>what is this silly thing?
>cannot stop reading
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I don't know, but it's just about the cutest thing ever.
>chapter 9 out
Thanks nigga.
>male protag
Big booty foreshadowed.
Isn't this like Usagi Dropped, and she falls in love with him as an adult or some shit?
I hope not
Time skip when
Aw shit I love daughteru raising stories
This isn't isekai, right?
Nope it's straight out fantasy.
Good enough for me.
Shit taste.
This had LNs?
Also I am tired if raising stuff so that it falls in love with you. I just hope the raising part is comfy.
well I guess it goes down the train
>fantasy Usagi Drop
Yeah nah.
>Raising your own perfect goburin waifu
Living the dream
what do you know
>new chapter
Okay it goes Usagi Drop judging by the LN pictures
>is a cute girl
yes though I will keep reading the manga till there is a strong hint
She's a demon famalam
A semen demon
where does it say she was a goblin? I thought she was a demon
7yo latinas are the sexiest
I never understood this. You have a super cute loli that loves you unconditionally, why wait?
For build up?
For god tier edging.
Yeah too bad. The growing up part in the manga is diabetes inducing though
Time for more healing!
They never have a father/daughter relationship, so no.
Has the manga gotten to the part where Latina is bullied by a teacher for being a demon so badly she ends up cutting off her other horn?
Fucking dropped
He was more of a siscon older brother till she got through to him really.
pls no, dont remind
also, no
>usagi drop over again
well fuck you author, dropped
I hope Golem child and Goat daughter don't go this way too
Why are you complaining if you already have a preferred formula that's common?
it's not that common
it should be
>Golem child and Goat daughter
Help an user out, what are the names please ?
they grow back right?
was it her lower horn?
A LN based manga cover a vol in around 8-12 chapters, so around 2019-2020
>Somali to Mori no Kami-sama
maybe but it is golem father and human daughter
It's so cute it just kills me.
I haven't watched or read Usagi Drop. What makes people hate it so much?
The MC kills the fucker right?
Oh, didn't know there was a golem in Somali
Spoiler for the end they hook up
The guy married/fuck the kid later.
>Guy adopts what he thinks is his aunt, a very young girl
>Takes care of her until time skip, but she never refers to him as her father, only as her Daikichi
>After time skip, she confesses her love for him and it's revealed that she isn't really related to him
>A year passes while he ponders this development, and he accepts her feelings
Tl:dr, guy raised his own waifu. I, personally, don't mind how it ended, but I wish we had gotten more elaboration on both of their feelings. The ending felt rushed and tacked on, plus the fact that this guy is marrying his adopted daughter, all of which irk a lot of people
why does japan always have to ruin daughteru mangas...
>no capitalization
Lurk more before posting.
Guy adopts and raises daughteru. daughteru grows up and is in love with him, she confesses her love for him and they hook up.
Sup Forums is just a little bitchy about it because they love the raising part, but somehow think the love part is incestuous and wrong.
>incestuous and wrong
worse than NTR
i honestly didn't mind either. it's not like he forced himself on the girl using his position as an authority nor did he immediately try and fuck her when he got the chance nor was he related to her. he took care of her, raised her and she then fell in love with him. i think it irks people solely because it makes them uncomfortable around their own daughters, because they might have feelings for them too or some shit like that. But hey i'm not a dad, and for me the story was more about a girl growing closer to an older dude and eventually falling in love
Why is it so hard to just keep the girl as the daughteru? It's such a cute relationship already.
I mean, i'm fine with it turning romantic if there's proper buldiup for it i guess, but it just feels a little weird.
Re:zero has Subaru and Betty enter what's basically a father and daughter relationship where both they care of each other as contractor and spirit, it's pretty cute. I'm hoping the author doesn't try to make her think of him romantically, but i think so far the signs don't point in that direction, or at least Subaru doesn't feel that way about her, and Betty just wants a parent figure so far.
Sup Forums is 90% normalfags so its not surprising.
>raise daughter
>fuck her
this is objectively wrong
because shitty authors who have no clue about human relationships and let their dicks guide them
Wtf I thought Sup Forums loved incest.
No but seriously though, from what I'm hearing it seems like execution was part of the problem, and the other is the moral implications of making your daughter your lover.
I don't know much about the story, but in general, is it truly a moral wrong to romantically love one of your children? Can there not be exceptions depending on the circumstances?
>Wtf I thought Sup Forums loved incest.
but Sup Forums's thoughts change depending on the position of the moon and the planets not to mention the sun and the earth
I guess the idea is that, when you get invested and get to see the daughter get raised, and then it turns romantic it feels weird, compared to some random incest doujin.
incest is good. nbr is trash.
As usual, the anally devastated are the ones being loud.
Does this "I am in love with my adopted father" crap that Japan keeps opting for have anything to do with how such a plot point was featured in The Tale of Hikaru Genji?
This is not OK.
>keeps opting for
Do broken teeth grow back?
>Golem child
Nah. You know full well that's going to go full tragedy instead because papa golem has barely a year and a half to live.
>no madokami for the last chapter for 2 weeks
When you are a kid, yes.
But horns =/= teeth.
>Goat daughter
This also interest me
The entire area of the town she lives in loves her, that dude is fucking dead right? Cause i think people would mobilize because of that shit happening to her due to the asshole.
It has historic roots, yes.
as far as I know horns are condensed hair not bones
I mean, she's adopted and they aren't blood related and she fell in love first.
The teacher was a nun.
>tfw Dale is the cutest
So Latina's crime is causing Dale to kill the second Demon Lord, right?
She grew up nicely.
How old is Dale at the moment?
We know Latina is almost 8.
18, said so in the first chapter
>Getting bootyblasted over marrying your daughteru
Normalfags need to leave.
I don't mind incest or the idea of falling in love with your adopted child, but Usagi Drop just executed it in a really dumb way.
Post Adoption stories
Always make me feel warm, even if it's made up.
>from what I'm hearing it seems like execution was part of the problem
It was. At least for me, there is absolutely no problem with the "raise you're waifu" plot. However the execution in UD was pure garbage. Daikichi didn't have even a tiniest bit of romantic feelings for Rin and the first half was heavily focused on the father-daughter relationship and everything related to raising a kid. We also got some really solid groundwork for pairing Daikichi with a milf and Rin with her son.
And then the series goes wild. Previous developments go out the window, Rin and Daikichi aren't blood related anymore, a bomb gets dropped on Daikichi, dude is completely dumbfounded as his daughter suddenly wants to fuck him and instead of a forbidden love story we get a disturbing ending where Daikichi, unable to deal with the situation, forces himself to go along with Rin's demands. He doesn't show even a trace of romantic interest. Fuck, he doesn't even smile. He looks like someone who stares at the ceiling at 3AM and wonders where the fuck did he make a mistake.
I genuinely felt sorry for Daikichi, that's how badly executed this shit was.
Did he fuck her while she was a loli or did he also wait until she grew up?