When did it all go so wrong?
When the shadow government, Saudi Arabia and Israel attacked us and lied about it
When women and niggers were allowed to vote.
When we elected Trump. Shit was pretty chill before then.
Reagan because idiots still worship him like he wasn't a major fuckup who set a lot of bad trends for his party that they fuck themselves in the ass with again and again.
Oh please nigger, everyone fucking knows you spelled your own doom when you decided to enter the first world war.
>Everything was swell until the 60's
Fucking bluepilled tap water drinking faggots
Yeah right you fucking faggot cuck
Americans should have heeded my boy Thomas Jefferson..
Loved he ragged fucked quadroon sally Hemmings and sired about 7 bastards w her
14th Amendment
Not deporting the blacks when the Civil war ended
Not banning Hispanic immigration before it became a massive tidal wave
Mohammad is fucking your daughter, Denmark.
Lot of jealous faggots in this thread. We never went wrong, sorry.
When a bunch of deist free masons separated from the royal crown over minor tax increases.
1864 was when the whole thing really went tits up but it was a long time coming.
He's right you know
My sentiments as well, I again refer to tommy Js Ideas about the darkies
at least about women
You quite literally cultivated the world of cuckold pornography. You can't under any circumstances outbantz a European on being a cuck.
Your entire history is fucking centered around nigger dick, you piece of filth. Adolf thought you were backwater degenerates 70 years ago. If only he could see you now.
This. Women's suffrage was the first sip of poisoned water.
Alternatively, the United States would be a much better place if only private land holders could vote.
While the wars didn't exactly help the US, and fucked up Europe (the 2nd or 2.5nd reich might still exist today and no WW2/Hitler if we hadn't intervened in WW1), the US was the best place to live in the world until we started getting browned (and cucked culturally), whiwh was definitely in the 60s
One little percentage
We created welfare.
when we decided it was a good idea to have niggers
cat-girls are better
>The best place to live in the world
You can only claim that shit by default PURELY due to the European continent being a smoldering pile of ash.
>Being this fucking stupid
I mean, yeah, you Jewed yourself and destroyed Europe permanently BUT AT LEAST YOU HAD SOME LEVEL OF PROSPERITY FOR ROUGHLY A DECADE. Neck yourself.
>Jewess (((dislikes))) nationalism, describes patriotism as an unsettling, uncomfortable red flag in a relationship
>nationalism for Israel and me, but certainly not for America and thee!
Every. Fucking. Time.
America is slowly being destroyed by capitalists. They will just move to new world...rats.
Shut it Canada, you're even worse.
War of 1812, the us became a subject of the crown and international jewry
Jews and their money lending. Most Americans are in debt to the Jew now.
why do conservashits live their lives trying to turn back the clock to the "good old days?"
I understand you want the comfort of fixed stars and stable sorrounds because you fear change, but it is no way to go through life.
you are fighting yourselves.
When normal citizens can't and won't get involved in local politics and community.
This is because of over work with decreasing benefits, apathy in an influx in bureaucracy, and fear over repercussions in making a change.
The year the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the ADL was formed.
The same logic can be applied to you. Why do you need change so much? Kike?
>yankees will never admit how badly they fucked up the entire nation.
>New England
>For 16
>Against 23
Don't blame us Cleetus. This was, as always the work of the Eternal New Yorker.
when the jews started to colonize at the turn of the 1900s
when colonialists landed
Importing niggers certainly didn't help. Not shipping them back or executing every goddamn last monkey one of them made it worse
Unironically during the Vietnam war
Not only did Americans lose confidence in their government and country but it also started the the SJW movement.
Whereas before young men and women looked up to their fathers who had served their country in the first and second world wars, a significant proportion of the generations since want to replicate their hippy parents in the 70s in terms of criticising the government and going after social justice. Degeneracy triumphed over tradition and morality.
when you let kikes inside
It started going downhill with Nixon.
This. The incompetency that followed after 9/11 killed the USA
Because it was the domino of losing colonial control.
Rhodesia and others would probably still be a thing.
>Ignore 1900 to 2000
When was America great if not the 1900s? 1800s? When you had civil war, whites killing other whites, white serfs, 5 robber barons owning 90% of the entire economy, jews running Europe and being the richest people in America, sounds amazing.
Very gradually starting in the 1910’s and 20’s... speeding up dramatically in 1960’s and 70’s... moving into warp speed tailspin in 2010’s
Total breakdown, economic collapse and possibly a total war likely by mid 2020’s.
If the correct team wins war, rebuilding begins in 2030... wrong team wins, a new dark age with humanity ruled by reptilian oligarchy forever.
Culturally, legally, and economically speaking, the peaceable secession of the Confederacy from the Union was completely justified, and we would live in a better world today if it was allowed.
The founder's failure to imagine how their words would be used to turn this into a non-white nation. A failure to imagine activist judges. A failure to set up an EXPLICIT ethnostate from the beginning and keep the non-whites out. Everything else is just the result, a symptom of this failure despite the greatness of the founders.
When we don't listen to Washington warning us of Political parties retards. baka.
November 22, 1963
I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to.
It seemed pretty swell to me
And by God, we fucked up by considering kikes white. I would say that female suffrage began the real social decline, and it was made hopeless when all of our fighting spirit was channeled into attacking the Reich, at once destroying our willingness to go to full war and destroying the last best chance at getting rid of the kikes once and for all. We should have joined Germany.
>no WW2/Hitler if we hadn't intervened in WW1
>Hitler was bad
Boomer, gtfo. There would be no more wars, period, if you got rid of the international parasites who cause all of them.
Living beyond one's means isn't anything new, and that started with our "brilliant" idea of importing millions of niggers as farm equipment. Trading irreversible consequences for short-term gain since the beginning.
>seas of cardboard cutout levittowns, a Jewish-dominated political and economic system, female suffrage, urbanization, and the beginnings of social rot both with desegregation and sexual promiscuity
Kill yourself.