously of course, that's her animality talking.

You all have problems and should kill yourselves

agree, but ya know Sup Forums being the usual conceited-fedora-tipper-of-great-intelligence think its' slutty

Lipstick isn't for the lips.

It's for the cocks.

JCs and lipstick/lip gloss go well together.

You're the reason why everyone thinks animeme is for autistic people.

Why would you put lipstick on something that no one ever sees?

>being a normalfag on Sup Forums



Lipstick is for elegant ladies. Japs and otakus are shitty pedophiles lusting for high schoolers and obsessed with their retarded purity

>lipstick is only on character's bottom lip

because of this

Most anime don't feature lips as part of their character designs anyways, so how would you apply lipstick to characters with no lips?

That's the real reason it's rare

It's a way to age up characters

Why do anime girls never wear mascara?

Lipstick is disgusting and ugly.

how do you know they don't?

Chiya did it, so she takes responsibility.

>comparing 3d to 2d

Please stop.

They look even better with a little of makeup

because the boys do

I think he meant that most of the shit girls do to appear more attractive destroys their hair or skin in the long run.

Fuck off.

Man, purityfags sure are getting more autistic by the day.

Mark my words, it won't be long until they'll start advocating burqas in 2D.

He's right you know

Yeah? What's wrong with girl's in anime covering themselves up? The more clothed a girl in anime is the more likely she's best girl.

It's especially nice when you get a scene of her at home and can see her in less tight clothes but then she covers herself when she goes out

Many girls look better without makeup

>not delicious brown

plenty of ugly brit girls join them

cause in Japan make up is considered slutty.

What's the cutest lipstick color?

>Many girls don't know how to apply make up

>I'm right you know

Your niece is a cheap floozy.

What show is this

>lewd blue lipstick
Superior taste, user.

I'd also submit Star Ocean 5's Fiore; pic related.

Why using red paint on your lips is bad; my arranged bride can't be this stupid

Lesbian diviners.


>why schoolgirls wear no makeup
same reason why they wear uniforms: school regulations.
Visible makeup is banned, at least in "proper" schools. Makeup on young teen, outside very specific situations when it's required/allowed (there's very thin line between the 2 in Japan), is considered sign of delinquency,

why are people so triggered when someone speaks something that has truth to it like this user ()?


Urara meirochou