Japan population to shrink by one-third by 2060

>Japan population to shrink by one-third by 2060

Will we get more anime that promotes baby making for otaku to promote more japs?

Why don't they try to fix their work culture?


The problem is that the black companies don't want to play by the rules anyways. See: unpaid overtime.

Is there anything really wrong with this, so long as various industry and infrastructure can adapt?

Seems like Japan is overpopulated as fuck for how much land there is.

I hope we get edgy anime that discourages traditional values.

Crack down criminally on them hard then. send the people who run them to prison. Make examples of a few people.

Depends though.
I agree the urban areas near Tokyo is but the rest when I visited, there are very few people and most of those are old farts.
A.k.a same as the situation back in America.

Because removing entitlement programs will never happen unless it all collapses.

>Implying there is anything terribly wrong with decreasing birth rates.
The only reason this is a problem is because of many pension shit and all that.

It's why politicians and celebrities who spout climate change shit without addressing the entitlement/population crisis are full of shit.

Japan has the same landmass as Germany,
Except like 80% of it is inhabitable or barely habitable due to mountains.

So yes. Japan is massively overpopulated.
Those 120 million all concentrate on very small regions near the coast.

And the japanese goverement knows that there isn't exactly something wrong with the number going down. Their biggests problem is the overaging population. A 100 year old guy can't work hard and young people will get forced to pay for him.

Faggot, go and kill yourself if you hate everyone so much.
We don't like you either anyway.

But according to Japan Ministry, the birth rate has risen though.

That's the problem, too many old people.

And hikki NEETs don't care for their parents.

>4 year old article

>entitlement programs
That is the biggest pyramid scheme ever made.

Outside of the main cities, it ain't that overpopulated man, your usual jap city is mostly old people dying out

Their issue is the same as any first world country, an inverted pyramid scenario spooks anyone that works with old people walfare.

The problem with a decreasing birth rate is that it unequally decreases population. It's not the same as just the total pop losing numbers. Japan is going to experience generational gaps and have a large aging population with no younger population to care for them.

That's retarded, why would I kill myself and not others if I was going to go as far as ending lives?

Why not militarize the NEETs into a dedicated workforce?

Then they're not NEETs.

No shit. My eyes rolled out of my head when I saw an earth day rally at my school and saw some signs for free college tuition. Jesus christ, that's fine and all and I understand the argument but you'll need a growing population to pay for that crap.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Reminder that the Japanese can only realistically live in 10% of the country the size of California.
Reminder that California has 38 million people and is suffering from water and fuel issues, so much, that parts of it use natural resources from outside the state.
Japan has 120 million people living in 10% of the area that California covers.
Also a reminder that Japan is one of the most machine-dominated manufacturing countries in the world, so more labor is only going to bring unneeded pressure on its local labor market.
They also print shitloads of money, so they really have no issue with the so-called social welfare net "problem" that's mostly a money based matter.

I'm sure many NEETs would rather die than work hard.

I can attest to this, as a NEET.

Nips will either export workforce from old colonies or die out
Happened with europe, won't happen with the us of a because they have mexico.

>There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Google what are pensions.

It's really hard. The economic funk plus the super die hard must even work free at times culture in Japan scares people.

Japan will adapt by making welfare for old people cheaper via tax reductions in certain areas and they will also automate their services there.
There are already robots taking care of old people.

>google super easy Japanese monetary policy
>he replied with an ass statement that was already talked about in the post he replied to

Forced labour is not exactly something that keeps you in favour with the rest of the developed world. Unless you're the US.

Who cares, that overpopulated island has to import basic things like food and oil and that requires an overworked hypercompetitive export culture to pay for all those imports and maintain decent living standards.

They could use a substantial population reduction IMO, most of the world could.

I don't quite get this whole college tuition shit, do you have to pay monthly to study like in a private uni?
yes i'm not american

Yes, Americans pay crazy sums to get educated and then graduate with massive debt.

>super die hard must even work free at times culture
People working in Japan really have it shit.

Free college tuition is a drop in the bucket for most countries that have it. The real money drain are pensions for the elderly and healthcare costs. The latter could be brought down considerably if people were forced to watch their weight, but alas.

Its the culture

Im not Jap so I cant wrap my head around it but we do see the results. Japan will rather collapse than change

Either that or older generation in charge dies and gets replaced with more forward thinking group. This isnt guaranteed however, as status there is highly heriditary. Newer generations might be okay with hows things are after theyre at the top too

The culture isnt western where efficiency/merit and such is rewarded when gunning for the top. It isnt meritocracy, ergo it will not act like one.

This might seem weird but thats just because youre westerner on Sup Forums and not Japans elite who makes the decisions

better import those artistic and well studied middle eastern and well mannered pakistani, might as well invite those nice hard working brazillians.

Really only China, India and Africa as a whole need to be reduced.

College is just ridiculously expensive or at least it's growing to be.

I'm actually graduating next week, I decided to go find a job over get my masters in chemistry because I want to work but it's going to come to the point in 20 years where graduate school will be the new undergraduate and undergraduate school will be the new high school.

They prefer to change manual labor to AI labor when that time comes. I forget the video about it though.

What you learn is garbage, you're not adequately prepared for the labor force, the prices are outrageous, the government forbids bankruptcy so the university jews are guaranteed their money back and can keep raising them, etc.

Becoming a japanese salaryman is a fate worse than death to be honest

>Americans pay crazy sums to get educated and then graduate with massive debt.
Technically, it is simply a matter of supply and demand. In Germany, not everyone can go to university, they have to go to vocational/technical training institutes, the vast majority of them.
In America, everyone is encouraged to go to university, even those not really matched well for it, just because.
And that's why we've got so many liberal arts majors now in a country that needs STEM majors. Last I read, there's 2 million STEM jobs unfilled in the US and a lot more vocational/technical jobs that pay six figures and can't get anybody to do them.

Japan imported less than 10 people over the Syria crisis and a good part of those got send back later because they tried to rape people.

Later they took in 100 but only under permanent surveillance and with the guarantee that they are only there to learn how to rebuild their own country.

Japan does not like muslims at all.

>hard working brazillians.
Hey we dindu nuffin we wuz good boys so don't mention us.

Not anime or manga. Reminder to sage and report.

Do you people not have capped slots for programmes?

What they must focus is on the healthcare of the elders
God knows those old farts need some help
Africa keeps in check with high mortality rates
why shit on brazillians

>Japan does not like muslims at all.
They don't care about religion, they just don't like foreigners.

>Free college tuition
Depends on how it is implemented.
State universities that offer free tuition/scholarship to locals who succeed at the entrance exams is pretty much a thing in most countries and represent that small drop.
Subsided free tuition to any and all colleges including party colleges for faggots who can't be arsed to open a book with pages more than 20 is retarded and waste tens of billions per year down the drain. It also developed a social phenomena called career students where people deliberately try not to graduate and enter the working force to leech on the dole a bit longer.

Many of those resettled refugees are actually Christians - they tend to get priority because they're a vulnerable minority. Their behavior is equally terrible, though.

If you're pic related is supposed to save the Japanese birth rates then they're doomed.
That show was shit.

>What they must focus is on the healthcare of the elders
Most active voting block and since the birth rate is down, it's not going to diminish.

>it's another "depopulation meme to guilt nips into mass importing shitskins" episode

Even STEM is oversaturated. That's a blatant lie by the Tech lobby who wants to import more H1B bindis who work are willing to put up with third world wages and living conditions in most expensive tech hubs.

Welfare always assumes growing population so it's doomed to fail.

No. Western sjw will ensure that they never reproduce by ingraining the women with they don't need no man/go ahead and get gay.

Yeah. ''Christian''
They all pretend to be that because it makes getting inside countries easier.

>they have to go to vocational/technical training institutes, the vast majority of them.
I have no idea what you're referring to.

Japanese women are already being thrown into work without any time or money to afford children.

wouldn't preventing sexual things in public be more successful? just look at the other asian countries.

Finland here

Three years in polytechnic can earn you 3k-5k wage

Its supply and demand desu

Can't afford to bother funding schools, gotta build the invisible fighter jets with 20 million missiles to end the wars in the Middle East that we started.

>Africa keeps in check with high mortality rates
Not true, thanks to foreign aid they manage to grossly out-birth fatalities and have a constantly growing population that has nothing to sustain it besides more free shit from the west.

Cutting off foreign aid to Africa would be one of the most brutal 'genocides' ever committed, but their population would level out to a place where it isn't going to be destroying the planet and every single bit of fauna on the continent from the surge of Africans.

>yfw he WILL save Japan

Nobody likes being in South Korea, there's no porn, the women are plastic, and the government is run by cultists.

>it isn't going to be destroying the planet
If something is destroying the planet, it's not Africans living in mud huts.

japan is overpopulated and overcrowded. the lowbirthrate is a good thing. once the demand for young people and labor increases and wages rises, japs will spit out kids.

the problem is that some (((people))) want countries with low birthrates to open their borders to the Third World

In 100 years, Japan will still be 99% Japanese.

In 100 years, how many French people will be left in France?

There you go.

NEET or death, I'm reaching an absolute limit where I might be forced to work or kicked out so i've been preparing a way to transport myself to gensokyo.

>Japan is overpopulated
Objectively false

>In 100 years, how many French people will be left in France?
How many Americans are left in America? About 1%.

Get an helium tank

regardless, japan is fine and when birthrates need to rise, they will.

Which raises the question.
Why do networks like BBC and western politians try so hard to get Japan to open their borders?

The answer: Japan is a very effective country.
In 100 years when France will be a multicultural mess filled with africa tier crime rates and extreme poverty Japan will still be a global safe powerhouse due to everyone there still being japanese. And competition isn't wanted.

If things stay the way they are Japan will rule the world.

>economy is slumping
>population falling
>workforce is retiring
its not fine

exactly, open borders are suicide.

Your weeb is showing

Isn't Japan overpopulated anyway?

100% because anyone who is an American citizen is American.

Nah. If you ever traveled to the Middle East, you'd know that religion is inherently fused to the local culture. All Abrahamic religions are rather barbaric and backwards in their core, so it works out just fine.

still enjoys an extremely high quality of life and life expectancy compared to the rest of the world

when japans birthrates need to rise, they will. growth is not infinitely sustainable, especially not on an island nation like japan.

This is the economic lie that leads stupid Western nations to open their borders to the third world

Japan will still be 99% Japanese a hundred years from now.

What about Germany?

There is more to life than GDP and pensions.

Cities are but countryside is ghastly

Japan itself isnt overpopulated but the distribution of people has gone to the deep end

The only answer is unlimited immigration from the muslim world.

>In 100 years when France will be a multicultural mess
France has been a multicultural mess since pretty much its beginning.

Nothing weeb about that.
Countries without minorities simply are more effective.

And out of all developed countries Japan has the best position.
Europe is fucked.
North America is fucked.
What else is left? Australia and New Sealand? Those two aren't relevant on global scale.

The Indians were not American. How many Indians signed the Declaration of Independence?

it's going to become exponentially worse for them

Shit that predicts the future based on current trends does not account for large-scale events disrupting said trends.

North Korea could be a catalyst that changes trends in the region.

Australia is just as fucked as countries like Canada, they are overflowing with 3rd world trash and China is buying out the entire nation.

Japan does have its own minorities. Stupid weebs obvoiusly don't know this.

I wonder if this thread will be deleted

Great anime discussion.

Perhaps Spain, but Islam never got a foothold in France until recently.

France has always been European groups, and the French people have been well established for half a millennium.

>Because things are fine now, they will be fine in the future even if things are becoming worse

Fuck off

>when japans birthrates need to rise, they will. growth is not infinitely sustainable, especially not on an island nation like japan.

Retard, birthrate doesnt equal growth. At least sustain your population, otherwise your economy shrinks

>theres more to life than GDP
There really isnt. Quality of life usually corresponds GDP


>Japan does have its own minorities. Stupid weebs obvoiusly don't know this.
Yeah. Those 10.000 indonesian workers without permanent residency are surely compareble to the 2 million arabs Germany is getting every year

French people have chosen to collectively die out as an ethnic group at this point.

>money can be printed forever with no repercussions

Guys there seems to be a problem on my end. I'm not seeing any anime or manga in this thread, and yet it has almost 100 replies! Am I the only one having problem?

>There really isnt. Quality of life usually corresponds GDP

Then open your borders to the Third World for cheap labor and more consumers. GDP will rise

There is more to life than (((GDP)))

You can't predict history 40 years in the future. Things will change and Japan will be fine, because it has chosen to remain Japanese.

Germany? Good luck with that.

London has a Muslim mayor now, if you werent paying attention.