Worst KyoAni show

>Unfunny slapstick comedy
>Overused sexual jokes
>Kissing underaged heroine in the first episode
>Significantly worse animation than other KyoAni animes
We agree this is the worst right?

hibike euph

Why did you make this bait thread? Why will it get hundreds of replies?

It's kinda shit yeah. Only memorable for the mascots and the fanservice.

Chu2 2 is still the bottom of Kyoani's barrel.

Hibike Unfonium

It was pretty bad but not actively painful to watch like Nichijou.

that's not free

Opinion discarded.

Also, that's not Kyoukai and Phantom World.


Amagi was fun.

It was absolutely better than chuu2 S2, that one boring show with the limbo boobies, KnK, and both seasons of fag pandering swimmers.


kyoani Shit 3:

phantom sales
flop dragon

>Amagi was fun
Amagi was trying to be fun and failed horribly most of the time.


>chuu2 S2
Those were so fucking bad beyond animation.

It didn't feel like KyoAni, but it was certainly a very fun show. They did a good job with the adaptation.

>give Sento additional bath scenes
>remove Latifa's only one
KyoAni anti-lolicon shit was already in the making.

who the fuck is the audience even supposed to be for this show? why do they mix sexualized teenage girls with cartoon mascots and a stupid premise for kids?

As someone who hasn't given a single fuck about Kyoani after they ditched Haruhi, Phantom World was the only Kyoani show so bad that you had corporate social media accounts like Crunchyroll trying to defend the show so people would actually bother to watch it.

It's troubling that you guys are taking this seriously yet not having an issue with his dig at "underage" heroines being kissed

Do you understand what comedy is or are you a robot?

I too would like to kiss an "underage" heroine

Kyoukai no Kanata, Free, Phantom World, Chuu2, Clannad, Kanon, Air and Lucky Star are all worse.

>Kyoukai no Kanata
Equally shit.
>Free, Phantom World
You're right.
Only Ren is worse.
>Clannad, Kanon, Air and Lucky Star
They are incomparably better.

Sento is love Sento is life

No Kyoani show has surpassed Amagi since it came out. Only Euphonium got close.

All you Sup Forumsnons saying Chu2 was bad, why? Not trying to troll, legitimately curious.

>who the fuck is the audience even supposed to be for this show?
You can ask yourself that for all of their shows/movies that got small sales, those were made to humor the studio itself.

The first season is great, the second one is pointless and boring for the most part.

Season 2 was awful.

I liked the first season.

First season introduced everyone, while also developing them as characters, and furthering their romance.
Chuu2 Ren became a syrupy and boring stalemate between Rikka and Yuuta (or whatever was generic MC's name), with a new pointless girl, older secondary cast being degraded to one gimmick, much less and worse fanservice, etc.
It was such a heartless adaptation to the bone.

I meant sequel.

First season was meh, second was just crap.

I don't consider this a great, or good show, but it wasn't the worst.

There are still that many newfags on Sup Forums that talked shit about this, chuuni or PW even, when Munto or Kanon is far far worse. Nichishit is awful, but at least it's an okay adaptation.

Fags who were triggered by drama. Literally that's all to it.

>Nichishit is awful

Yes. Now take your ADHD meds.

Hibike for me. I tried to like it but it's too pretentious for my liking. The animation is good though but I hated the color palettes.

Do you even watch the show?

Maiddragon made the same jokes over and over for an entire season

She kissed him.
She isn't.
More like secondary plot device.

The first season was shit too. I didn't watch the second season because the first was so shit.

But that's not Munto

Literally this, it's their worst adaptation so far, where others are an improvement.

I realize you want to repress the show from your memory and i don't blame you, but you need to accept the fact that KnK exist user.

Reality is subjective.

I love everything kyoani

except for free

because I prefer girls

>KnK exist
The worst part being that awful ending that was only here so the animators could have fun animating a terrible movie.

>people call Amagi fun, but call Phantom World boring
I can't even begin to understand

Phantom World had boring characters.

I thought AmaBuri and Phantom World were KyoAni's only entertaining shows.


I loved Amagi. Had incredible girls and it was a fun watch.

Haven't watched Phantom cause Eupho was such AIDS that I didn't wanna give them a chance

PLOTfag detected

>so bad that you had corporate social media accounts like Crunchyroll trying to defend the show so people would actually bother to watch it.
What, when did that happen?

What's so bad about KnK? Sup Forums memed me into thinking it was the worst thing ever but it was pretty alright.

What was wrong with Eupho?

Phantom World doesn't have based mascot and the jokes are less funny.

KyoAni are only good at making milf's and Christmas cakes.

Had the promise of a real series with its music, but spent the entire show on bullshit drama.

All those promo images made it look like it'd be a lot more engaging than it was

Phantom World was the only KyoAni show I dropped, and Chuuni2 was the only one I had to force myself to watch.

So one of them has to be the worst.

Munto walks free because no one watched it.

It's a drama series so obviously it has drama. It also had a lot of music, not that you'd know since you didn't even watch it.

KyoAni should make a harem full of christmas cakes.

I gotta agree with yurifags for once on HU

You don't make some yuribait show then flip flop on it. Nobody knew wtf they were watching. I didn't watch it because fuck yuri. Turns out it wasn't yuri. What the fuck was it?

Are cakefags looking forward to VEG?

Saw all of the first season. It was boring shit.

>I dunno if I wanna eupho
>wait I'll eupho
>dyke loves sensei
>someone challenges dyke for first chair
>friend gets dumped by some dude
>let's get serious about this!
>have some not yuri date
>finally play a concert
>Come back for s2 and a movie!

Good thing I didn't watch the anime right?

Yeah. I'm not a sperging autist so I'll probably enjoy it.

It was never a yuribait show. Yuribait doesn't even exist. The yuri elements in the show are minor and irrelevant.

outside of the parade you left out, that's pretty much the entire season

That yuribait shit was real, though. I never understood what they wanted to show with that. They're friends for an episode, and then they'll be close to fucking the next

>Saw all of the first season.
No you didn't. Why pretend? I for example have not seen Evangelion or Dragon Ball, even though supposedly everyone have seen those. I'm still not going to pretend I've watched them.

I just listed every significant thing from that season. Why do you insecure faggots resort to this when someone shits on your terrible show?

Like this garbage all you want, I've never gone back to it since I gave it more attention than it deserves.

Why do you faggots pretend to have seen things you haven't? You're doing it again: "terrible show," "garbage." It objectively isn't. So you've not actually seen it.

I hated it. I saw every episode of that boring ass season. You are objectively full of shit.

>It objectively isn't. So you've not actually seen it.

>If you watched it you had to have liked it

You didn't even see it you fucking retard. Stop pretending.

If you watched it then you would know that in no way does it qualify as "terrible" or "garbage."

Amagi was a solid 6/10.
Phantom World, Free and its abortion of a sequel, the second half of Chuuni and the second season and KnK, on the other hand, are abominations that shouldn't have been allowed to exist.

Amagi is a really good show though. The worst Kyoani is Chuu2 and Eufo. Phantom World was seasonal fluff, but it had nice anime titties.

Free S2 was much better than the first season.

>If you watched it then you would know that in no way does it qualify as "terrible" or "garbage."
I dropped it 4 or 5 episodes in because it was pretty dull.

Every TV anime is seasonal.

Garbage taste.

Munto, Air, and Chuu2 S2 are the worst KyoAni shows objectively.

I've dropped shows too. Doesn't necessarily mean they were terrible garbage.

It may not be my top KyoAni amine.
But still, best girl win. Confirmed.

Muse wins?

The show was terrible because of how remarkably mediocre it was. At least outright bad shows give you some kind of reaction. This was worse because it leaves you with absolutely nothing. Just a bunch of empty promises of a better show that never came.

Kobori wins?

Muse isn't even the best fairy

No dumbasses, Latifa does

It wasn't mediocre either. Production quality of this level is not the norm.

Amagi is one of Kyoani's better show. Fun yet slightly dark, I thought the MC's struggle to overcome his trauma fits quite nicely with his attempt to revitalize the park. The portryal of missing out on having a proper childhood, and finding harmony through getting his amissed transition into young adulthood through his interactions with various attractions and characters in the park was excellent. The slapstick and sexual tone also makes
sense if you consider this context.

Are you expecting people to objectively review every anime they watch? That's dumb. You're dumb.

After I finish a show I didn't like, I'm not gonna be all "Well I didn't enjoy it but the animation was nice or I can see the merits of that part". I'm just gonna call it shit and be done with it.

I wish.

Muse > Kobori > Salama > Sylphy

You're genuinely autistic if you can't appreciate a powerful, character driven story like Euphonium.

Still to power level battle shounens, sperg.

>production quality means instant classic

No, that's not how it works.

Byousoku 5 Centimeter was the prettiest snoozefest there is

You're genuinely autistic if you think no one can dislike a show you like.

>Are you expecting people to objectively review every anime they watch?

>That's dumb. You're dumb.
It isn't, and you are.

>After I finish a show I didn't like, I'm not gonna be all "Well I didn't enjoy it but the animation was nice or I can see the merits of that part". I'm just gonna call it shit and be done with it.
That's because you're dumb.

>production quality means instant classic
I never said anything even remotely like this, so you're either retarded or just lying.

>powerful, character driven story like Euphonium.

lol, now we're cooking


It doesn't have a whole lot to complain about unless you have ADHD. And when you consider everything season 2 added to every character you basically get a perfect anime.

>you basically get a perfect anime.

Okay, well it's good to know what kind of people watch this dreck