So where can I get old anime, now that bakabt became private?
So where can I get old anime, now that bakabt became private?
Any anime streaming site of your choice.
just use your account.
>watching old anime
>private trackers
If I wanted these, I wouldn't be here now, would I?
Don't have/want.
>If I wanted these, I wouldn't be here now, would I?
Nowhere then you fucking retard. Fuck off.
Doesn't AB also need an application?
Also give me an invite there or something.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
I've gone to Sup Forums a few days ago to talk about the new Samurai Jack and saw a thread regarding kissanime.
The OP was complaining that the website is down and the posts following it were people that were using a fake website that could have quite possibly given them a trojan. Over there, streaming was the unfortunate norm, even though there were places to download their western cartoons in up to 1080p quality and it was quite disgusting.
Direct downloads, you'll be surprised
>where can I get
Recommendation/request threads belong on the appropriate board, Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Every board needs to get purged except /jp/ to be honest.
Baka admins are taking questions on thwir twitter. Seems my account was pruned. Feels bad that I haven't logged in for 11 months.
Search for "anime_title download" on google and 99% of the time you'll find a way.
Sup Forums is basically Tumblr, you shouldn't be surprised.
amazon japan
Post mail and 3 favorite anime