Please don't make fun of Kuroeda's fat butt.
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
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I'm sorry I doubted you, Meth.
>fat elves
Fuck off bulimic bitch
How is Kuroeda so best?
he's never gonna make this in to porn or draw doujin again is he?
Is Kuroeda actually fat? I thought she was just bloated.
She doesn't seem fat in the last chapter and her butt is a bit smaller than in the OP pic.
She is a classy lady unlike the rude hick elf.
I would feed her tons of fried potato dishes if you catch my drift
Oni is better.
I disagree about dark elf.
great googly moogly
She hits all my fetishes.
Are you retarded?
I would latch onto that belly like a lamprey.
I'm trying to cure my meth addiction and you guys keep doing this to me.
The author of this is Synecdoche
That's Methonium's other name.
Sure thing.
Brap posting was a mistake.
I never understood it, it isn't even a fart sound.
Please no I can't handle another thicc thread
No one in this manga is actually fat.
None of them are obese. Fatness is a range, not a boolean.
I don't want to make fun of it, I want to make love to it.
I want to see Erufuda get fucking BIG, if only for one chapter.
is that yujiro in the backround?
ogre woman is my dream woman
She's also got a beer gut.
Beer guts make me go nuts.
I want to marry that fat butt
All she needs is a gruff, low pitched but still femenine voice that becomes cuter and high pitched when she's moaning very excited and it's PERFECT
nigga stop, muh dick can not handle this.
>tfw no /fit/ oni gf
Jesus you can take me now
Manjuu butt best butt.
I want to nut in that beer gut