You can meet the serval at Non Hoi park!
Kemono friends
Other urls found in this thread:
welcome to Boobs Park
I want to hug Shoebill.
Why is the Tapir such a shit animal?
I think something is wrong with that Lucky Beast
He's using shoes/socks.
Please no raping Shoebill
This picture is a nostalgia bomb
I want to eat Fox meat.
I wanna do things to Arai-san
big bossu
What even are these threads now.
Don't post sub-human shit art.
Why is Fennec always so smug?
Your English just gave me cancer.
Mostly just following all the events and hoping for new announcements from them.
Hey boss
General for the sporadic news and interesting bits of KF culture so we won't cover all of Sup Forums with little shit.
Wasn't there going to be another Japariket or something? Although we haven't even gotten many scans from the first one.
Autism containment zones.
The amount of items you can buy per are limited in those events.
Don't expect any decent scans anytime soon since that involves destroying your copy.
It's fine, "what even is" is a slang construction but not entirely incorrect.
>S2 announcement 10 years later
I don't get it
I feel like Ooi would have been a better choice over Chikuma. Still a great pic though.
>but not entirely incorrect
Are you sure about that? It sounds godawful reading it.
Only watched the show after it aired but was there an announcement for season 2 or nothing yet?
Jag for best wife!
Watch the final scene again and pay attention to the lower right corner in the water
There is a new Kemono Friends game, musical and video project announced. It's almost certain there will be a season 2 just nothing you can quote saying "season 2 confirmed".
Katyusha, Arai and Tone form the baka trio.
You'd be perma-smug too if you had Arai-san for a girlfriend.
Didn't the guy running the TV channel basically say there is a spot waiting for them when S2 is done?
So whats with the cookies?
The money is going just to the zoos to save zoos pretty much?
>I'm going to be dead 4-6 years from now because of leukemia
Have fun for me, anons
The fact that they're holding out on what form the new video project is actually going to be makes me feel like it's not going to be season 2
Post boat friends
Those are condoms user.
Those cookies are rebuilding an earthquake damaged zoo
They are laced with Sandstar.
Getting a yearly movie means that the show really hit it big time. Only japan cultural icon get a movie on a yearly basis.
If it is really a movie though, it will never be released outside of japan.
Please keep boatshit in its respective thread.
Which Friend likes butt fucks the most?
Still wondering what the "original content" that has been decided for TV Tokyo's streaming service is and when there will be more new on it.
I suppose the next major event will be the new talk show on Saturday at 8pm.
People having fun while talking about things related to the show. Just like every other thread on Sup Forums that wasn't created to shitpost.
Is the other guy a GuP Anglerfish?
Japan is going to run out of flour and eggs when these go on sale.
Kemono Friends should not meddle in the food supply.
>Serval mentions bird Friends have wings on the back when checking Kaban out
What? Are there any designs like that?
Does Serval think anything with wings is a bird?
It's an unresolved plothole
Look at this Owl eating a burger.
>implying bats aren't birds
ezo tastes rather gamey
>Does Serval think
You could have stopped there
That's where they are on birds and Serval is dumb.
Bkub is a treasure.
Bats are bugs.
>original jpg is 237 KB
>transparent png jumps to 1.3MB
No they aren't you retard, they're amphibians
What word did serval actually use for back anyway
Wow. Welcome to lossless image formats user
Well neither encompasses "top of the head".
boat friends were also watching animal friends
snek and birb
Poor underrated bird, she deserves to be lewded too.
Doing what must be done, wolf is a hero.
Someone explain the four gods to me. What even are they?
They're kind of at the rear portion of the head if you consider the fact that the wing itself is just folded forward and would mostly be at the back when in flight.
King cobra is unbearably sexy