My roomate is your average 22 year old white millennial and you guessed it a progressive

My roomate is your average 22 year old white millennial and you guessed it a progressive.
She has a black friend she is constantly on the phone with and all they do is talk about how rascist wypipo are, and how dumb and evil they are.
I can hear it thru my fucking walls rn, feelsbadman.jpeg

You should fuck his sister if he has one. But don't have sex if you are ugly anyway

2018 'murica; where people have to live together in housing because they don't have enough money to afford it, while there's 18.9 million unoccupied homes.

Oh good she hung up, now i dont have to shoot her thru the drywall.

you need to do something

defend your home
don't tolerate that abuse

hows the sex?

>fuck a black girl
And you wonder why the 56% meme is a thing
>but it's just one night!
Keep coming up with excuses to be degenerate, you'll only reveal your true values

Tell her that you're tired of her being a disgusting bigot.

Oh ive spoken up on many occasions it always ends in us moving the goal post and going in circles with a dash of unending hypotheticals and fee fees

Roomate is a white female her friend is a nigger