ITT:Canonically gay characters


>jerking off to a girl



Shinji isn't gay, he's just so desperate for human affection that he'll take anyone.
There's tons of whiny faggots like that on Sup Forums too and they're annoying blogfags

op isn't gay, he's just a faggot

He became gay after his true love (Sayaka) died, because no woman could ever surpass her for him


Move over, first actually canonically gay character on this thread coming through. And you literally can't prove me wrong.

But can you prove yourself right?

Dumb fujoscum

Say it in red: Battler Ushiromiya is not gay.

I dare you.

He danced classic music with a girl once. Thats pretty gay. He probably also got cooties too.


>he's not gay, he's just willing to fuck dudes
Whatever you say, fagotron

>he isn't gay
>but if a man wanted to have passionate sex with him he'd accept

he's bi, dumbass







This desu, I feel the same way.
The only reason I have sex with men is because women don't give me attention.

shinji is bi

gay for pay is a thing user

Liking traps isn't gay. They're girls in all but dick.

t. Tumblr.

Being bi is gay

>Being bi is gay

Put at least some effort in this geez



Is this OUR BOY? Kinda hard to recognize tbqh


OP is the real faggot

>thinking this shitty whiny manlet isn't homo

He is homo and so is OP

I want someone who looks at me the way Shinji looks at Kaworu

Just because OP wanted to talk about gay characters doesn't mean that he actually is gay. You can't assume anybody's sexuality.

but if asuka was a dude misato would find out from the hotspring scene.

Oh right, my mistake. OP is not a homo he's just a faggot.

She did ;^)

You want to be a giant angel destroying the world and have someone in a biomecha look at you through it's eyes via the neural link that allows him to pilot it?

Did Asuka fuck Misato with her femdick?

Such a cute gay couple

The only user that actually posts a gay character



Do you not know who is?