Asian Woman Found Dead in Abandoned Subway Dead for 2 Weeks

Investigators have identified the remains of a body — which had been dead for about two weeks — found at a Georgia mall.

Silling A. Man, a 19-year-old Georgia State University sophomore, was discovered Dec. 21 in a vacant Subway restaurant at Gwinnett Place Mall in Duluth, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Officials said her body was in an “advance state of decomposition,” according to The Gwinnett Daily Post.

Man first disappeared Oct. 8, but returned home shortly after a relative contacted the cops.

She disappeared again two days later, police said.

Officials said she last was seen Nov. 20 when she picked up a paycheck at a store in a different mall from the one where she was found dead.

90% chance she got nig-nogged right?

Just a murder. Sad. But watch Sup Forums try to twist race, Pizzagate and other stupid/debunked shit into this.

I wonder who did it

It was Atlanta so I’m gonna assume Niggers

Pfft can you go one day with being a cum guzzling retard?

>That nose
Good riddance

so what you're saying is...
man's not hot?

I think we all know who did this.

Nah, Asians don't fuck with them like that.

i didnt realize it was atlanta

Are you kidding me? Asians whores literally fuck niggers.

I bet a nigger did it.

Owed some nog money for drugs

Pretty typically stuff

Well that's stating the obvious

No ketchup. Just sauce.

Thanks pajeet you can now go back to shitting on the streets.

Yeah you are totally right.

I'd make it squirt

Heroin junkie > Fentanyl mix > OD > Dealer moved her body there or she shot up there


More like 99%

They still love the BBC.

Yeah look at the schnozz on that one. Ceiling man? Shilling man? Kaifeng ancestry no doubt. You can’t make this shit up.

A little backstory on this mall...
Used to be a very popular thriving mall in Metro Atlanta. Problem was the area around it was diversified with a lot of illegals all over.
Most signage near this mall is in Korean, Chinese, Russian, Mexican, etc. Over the last 15 years, the area around the mall became known for drugs & the sex trade. Illegals were pouring in all over near this area. Whites began to leave in record numbers and went to the surrounding areas while this mall became a shit hole.
Most of the anchor stores have been gone for 10+ years and the surrounding strip malls are all in a decaying state of shit. I believe the anchor stores left are a Burlington Coat Factory, a fucking shit ass college, and maybe Sears?

I avoid this place like the fucking plague like most white people do. A lot of gang activity and crime in this mall. Its not a pleasant place to be.

wierd here its always creepy white guys killing em here

I first misread that name as Shilling A. Man

everyone is white in canada...


What is that?

Metro Atlanta = 95% chance of wild nigger attack.

Define "Asian".

Gwinnett has blacks but it's mostly Asians and latinos. Whites are a minority in the county and mostly live in the northern part. Probably some sort of gang shit but not a nigger gang. They don't have much power in Gwinnett.

770 bro here. Gwinnett place is on Pleasant Hill rd. That's ching chong central through there along with wetbacks in pockets and nigs on the east towards Lawrenceville. If anything, she was some hooker that got smacked up by hong li pimp and left to rot literally

Mall attract young nogs in droves. They enact curfews like it's a solution but really the decadence and optimism of the 80's and 90's is beyond dead. Also Black on azn crime is surging in record numbers, they wrote a song about it Meet the Flockers