Why do people hate snake? the only thing she wanted was everything

why do people hate snake? the only thing she wanted was everything

I only watched bakemonogatari, I saw no reason to dislike her

She's fine. If anything I didn't like how she was shelved after Hitagi End altogether until Off-Season or something, Hitagi End was a pretty abrupt end to her arc that barely even felt like an ending (though I guess they do the exact same thing with Sodachi in Owari which was my favorite part of the series)

Because people have shit taste.

I like a spicy loli. While Shinobu maybe be cool, Nadeko is spicy.

Overall cool and spicy is good for daily intake of loli.

>The only thing wrong with her was everything

>hating a loli voiced by hana-kana
>tfw you will never play twister with snake

life is suffering and you need to kys

at first i hated her but it's more mutual now. seeing her character develop into what it was all because she want muh araararagi kun was stupid thats all

>Batshit crazy
>forced personality
She is the worst character Nisio created.

No, you posted her

I still can't believe that it was all over some fuckin kid's manga. I was sure Kaiki was going to uncover a pedo ring when he started going through pictures of her acting cutesy.

Bat is closed to discussion, retard. She is the only reason we can have monogatari threads in the first place.

A lot of people can't handle being faced with perfection, so they lash out at it.

She's the most interesting character in that shit. Also the best arc.

Hating her is literally a meme.
No one can provide you with good reasons that make sense.

>Hating her is literally a meme.
It started in reaction to the meme that Nadeko was a realistic character, for what it's worth.

Snake is literally the worst girl out of a show of best girls.

This. I don't have Snake high up there in the zoo chart, but I really can't find where all the tremendous amount of hate for her is for.

She is literally retarded.
She threatened to kill everyone just because Araragi was with someone else, but at the same time she didn't wanna be with Araragi, she just wanted lust for him but never actually be with him.


She's a slut and not even KanaHana could save her character.

Snek is so pure she was willing to kill to guarantee no one would ever date her.